So if I understand the bluetooth discussion correctly, no matter what (DaVinci is powered off, Phone is nowhere near the DaVinci trying to pair or do Smart Path stuff) there is always going to be a slow Bluetooth related power tickle in the IQ unit itself? Bummer.
Advice appreciated - I tend to go through cycles where I am not consuming very much, if at all. My IQ has been idle for the past several weeks. Should I remove the battery to prevent full discharge and potential damage? Should I consider putting it into some kind of battery keeper unit that keeps the battery fresh while not in use?
this is my biggest concern, I dont need that bluetooth app shit. I have full control over the unit without the app...there need to be a software update to enable/disable the bluetooth via the buttons on the device itself.
havent got a response to my emails since a week now...please Ivana answer me, need that RMA# you promised...can I have the DaVinci and an Ascent instead of one IQ??

Actually it is really sad (or ridiculous)...a 300 bucks device released with kindergarden diseases

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