Purchased a few herbs from
https://www.pit-pit.com in Europe. I don't have much success with finding all the herbs from this thread. I also don't get much vapor from the herbs i purchased. The only herb i get a tiny wisp of vapor from in the very beginning is Damiana. Currently using a S&B MIGHTY to extract the herbs.
This is the list i purchased and the review i give it:
Damiana (tiny vapor/potent)
Eucalyptus (no vapor/no effect)
Lemon Balm (no vapor/no effect)
Lemon Grass (no vapor/no effect)
Chamomile (no vapor/small effect)
Rosemary (no vapor/brain tonifying???)
(Tried vaporizing lavender/hops too... Was way too strong and nasty for me, I also didn't had any vapor.)
Damiana definitely works and i can feel the effects but the feeling is nowhere near our precious MJ. The effect however can be very potent if you didn't vape anything for a long time! Smooth anti depressant effect and it's like it gives you energy/motivation/creativity too. However not sure about the constant usage of it.
This is what i found on Zamnesia.com
Damiana has some immediate
effects, they tend to build up and increase over a period of weeks.
As with many herbs, consuming it regularly in smaller amounts will lead to longer lasting benefits, while punctual high doses tend to have a short lived but stronger effect. After a period of regular consumption of any herb, a pause of a few weeks is always recommended before the plant is taken up again.
I'm not sure about Rosemary and Chamomile, I don't get any vapor from it, neither from the other herbs i purchased. This is kinda boring/annoying when you're vaping because you really miss those clouds and have the feeling your vaping an empty bowl.
Well, i kinda gave up for now because i didn't found any other source where i can purchase my herbs from. My list is kinda short and i wish i could find some more potent or maybe better quality herbs. I read somewhere in this thread that fresh chamomile is hard to find. The one i purchased was maybe too dry...
If anyone can clarify more on this ethnobotanical thread and great sources to buy from in Europe, will be much appreciated.