About time
Your going to need this stuff:
Extraction tube ( SSTB, have a blower make you a glass tube.. etc.. i got my SSTB from Bed Bath and Beyond )
Coffee filters ( brown ones are best )
nylon zip ties / hose clamp
razor blades ( you want to get the "safety blade" type, i would look at auto zone or similar )
pyrex pie plate ( when you are picking it out, check to make sure the bottom of the pan is concave ( lowest point is in the center .. thanks spidey! hehe )
Skillet that will fit the above pie plate in a double boiler fashion
Butane, i recommend vector
something to pack down your tube ( i use an old butter knife )
something to pick out the herb once its been taned ( i use a skewer with a bent tip on it and just push
the material out the large opening )
Torch ( blazer gb2001 is recommended, im waiting on mine to arrive and have been using my bed bath and beyond crembrule torch lol )
dabber ( i use a dental pick from walmart )
oil dishes ( not needed but.. come on

Ti curve / dome with TI nail
Lol i think thats everything.. send me an email if you have any questions.