The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
I liked candidate obama. Not so crazy about the guy currently reversing his original positions on the tpp and monsanto/gmos. I saw it coming, when I couldn't bring myself to vote for his re-election. It seems to me that the democrats' strategy (largely pioneered by bill clinton) to counter the republicans is working. By gradually moving even further to the right over the years since bubba, they have claimed the political center of america. Meaning that they have fractured the republicans, by forcing them over the crazy cliff. Not all of them want to go (at least 50 of them lol), but at least some of the sane ones must have see the writing on the wall. What to do, 100 days is a lifetime in politics so we'll see if drumpf can somehow make it a race again. Because if the gop loses to the libertarians this year, we could have a whole new crazy coming!

Bill Clinton to his credit has a balanced budget with a surplus that pleased a few fiscal conservatives. He took heat for reforming welfare as a Democrat. At the time their was rampant abuse of the welfare system. Remember this was when both political parties platform overlapped more. Reminds me of the quote from HST about both parties being the left and right branch of the CIA. What would he think of this election if he was alive.

I don't see any Bill's policies of that rubbing off on Hillary. I'm also starting to think she is OVERQUALIFIED for the job as President for being an insider for too long. If I was a hack late night comedian, I'd make jokes about that point then finish the joke's punchline on Trumps 'qualifications'. "Meanwhile the trump campaign....." <rimshot>.

I liked Obama the constitutional lawyer running for Prez that promised to close Gitmo more than the man in office that allowed Gitmo to continue and allow National Servers to keep tabs on us.
It is the beltway's influence on Obama that caused him to forget about what is happening on the ground. I just found out the idiom derives from the actual beltway of highways surrounding the capitol. :doh:

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.


Well-Known Member
The ONLY news outlet that has not covered the story about the 50 GOP national security officials coming out against Trump is Fox. They haven't even mentioned it while EVERY other news outlet has. Instead what they are covering is Hillary saying that she "short circuited" and therefore she must have some mental issues along with some conspiracy theory that her email fiasco had something to do with the Iran sentencing to death one of their nuclear officials.

This is getting hilarious. Fox will eventually have to talk about that letter (tonight, maybe tomorrow) but right now, their trying to figure how in the hell to cover it so in the meantime their grasping at straws bringing up this other useless shit.

The way I see it, this letter signed by these GOP security officials is the nail in Trumps coffin. It's game over unless, and this is a biggie, the Dems get over confident that he'll lose so they don't get off their lazy asses and vote. That's his ONLY chance other than Wiki coming out with something so damning that she can't mount a defense.

She's even leading him now in regards to the Economy which was the only category that he was leading in. He's also lost the white, college educated females and he will lose more of them the more he attacks her personally, which he WILL do at the debates simply because he will be incapable of debating her on the issues.

The collective data of ALL the polls has her leading by 10 points. One wonders what he will do when the gap widens to 20.

The latest email that I got from her campaign contained the following statement:
"Pay no attention to the polls -- it's only August. This is going to be a tough fight."

They know that they can lose due to complacency.
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Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
The main reason for the potential shift in hispanic voting is the recent influx of democrat-leaning puerto ricans, which is starting to offset all the republican-leaning cubans that live there. Of course many of these cubans are now re-evaluating, since it was a democrat just re-established relations with cuba.

The dynamics behind this recent shift are the puerto rican bankruptcy, and cuban diplomatic relations.

:cool: This just in:
The right wing is all a-flutter about their new desired talking point, which is hillary's health condition :suspicious:


All the same outlets that are reporting this story are mouth breathing and using the same images and video. I could not find any source that elaborated further.
Her mental health should be an honest question in case we get her VP running things. I don't have a problem with a 68+ president getting around in a wheelchair like FDR did in private.
She does rely heavily on her SS, I think more out of co-ordination from place to place.

The weird facial expressions, possibly from slowing down the video for comic effect? Maybe she is taking Abe Lincoln's Blue mass pills.


Well-Known Member
Here is a little more...

