Im talking about the Farid message, not Tiny88
Edit: now what really Matter: the vape and hits!

(with CBD)
Your video is absolutely better than mine hehe arghhh

Have you tried to use it in an induction heater? Are any of the pieces compatible with Dynavap pieces? Like, could you put the danivape tip on a dynavap stem or vice versa?
We actually made a handmade IH and it works for sure. And DaniVape tip and Dyna stem aren't compatible. For the opposite side if you change the o-ring it may be

The Anvil was a welcome addition to my DV family, and think there could also be a place for the Danivape. Willing to interact with this community after all the slings and arrows is a plus in my estimation.
Advice to my young developers. If the product can stand on it's own merits there is no need to piggy back on another's name. You've made the grind ahead unnecessarily more difficult.
Only the best to you and your future enterprise!
I clicked on the imgur image (the one showing the parts) and the "cap" has a "jacket" around it (bit like the FMJ). On that jacket it says BFG (BatteryFreeGanz i presume).
Why not use that as (or in) the name? The 'BFG' or 'DanisaBFG' or "NoBatteringDani" or the "BatFreeDani" (these suggestions kinda suck but my point is that anything other than Danivape would be better(y) actually...)
Can always ask the FC members for suggestions, make a little contest and donate one to whoever comes up with the best name!
Imho the current name will have an impact on the products credibility...
Not asking me and i don't have one but looking at the pictures of the parts i don't think so. The bowls are bigger and threaded (?) by the looks of it. On the imgur page you can scroll and there is a DV next to the DV (see what happened here?? lol) and they look different sized for sure... But might be wrong; looks can deceive and i'm doubting myself now because i see the tip part might not be threaded?
Thanks for your advice my friend

Let's make it clear with the name.
DaniVape is a name which could have many explainations. How about if I say Danh is my name in Vietnam and Nina is my girlfriend's name, so the name "Dani" come up from that ? Or "Dani" is actually a real name in Spain so I use DaniVape name to approach Spain's market because Spain could be my target or I have been inspired by Dani Box by Discodes ? C'on everybody know how you guys are gonna react when we use this name and we still took it anyway. Why ?
If we use another totally different name, just like Anvil and you guys will judge it as a knock-off thing anyway because its shape, won't ya ? So why we don't take that name, trigger people's imagination and see how people talk about it, in a judging way or encouraging way it's still fun hehe

Real users won't notice much about that stupid name, they will notice about its different mechanism and how we solve some problems that other butan vapes have.
In conclusion, "Dani" is just a guessing game, we even explained with Danisa cookies thing as a meme on our social media. Because at the end of the day, having fun is what we actually need

We never mean to compete with anyone, Dyna or Anvil because we started as a handmade vape shop, just sell around the town our handmade products (plural) for passion. In future, we will have more handmade vapes anyway so many thanks for you guys who did join our game !!!
If anyone of you feel offensive or disrespectful about the "Dani" thing just let us know, we may change it and host a competition, who could make a better name will have a free DaniVape or something like that hehe