I'd say faulty battery since it's only happening with certain batteries? Other thing would be bad battery connection. I'm guessing here though to be honest.
Yeah, one small drop of glue fixes this issue, if you could even call a loose magnet an issue. Different metals expand/contract different amounts at different temperatures so a press fit magnet is likely to fall out at some time or another. Drop of glue works wonders, is easy to do, and is incredibly cheap.okay..this just happened - the small magnet on top came out.
would a simple 3 seconds glue fix this..?
Just evaluating the IQ here and when i swap batteries, it forgets all the user settings: LED brightness, preferred mode (Smartpath vs Fixed temp) and the respective temp settings. For a tobacco vaper who goes through several batts in a day, this is a big minus.
I assume this is because the unit has no non-volatile memory where it can remember a few bits of information between battery swaps, but I'm not sure.
Can anyone confirm the IQ forgetting settings after a battery swap?
Does anyone know a way to prevent this?
I tried keeping the usb-charger plugged in while opening battery door, but It forgot the settings anyway.Yes, the IQ forgets everything when taking out the battery.
And, as far as I know, there no way to prevent it.
Hi from Athens, Greece!
Registered in 2013 on FC if i recall, but never really posted.
Owner of a DaVinci OG back in the days, then a Flowermate HybridX, then... had a break.
Opted for a comeback with the IQ, because a friend had it and i tested and found the flavor... quite nice! Bought it here from 'Vapour2smoke' the local DaVinci retailer i believe, in one exposition.
So... with the stock battery it was getting quite hot, which i found weird...
I opened FC, scrolled through the last pages and found this recommendation about the Samsung 30Q and it is somehow better now. (bought two + a Nitecore i2)
These days i 'zapped' a bit the whole 140 pages and have more knowledge about this little machine... some useful comments inside this topic!
A bit annoyed by the 'auto' start - i mean once you get used to set up the device it is ok... but while changing batteries i wasn't ready for a total recall (smart paths mode which i don't use that much vs precision mode... or even worst: going back on Fahrenheit from Celsius)
@Davinci_vaporizer any chance we get a 'firmware' and app updates that will adress some of those minor issues? like more settings? auto-start, disable BT etc.?
Missing the simple digital screen on the OG and the 'FIRE!' button lol
Else what to say: portability, style and quality of vapor, tremendous!
The up button on my IQ stopped working when pressed it turns the IQ off .
any help with this one or do I have to send it in under warranty ?
Does the quiet buzzing/crackling sound indicate a unit in need of repair? Mine does it intermittently.
No, the buzzing is the mini motor that signals your device when it's reached temperature. Totally normal! :-)
I've had my IQ for almost 2 years. Cool little unit. Although now, a whole slew of issues has been affecting the Davinci.
Biggest problem is that it doesn't go up to temperature any longer. Unit turns on no problem. If I set the temperature to let's say 370, it will very slowly raise the temperature but it never reaches the designated temp. It sticks around 330 degrees and when I hit it, the temp drops down close to 300 (very rough estimate but I hope you get the idea). I have 4 different batteries that are all in good condition. Each yield the same result.
Also having an issue where the battery meter reads incorrectly (fully charged battery reading as low power). This has been the case since I bought it but I don't think that's a big deal.
There are a few more minor issues that I'm not too worried about. Any idea about the temperature issue? That's my main concern. Just send the vape in?
No, they all buzz. Even the MIQRO. It's a normal sound.Does the quiet buzzing/crackling sound indicate a unit in need of repair? Mine does it intermittently.
Ok, I've had my IQ a few weeks now, so here are my thoughts.
1) The LEDs are cool and all, but I'd rather have a nice LCD screen that can show me everything at once. I want to see current temp, set temp, current smart path, battery level -- all at a glance. Can't do that with these LEDs. Also the LEDs are too freaking bright, even in 'stealth' mode. So yeah -- I want a screen instead.
Bottom line, this is an awesome device.
Where's the update?Yes! Will have an update for everyone on Monday. Just got word. Sorry this has been taking forever, but we do appreciate everyone's patience as we get these last issues resolved.
Yes, this is covered. I'll DM you with info to start an RMA!