Ex-CIA officer launches presidential campaign aimed at thwarting Donald Trump

Michael Isikoff and Michael Walsh

He's a conservative Mormon, so that leads me to believe he's against marriage equality, rescheduling cannabis, and sensible gun control laws.
I briefly read over his website and he's pro-life, pro gun, pro oil and gas (I read that as pro offshore drilling and fracking). So he's your standard right wing conservative. Not sure how far right he is, but he's right of center for sure.


well-worn member
I think mcmullin will draw from both sides, and that both sides are ripe for the pickins':lol:. But definitely more from drumpf, especially if he can grab the evangelical vote which will be key. He will also take some wind out of johnson's sails. It would be somewhat refreshing for the executive branch of our country to be openly ruled by the cia, imo we've had their assets running things for the last couple of administrations at the very least. And don't get me started on bush sr., who started that revolving door as he ran the cia.

The dnc really fucked this up, they had a winner and should have given the keys to sanders. All that showed was that they'd rather lose the election than give an actual non-criminal an honest shot at the nomination. Everybody in their right mind is looking for another way to go, unless they have some kind of a racket on the line. This could be a historic election in a whole new way; let's see if he can get on all 50 state ballots.



Well-Known Member
GOP senator Susan Collins repudiates Trump.
Right now there is an essential sorting out going on in the GOP of who will fall in line behind Trump and who won't. I think there will be more in the next week or two in the won't category. Meanwhile Trump, polls plummeting, rushes back to the loving arms of the elephant and makes a teleprompter speech full of warmed-over republican tax cuts. Like more tax cuts for the rich will fix it.


well-worn member
He's a conservative Mormon, so that leads me to believe he's against marriage equality, rescheduling cannabis, and sensible gun control laws.
I briefly read over his website and he's pro-life, pro gun, pro oil and gas (I read that as pro offshore drilling and fracking). So he's your standard right wing conservative. Not sure how far right he is, but he's right of center for sure.
Let's hope he's more moderate than that, on the cannabis and fracking parts at the very least :ninja:


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
I am so tired of the press acting as if the conservatives that are coming out against Drumpf are suddenly seeing the light.
Drumpf is the gold standard of the average conservative.
He is exactly what the right has built and fed over the last 4+ decades.
I say: "BS".
So the reichwinger had no problem with (shortlist):
Trying to privatize the whole of government including the VA
Cutting off the poor and children
Giving the wealth of the nation to the rich
Trying to stop healthcare
Destroying Medicare and SS
Reichwing overt hate and bigotry from its leaders and propaganda machine.
Man made climate destruction denial
Supporting Citizens United
Christian Taliban War on women
The long game of destroying the power of the Federal Government and the selling off of all Government assets to the highest bidder.
(If you do not believe this shortlist then just read the GOP and the Libertarian Platforms)

I could go on and on.
Stop treating these reichwingers as if they are suddenly good people.
They need to be held accountable for their support of the Ayn L Rand Bircher K0CH Party.
Drumpf is exactly what they wanted.


Well-Known Member
I think mcmullin will draw from both sides, and that both sides are ripe for the pickins':lol:. But definitely more from drumpf, especially if he can grab the evangelical vote which will be key. He will also take some wind out of johnson's sails. It would be somewhat refreshing for the executive branch of our country to be openly ruled by the cia, imo we've had their assets running things for the last couple of administrations at the very least. And don't get me started on bush sr., who started that revolving door as he ran the cia.

The dnc really fucked this up, they had a winner and should have given the keys to sanders. All that showed was that they'd rather lose the election than give an actual non-criminal an honest shot at the nomination. Everybody in their right mind is looking for another way to go, unless they have some kind of a racket on the line. This could be a historic election in a whole new way; let's see if he can get on all 50 state ballots.

I wouldn't bet on that horse, grokit. The DNC didn't fuck up. They have a winner, unless an act of God or an act of Wiki derails it.


Well-Known Member
The two most unpopular candidates in history;
it takes a drumpf to make hillary look good.


