So i have two herbs that my friend gave me but i cant find at what temperature to vape them at. My friend only drinks it as tea, so she doesn't know. Hence i come here
First horny goats weed, I'm somewhat to believe this is a myth anyway, but since i have it, i wanne try it out. Does anyone used this and knows what temperature it should be at?
Then skullcap.. I thought a lot of people used this to vape. But i cant seem to find the information im looking for. Do i mix it with my weed? Or do i vape it before or after weed? And does anyone have a recommended temperature? at 170c / 338f it just doesn't look vaped. But i also don't wanne burn the stuff down..
And my last question for today is, did anyone vape lavender? I am afraid the smell/taste will stick to my vaporizer for a long time and I'm really not sure if i like the taste of it.
I tried out Valerian roots, i put 1 - 3 sticks in my vape, together with either hop or weed.
Depending on the size of the stick / root and how much i think i need it at that moment.
It makes me very calm, i get more of a body high and i sleep wonderfully.
I set my vape at my normal 184c/363f mostly because i can mix it with other stuff then.
I really prefer to mix stuff, although i sometimes start to miss the pure weed taste.
But that lasted for only a few tokes anyway. When i mix, the flavor stays longer.
There is more smoke/vape visible, which for me means i toke longer and the substance turns more brown then when i just put weed in there. Which is nice, cause i like to get as much out of it as possible.
After vaping hop for a little over a week, i forgot to add it yesterday to my last bowl.
At 4 in the night i was still awake trying to figure out what was wrong and i went for a smoke.
Then i noticed the hop wasn't on my desk, and hence i didn't add it. After vaping some i finally got some sleep. Its interesting. I have been having sleep problems for as long as i remember. I was 8 when i first got melatonin from the hospital (back then you couldn't just buy that everywhere) but it never really did the trick for me. But now with the hops, wauw.. Best sleeps ever! I highly recommend this to anyone having trouble sleeping.
ps. With my VapirRise 2.0 i love love love the big bowl. When looking to buy a vaporizer that was the one thing i really disliked about the Vapir. The big ass bowl. I was like with the amount of weed i put in there its overkill, to have such a huge bowl. But now that i mix all other stuff with it, its just perfect. Especially the hop, since the flower leaves are quit big and this way i don't have to grind it at all
pps. Valerian root is family of catnip. My cats tried to chew open the bag. If they eat to much of it, it might be dangerous. So if you have cats (or kids) keep that stuff locked away