The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Trump knew a head of time that there would be problems at the university in Chicago. He waited until the last minute to call it off. Plus it looked like the cops weren't ready for the crowds of protesters. What a clusterfuck.

In a previous rally Trump tells the crowds that he would like to punch the protester that's causing problems. He's enciting hate and violence. Then Trump acts like he doesn't understand what all the problems are all about. He then says he doesn't condone violence.

Trump's supporters will only get worse, I'm sure many are pissed that the rally was shut down.

All I can say is the Democrats better step up to the plate and vote when the time comes. With Trump the fav of the Republicans the country is in trouble. He's screwing with people's heads.

And Fuck You Marco Rubio for blaming Obama for this. Fuck you Donald Trump for saying the same thing. So tired of the blame game. Now Cruz is chiming in and blaming Obama for the violence at the rally.
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well-worn member
All of the above is true, trump is divisive hatemonger. It's too bad because he has tapped into quite a bit of dissatisfaction, and could have tried to unite the country rather than divide it. But that's not the gop, and he has exposed these monsters for what they are. The problem for this bunch is that in many ways cruz/rubio and the rest them, even kasich are even worse, if you check out their actual policies and proposals.


Well-Known Member
Whenever Trump gives a little with one hand, he takes away with the other. So he says something totally bigoted or xenophobic and then walks it back a little. Then another day he says it again. Same thing with violence against protesters at his events. One moment he is encouraging supporters to beat protesters, next day he is saying he doesn't want anyone to get hurt. My foot! Evil, lying scoundrel.

To get that bad taste out of your mouth, here's a funny article about DC primary:
I am about to cast the most consequential vote in my youngish inconsequential life. Because of a few accidents of history in this crazypants election cycle, and a weird strategic decision I made five years ago, I am about to hold more power in a national election than I have ever had, or will likely ever have again, or really ever should have.
And here is how I am going to wield it: I am going to vote for a man I disdain, an empty suit who is the wholly owned subsidiary of a rich old plutocrat; a man who skitters cockroach-like toward whichever position might keep him safe from having to say what he really thinks; a man whose every stated opinion on any social issue fills me with disgust; a man who has debased himself so much in this race that, by his own admission, he has become an embarrassment to his own children.
That is the man who gets my vote. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do.
Deep breath.
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Well-Known Member
I wish the Americans the best in choosing their
next POTUS . This Will have great ramifications
for the rest of the world , including Canada .

From ' this ' Canadian's perspective , it does seem
to be leaning towards a division of caucasians vs
non-caucasians .

here's a link to a documentary from a Canadian
news agency that I watched last night .
I hope he doesn't want us to build a wall
of Hockey Pucks ...

edit : at 11:30 into the vid , it shows/implies when the fuse
was lit for Trump's running for office .
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Well-Known Member
"Nearly 20% of Trump Supporters Believe that Freeing the Slaves was a Bad Idea"

This is getting' ugly and I only see it getting worse. The Republican Party created their Frankenstein who is fanning the flames of racism. There is no way in hell that you can win a general election without the support of minorities. It's gonna take decades for the GOP to shed this image and it's gonna be that long before they ever see the inside of the WhiteHouse.
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Putin is a War Criminal
“Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight’s rally will be postponed for another date," a statement from the campaign said. "Thank you very much for your attendance, and please go in peace.”
Actually, the Chicago police deny that they had anything to do with this decision. In actual fact Dr Frakenstein, on observing the potential violence of the monster he created, chickened out and decided better to disappoint his followers than to make any effort to responsibly decompress them. Something about the pitchforks I think...
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Plant Enthusiast
Welcome to Chicago Mr. Trump! For all the right that Trump has to speak, the protestors have an equal right to protest. That right was exercised. Now Trump is blaming Sanders.

""Now really Bernie should tell his people...he should really get up and say to his people 'stop, stop,'" he said."

What the fuck kind of hypocrisy is this?

Speaking of hypocrisy, what the fuck is with Cinton "misspeaking" about Nancy Reagan and her "effective" and "low key advocacy" on HIV and AIDS?

I'm with Ben Cohen from Ben & Jerry's,

"We cannot afford to elect a president with a history bad judgement, inconsistent positions, and who has used public service as a vehicle for private gain. In other words, we cannot afford the status-quo.

The only candidate -- and I emphasize only -- that meets the criteria of honesty, consistency, and good judgement is Sen. Bernie Sanders. That's why I support Bernie for president.


well-worn member
The new york times, who's editorial board has endorsed clinton, called the last debate for sanders:
Who Won the Debate? Bernie Sanders Gets the Edge

Nation of change, which imo represents the very best of alternative/populist journalism, has some interesting headlines today as well:
Did Hillary Clinton Break DNC Debate Rules?


A photo shows that Hillary Clinton met with her aides during a break in this week’s democratic debate – a clear violation of DNC debate rules.


Hillary vs. Bernie vs. the 1 Percent

Dear Hillary, You’re Losing My Vote

Medea Benjamin: Pink-Slipping Hillary

not to mention:

Apocalyptic Capitalism
U.S. Solar Created More Jobs Than Oil And Gas Extraction

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Well-Known Member
I think she was trying hard to find something nice to say about Nancy at her funeral, which is actually not that easy when you think about it, and came up with that bit about AIDS which of course didn't make sense (and I'm sure the moment she said it she knew it made no sense - a lot of people died because Ronny and Nancy delayed).