Yup....I agree. I was just disagreeing with your post that the DNC fucked up 'cause the HAD a winner. Clinton will win so they have a winner. Would Bernie have stood an even better chance of winning? I would love to think so but I'm not convinced that the general public was quite ready yet.
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unbearably light in the being....
I may have sounded a bit harsh in my previous post but it was mainly aimed at those that want to turn back the the way it was. THAT ain't gonna happen and Trump giving false hope by saying that he's the one that CAN turn back that clock and people believing that he will makes me..............:bang::argh::bang:.

When he loses, those people that had so much faith in him will feel that they've had the rug pulled out from under them and whatever hope they had for their future will be dashed. I'm more than a bit concerned of what happens next. Will they try to adjust to the changing times? Will they just give up? Or will it give way to anger and if it does give way to anger, that can get ugly especially with Trump suggesting that the election will be rigged.

Ya know, Trump has a lot of negative things going on from being called a bigot, racist, etc etc but what he is setting up for his followers could very well be the biggest negative of all.
You're not wrong at all: the biggest danger of a Trump loss is an armed uprising by the second-amendment-remedy crowd. Between the Joel's Army crew wanting to conquer the US for Jesus, the militias, the Confederates, and plain-ol' white-power boys, we face a real danger of an armed general insurrection, largely aimed against communities of color and of difference, and aimed toward rolling back as much of the 19th and 20th centuries as possible. Everyone has at least some idea of how well-armed US citizens are - they may not know how OVER-armed the Duck-Dynasty / KKK / Minutemen / PromiseKeeper / OathKeeper / WallBuilder / Dominionist / Bundy-Clan / "Forget, Hell!" wing actually is; likewise, most people don't realize the extent to which that wing regularly studies guerrilla warfare and small-unit tactics, even going so far as to attend field exercises and trainings. Many of these people have built their adult lives around the "fact" that there will (and should) be war to take the country back from the servant classes and the race traitors who enable them.

Sounds outrageous to people who haven't lived with it and among them for 50 years or so, but it's true: My best guess is that there are at a BARE MINIMUM at least one million US citizens who are culturally, religiously, emotionally, psychologically and politically inclined toward the sort of over-the-edge lone-wolf actions that we have mostly seen in our domestic terrorism so far. It would be a huge mistake to assume that they are not heavily armed and working on plans. Of these, it's pretty much guaranteed that at least 10% has had actual military training if not full combat experience.

That's 100,000 ten-member teams, or 2000 armed small units per state.
DEFINITELY something to worry about...


Putin is a War Criminal
Are We Heading Towards an Electoral College Landslide?
by Nancy LeTourneau
August 9, 2016 11:01 AM

Earlier today I wrote about the questions that will face Republican Congressional leaders if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in November. Part of how they answer them will be determined by the margin of victory. While noting that things can change over the next few months, it is interesting to look at what a couple of election prognosticators are saying right now. Here is the most current electoral map from Benchmark Politics.

Click the map to create your own at
In case you think that’s a fluke, here is what FiveThirtyEight’s Nowcast looked like yesterday.^tfw

What strikes me is that, while Trump only has about 77 electoral votes that are solidly red, Clinton is just 10 shy (260 electoral votes) of winning with solid blue states. The medium blue states are one’s that Obama won in 2008 and both prognosticators now show Georgia and Arizona leaning blue – perhaps even South Carolina. When a Republican candidate only gets a “lean” out of Texas and Mississippi at this point in the cycle, you are looking at a potential landslide from the electoral college. To get a picture of how possible that is – take a look at the two charts Josh Marshall put together comparing the current trends on this race to those from Obama/Romney in 2012.

I can hear the naysayers as I write suggesting that this kind of analysis is dangerous because it could spark complacency. But the truth is that – short of a 60+ Senate majority combined with taking back the House (neither of which are probable right now) – a landslide victory in the electoral college is the one outcome that at least holds the possibility of producing a change in positioning from Congressional Republicans. If there is any hope of ending the strategy of total obstruction and pushing the envelope back to a functioning government in the foreseeable future, this might be the way that happens.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Frankly, I believe the Republicans hate Hillary as much as they generally hate the idea of an African American, and Obama specifically, as POTUS. Expect the same. It has become adversarial.


