B. said:So I had a weird thing happen. I was doin a run lasr night, 14 g of mr clean, and I brought it inside to purge I got some water in the butane. I put the pie plate on some very hot but not boiling water and evaporated most of the water, I then swirled the water around in the pie dish which caused most of the bho the stick to the side. I dumped the remaiming water(yeah I saved it) and purged again like normal but there was no butane left at all I scraped it all together, its bright green, super shattery and really tasty . Has anyone else ever had this happen? Is adding water to the liquid butane a viable purge tek?if not why not?
So I tried this method yesterday and I'm not too happy with the results.DeepFried said:Setup your new okeif tube right over a dish of warm water. Extract right into the water and then use the end of a straightened paper clip or similar to swirl the oil while it floats on the water. All the oil will collect on the end of the paper clip. Real easy.
quomist said:This is what it looks like after I gave it a bit of heat and mixing.
manchild said:So I tried this method yesterday and I'm not too happy with the results.DeepFried said:Setup your new okeif tube right over a dish of warm water. Extract right into the water and then use the end of a straightened paper clip or similar to swirl the oil while it floats on the water. All the oil will collect on the end of the paper clip. Real easy.
As Deepfried mentioned it was incredibly easy to collect the oil as it was sitting on top of the water in a light film and clumped up nicely on my paper clip.
The thing is it didn't seem to purge properly and I think it's still full of either butane or water. It looks quite similar to a post made by Quomist a while back. Check out the picture below.
The best way for me to describe it is an "ear wax" like consistency. (BHW!)
quomist said:This is what it looks like after I gave it a bit of heat and mixing.
So I'm not sure what I did wrong. As I collected the oil off the surface there was a lot of water mixed in with it. I thought this would come out after a long hot water purge and a bit of torch flamage. The hot water purge didn't really do much but the torching produced many flaming bubbles at first and decreased the overall size of the oil chunk considerably. So I think it's water and butane.
So what's done is done. No big deal really. Not a big enough amount to worry about. Probably won't try it again though
What I would like to know is can I rescue this wax and get it back to a nice glass like form??
If not do you think I can I still safely vape it?? It still smells awsome and is actually in a more manageable form than shatter.
Thanks guys.![]()
Sick, I need a dome kit like that but can't find anything in stock on the sites I found:cogz756 said:Blazemaster Came today!
manchild said:Thanks deepfired no worries. It's all a learning experince.
I tried heating it up a little more but there was not much change. I did vape it and I don't think there was anything bad about it really. There was a slightly different taste to it, but it was still a good taste and the potency certainly wasn't lacking.
I think it is possible that my water was too warm to start with, but that butane is pretty icy cold so i thought the temp dropped pretty quickly when blasting. I know there are other forums that probably have all this info if i search it out, but i'm a little lazy hehe, and it's good to have this info here on fc for all to see i guess.
I should add that i recently purchased a Herbal Innovations Essential VAAAPP Eclipse Vape H2O. How's that for a monumental name! Who knows what I'm supposed to call it. I won't give a full review here but I will say that it works as intended for bho. The hits have always been very full and satisfying. The taste is definitely lacking when compared to a glass nail which is my only other consumption experience. The advantage is that i can get multiple hits back to back if i load more than one dabs worth. This is when the taste is lost after the first hit, much the same as getting multiple vape hits off a bowl of fresh herbs. Also the use of a small torch flame makes it more stealthy and the speed of heating is a huge plus and is the only reason i would use this over other methods.
I have the VAAAPP and the Eclipse will be my next purchase. I like the modularity of the glass vials and all their benefits. My only concern with the Eclipse is the weight of it, can never let go of your tube or it's broke. Thanks for the review.
I agree about the heat up speed, you get to where you want to be in under 10 seconds! including heat up and inhale times, my Extreme would take me 30 minutes of hitting it at high temp and still be no where near as medicated as one hit off this thing.
Never heard anything like this before. Are you saying that's the case with the same bud in both vapes? Or oil in the vaaapp vs bud in the EQV?DeepFried said:my Extreme would take me 30 minutes of hitting it at high temp and still be no where near as medicated as one hit off this thing.
notmyrealUSERname said:deepfried:
I have the VAAAPP and the Eclipse will be my next purchase. I like the modularity of the glass vials and all their benefits. My only concern with the Eclipse is the weight of it, can never let go of your tube or it's broke. Thanks for the review.
i understand the benefits of having multiple vials available to vape from, but what are some of the drawbacks? are they hard to load, clean, screw in and out, and are they recyclable in any way? i don't like the idea that the glass vials are thought of as disposable.
is there any abv? i have seen that when people 'heat that ti', the bho is 'dissolved' onto the ti, and only a 'stain' remains - does the same thing happen with the glass vials?
I agree about the heat up speed, you get to where you want to be in under 10 seconds! including heat up and inhale times, my Extreme would take me 30 minutes of hitting it at high temp and still be no where near as medicated as one hit off this thing.
that is awesome! a huge benefit imho.
Shiz said:Never heard anything like this before. Are you saying that's the case with the same bud in both vapes? Or oil in the vaaapp vs bud in the EQV?DeepFried said:my Extreme would take me 30 minutes of hitting it at high temp and still be no where near as medicated as one hit off this thing.
Most people say the Vaaapp is not that great with actual bud but great for oil. I've been looking into getting the vaaapp but was convinced by thousands of rave reviews that the MFLB was so much better as a portable for bud. I might just skip out on buying a custom oiler and get one of these. Seems so simple for oil.
.how hard is it to rewrap a curve, or is there any that are for left handers? all of the curves ive seen are all for right handed people... neutral
Frickr said:how hard is it to rewrap a curve, or is there any that are for left handers? all of the curves ive seen are all for right handed people...![]()
Frickr said:how hard is it to rewrap a curve, or is there any that are for left handers? all of the curves ive seen are all for right handed people...![]()