The Eighteen Millimeter Killer by Good Vibes Boro

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
Decided to do a bit of a stress test, and pushed this past 20 seconds, maybe up to 35 seconds. The heat was intense, and I got more vapor than I've probably ever gotten. Killed the whole bowl in two big hits, virtually no flavor as everything was blasted off, and the ABV was the darkest I've ever gotten without combusting. Riding the line pretty hard on that one. I wouldn't do that again for fun, but I did want to see what this could do when given a big push, and in that aspect it did not disappoint.
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Well-Known Member
Decided to do a bit of a stress test, and pushed this past 20 seconds, maybe up to 35 seconds. The heat was intense, and I got more vapor than I've probably ever gotten. Killed the whole bowl in two big hits, virtually no flavor as everything was blasted off, and the ABV was the darkest I've ever gotten without combusting. Riding the line pretty hard on that one. I wouldn't do that again for fun, but I did want to say what this could do when given a big push, and in that aspect it did not disappoint.
Yeah, I hit it too hard yesterday and while I didn't see an ash or yellow smoke, my tongue was not convinced. Bleah. Blasted it black before I could react.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Having used both versions for a few weeks now, I definitely prefer the capsule version. A bigger bowl, stronger hits, less risk of combustion.



Love the beads! Great work @GoodVibesBoro !


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Stronger hits? Damn, the basket stems already hit like nothing else in my collection.
The capsule stem is honestly amazing.
Firstly, the bowl is bigger, so more material is extracted.
Secondly, the capsule provides a bit of conduction and, above all, protection against combustion, so you can draw immediately after heating.
The priming is fast and the vapor production totally extravagant!

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
The capsule stem is honestly amazing.
Firstly, the bowl is bigger, so more material is extracted.
Secondly, the capsule provides a bit of conduction and, above all, protection against combustion, so you can draw immediately after heating.
The priming is fast and the vapor production totally extravagant!
Okay, you convinced me. I already have some Ti capsules from Ed, and I do like adding a bit of conduction. I’ll order a capsule stem on the next drop. @GoodVibesBoro when can we expect that?

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Direct heat like a Sticky Brick or direct heat like there is an intake tube that goes to a reservoir of beads, which then heat soak? Trying to envision what this one is.

Yeah if there were a reservoir of balls to heat then it would not be direct... Direct torch convection is the brick triihouse style's broad term

Haha that link doesn't work, fun video of a ram running up the street
Shit Snacks,

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
My big torch ran out in the middle of a heat cycle so I grabbed my small triple flame torch and tried to heat it to no avail. I might have been able to get it hot enough over time but I felt like I was exhausting the tank of the triple flame as well. Had to switch to a battery powered vape to finish out the bowl. Lesson learned, big torches only.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to share just a couple thoughts before I head out for the holidays: get yourself a Submarine--it's fantastic! My package contained the two bent intakes per the product description, as well as two others: a normal length intake with dimples, and a longer intake with dimples and balls!

I can specifically recommend the dimpled heat intake: it slows the heat enough and adds turbulence so it's forgiving with a nice, even roast. I have tried the others and have gotten handy with them--all perfectly acceptable and great for this circumstance or that--but the dimpled one is easiest for general use. Love the heady handles though the body stays cool enough to handle (DO NOT touch the heater tube!). This is really a wonderful little vape: great flavor and clouds, adjustable to your needs, a fantastic partner to the 18mm Killer.
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Well-Known Member
Been trying mine out now. Comparing it to similar glass vapes the Eighteen MK takes a bit longer than Terpcicle to come up to heat (10s) and needs more heat after for fully extraction (+ 10s~). I use terpcicle without a quartz heater btw. It's a powerfull little thing, but does require a big strong torch to get the desired 20-25 seconds heat up. I don't have the big shot blazer unfortunately.

Aesthetically it looks different from my thoughts. I wished the floor of the pearls was closer to herbs/capsule itself. That way it would look more pleasing and probably functioned better. And that's also how I thought it would look observed from pictures on FC. Mine has so much space in between that I can almost fit two capsules inside. In fact I do have two capsules in one of the pictures with more space to use to show my point.

For now the looks and functions underwhelms me a bit, but maybe it can find it's place in my rotation...

Liked my things from Mike from GoodVibesBoro, especially the aftermarket stems for Tinymight. Thanks for sending it discreetly and well packed 😄

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Been trying mine out now. Comparing it to similar glass vapes the Eighteen MK takes a bit longer than Terpcicle to come up to heat (10s) and needs more heat after for fully extraction (+ 10s~). I use terpcicle without a quartz heater btw. It's a powerfull little thing, but does require a big strong torch to get the desired 20-25 seconds heat up. I don't have the big shot blazer unfortunately.

Aesthetically it looks different from my thoughts. I wished the floor of the pearls was closer to herbs/capsule itself. That way it would look more pleasing and probably functioned better. And that's also how I thought it would look observed from pictures on FC. Mine has so much space in between that I can almost fit two capsules inside. In fact I do have two capsules in one of the pictures with more space to use to show my point.

For now the looks and functions underwhelms me a bit, but maybe it can find it's place in my rotation...

Liked my things from Mike from GoodVibesBoro, especially the aftermarket stems for Tinymight. Thanks for sending it discreetly and well packed 😄
Can you attach pictures of it ?

The 18mmK should be more convection focused than the terpcicle which clearly rely on conduction and radiation more than convection. Convection require more heat than conduction.
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