Putin is a War Criminal
While I agree that there are many republicans that hate Hillary with the heat of 1000 suns, it is a lot easier for the party at large to persecute (ok, not cooperate with) someone who is representative of 12% of the population than to do the same to someone who represents 51% of the population. While I understand that race and gender are NOT the same thing, they are certainly the characteristic that many people see first when looking at candidate Barack Obama and candidate Hillary Clinton.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
While I agree that there are many republicans that hate Hillary with the heat of 1000 suns, it is a lot easier for the party at large to persecute (ok, not cooperate with) someone who is representative of 12% of the population than to do the same to someone who represents 51% of the population. While I understand that race and gender are NOT the same thing, they are certainly the characteristic that many people see first when looking at candidate Barack Obama and candidate Hillary Clinton.

I agree it's not as easy to road-block someone who represents a larger demographic but I don't think it carries more weight than the standard us versus them at the party level.
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur

Rest in Peace, Republican Party: 1854-2016

You did it to yourselves by voting down any kinds of programs that Obama wanted to put in place. You've made a laughing stock of your party. Stew in your own mess.
You allowed a zenofobe and a bigot to take over your party.
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well-worn member
You're not wrong at all: the biggest danger of a Trump loss is an armed uprising by the second-amendment-remedy crowd. Between the Joel's Army crew wanting to conquer the US for Jesus, the militias, the Confederates, and plain-ol' white-power boys, we face a real danger of an armed general insurrection, largely aimed against communities of color and of difference, and aimed toward rolling back as much of the 19th and 20th centuries as possible. Everyone has at least some idea of how well-armed US citizens are - they may not know how OVER-armed the Duck-Dynasty / KKK / Minutemen / PromiseKeeper / OathKeeper / WallBuilder / Dominionist / Bundy-Clan / "Forget, Hell!" wing actually is; likewise, most people don't realize the extent to which that wing regularly studies guerrilla warfare and small-unit tactics, even going so far as to attend field exercises and trainings. Many of these people have built their adult lives around the "fact" that there will (and should) be war to take the country back from the servant classes and the race traitors who enable them.

Sounds outrageous to people who haven't lived with it and among them for 50 years or so, but it's true: My best guess is that there are at a BARE MINIMUM at least one million US citizens who are culturally, religiously, emotionally, psychologically and politically inclined toward the sort of over-the-edge lone-wolf actions that we have mostly seen in our domestic terrorism so far. It would be a huge mistake to assume that they are not heavily armed and working on plans. Of these, it's pretty much guaranteed that at least 10% has had actual military training if not full combat experience.

That's 100,000 ten-member teams, or 2000 armed small units per state.
DEFINITELY something to worry about...
Even if they don't cause any more trouble when drumpf loses, they are just laying in wait until the next, dare I say, more competent drumpf/hitler wanna-be comes along. I am a staunch supporter of all things constitutional including the second amendment but you're right, these worms are on a mission from (their) god and they are itchin' for a fight to save their race or some such shit. They seem to buy assault weapons by the thousands every time there is a "false flag shooting" in the us. I'm not sure where I'm going with this but these fuckers scare me, and I'm caucasion. There definitely needs to be controls on that kind of gun purchase, but the cat's way out of the bag at this point. All they need is an enabler to get elected.



In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
This is from March 2016
Ex-Trump Employee Speaks Out on His Treatment of Women - Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone › politics › news › ex-trum...

There were some nice things Trump said about women (one good women equal to ten good men) and then there were some derogatory references. The interviewee, a woman, said he wasn't a bully...just a loud mouth and she seemed to imply he didn't treat women differently than men. To paraphrase.....he was pretty much nice or an SOB to everyone.... on an equal basis. There was a disclaimer of sorts that stated the interviewee perspective is from many years ago and Trump's attitude may have changed after his first divorce. My favorite line in the article is when she was asked if working with Ivana may have caused their divorce...the reply was '[laughs] Well, that and his fooling around.'.

Anyone think it would be worth Hillary bringing the 'fooling around' up if Trump starts shooting at Bill's infidelity/Monica? Or would it be better to just let it go?
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