Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Bill Clinton to his credit has a balanced budget with a surplus that pleased a few fiscal conservatives. He took heat for reforming welfare as a Democrat. At the time their was rampant abuse of the welfare system. Remember this was when both political parties platform overlapped more. Reminds me of the quote from HST about both parties being the left and right branch of the CIA. What would he think of this election if he was alive.I liked candidate obama. Not so crazy about the guy currently reversing his original positions on the tpp and monsanto/gmos. I saw it coming, when I couldn't bring myself to vote for his re-election. It seems to me that the democrats' strategy (largely pioneered by bill clinton) to counter the republicans is working. By gradually moving even further to the right over the years since bubba, they have claimed the political center of america. Meaning that they have fractured the republicans, by forcing them over the crazy cliff. Not all of them want to go (at least 50 of them lol), but at least some of the sane ones must have see the writing on the wall. What to do, 100 days is a lifetime in politics so we'll see if drumpf can somehow make it a race again. Because if the gop loses to the libertarians this year, we could have a whole new crazy coming!
I don't see any Bill's policies of that rubbing off on Hillary. I'm also starting to think she is OVERQUALIFIED for the job as President for being an insider for too long. If I was a hack late night comedian, I'd make jokes about that point then finish the joke's punchline on Trumps 'qualifications'. "Meanwhile the trump campaign....." <rimshot>.
I liked Obama the constitutional lawyer running for Prez that promised to close Gitmo more than the man in office that allowed Gitmo to continue and allow National Servers to keep tabs on us.
It is the beltway's influence on Obama that caused him to forget about what is happening on the ground. I just found out the idiom derives from the actual beltway of highways surrounding the capitol.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.