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I know many people died waiting for AIDS to be identified as a major threat, thanks to our wonderful President Reagan and his wife. Nancy influenced most of Ronald Reagan's decisions. They didn't even stand up to the plate when it was needed to help their friend Rock Hudson who was then going to die of the virus. He had collapsed and needed to be admitted into a French hospital. Our President Reagan didn't use his influence to help. Nancy said that the president shouldn't be associated with that illness.

This I found off CNN. I just copied part.
Trump began the day by blaming supporters of Sanders, the Vermont senator seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, of disrupting his Chicago event, where many in the audience chanted the senator's name after the rally was called off.

"Some represented Bernie, our communist friend," Trump said in Dayton, Ohio, his first campaign appearance since the Chicago event was postponed.

Later in the day, Trump said protesters at his Cleveland event are "Bernie's crowd."

"You know Bernie was saying Mr. Trump should speak to his crowd," Trump said. "You know where they come from? Bernie's crowd. They're Bernie's crowd."

And when a protester momentarily disrupted Trump's rally, the GOP front-runner again said the demonstrator was a "Bernie person."

"Get your people in line, Bernie," Trump said.

Sanders, however, pushed back against Trump, calling on him to denounce violence at his rallies and labeling him a "pathological liar."

First Trump blamed Obama for the protesters, now it's Bernie. How about blaming yourself Mr. trump.
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Well-Known Member
^^ Bottom line to all of that. Trump is full shit.........period.

What really pisses me off is that no one, and I mean not one person who has ever interviewed him pushed him on his lies. Oh, they will challenge him when he does but then he either pivots to another topic or he rewords the same lie and then they ALWAYS let him off the hook. Why? Because of ratings. They fear that if they push him too far, he won't do any more interviews with that particular station and that, pardon the pun, trumps getting at the truth.

Fucking media. Do you goddamn job. Pisses me off.......:goon:

So now...............he's threatening to sue any protester that interrupts him at a rally. :doh:

If you openly disagree with me, regardless if you are a protester, a news anchor for a tv station, or any media outlet, I will sue your ass. He's already made it clear that he wants to change the laws to allow him to do this shit.

Fucking Trump supporters are being led like hypnotized sheep. We live in interesting times, eh?
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Well-Known Member
Trump and all of his supporters are huge embarrassments. They don't understand anything. Nothing creeps me out more than people who are full of hate and completely ignorant of the concept of logic. Hell, they don't even seem to be able to grasp the meaning of free speech. In case one is reading this: it doesn't mean you're free to say what you want without having to allow a response. It describes a marketplace of ideas where the best weapon against bad speech is more good speech (like protesting American Nationalist Front candidate Trump).


Well-Known Member
Just heard Trump interviewed on CNN. They asked him why he isn't toning down his rhetoric to incite violence. His answer...........he fucking doubled down and threatened to send his supporters to the Bernie rallies calling Bernie a Communist.

He's so Hitleresque, it's freaking scary.
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Plant Enthusiast
Now Trump is threatening Sanders rallies. Blaming Sanders for the backlash to his idiocy seems about right.

Clinton released a full statement about her Reagen/AIDS comment. Either her comment was scripted, or she was just talking off the cuff on live tv during a campaign. Either way, she needs to fire someone in the campaign.

She then misspoke again.

"I don't know where he (Sanders) was when I was trying to get health care in '93 and '94," - Hillary Clinton

She did find a clear path to victory though!



Well-Known Member
Trump is just playing the same game he has played from day one and it is and has been working. He is squeezing out most of his opposition and everyday he looks more unstoppable while his opponents are looking more desperate. The question is where will his campaign go and where will the opposition do to counter. This whole process is in danger of turning into cheap street theater when the country really needs cooperation, considered thought and compromise to address serious pressing problems facing all the citizens. IMO


Well-Known Member
There are so many interesting questions like how deep can a rabbit hole be? Should we really rule out death cage debates? What will the inevitable political and social rebound effects be after all this drama gets played out. Can it be legal for a head of hair to run for president without a body? I just love watching possible political realignments well up to the point where things catch on fire and people get hurt.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I was 14 years old when George Wallace was shot while campaigning for the Democratic spot for president. He was for segregation and was a racist. IMO Trump better be careful. There are a lot of crazy people out there.

George Wallace was paralyzed and wheel chair ridden the rest of his life. I don't like Trump but wouldn't want harm to come to him.


well-worn member
Trump will almost certainly get the nomination, but he will never get to the presidency. He might make it a race if hillary wins out, though his nomination would still likely be known as the white man's last gasp.

edit: I'm saying this as a white man that would never vote for him. But I know a few people "like me" who would. This should also be the beginning of the gop's last gasp, at least the gop as we know it today.
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The news channels needs to quit giving Trump so much coverage. CNN has been giving him non stop free advertising, I realize ratings but they are helping to create a monster.

The news channels should have been using some responsible discretion in how much coverage they were giving Trump.
Spread the wealth a little amongst all the candidates.

I love the song Dirty Laundry by Don Henley
I know what you mean @Amoreena Its really too bad that Trump has gotten to be a larger than life characters for some in the tea party and far right wing of the party. Remember Trump loves the uneducated.
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Grown up Flower Child
... The news channels should have been using some responsible discretion in how much coverage they were giving Trump. ...
Don Henley nailed what they do in the song, "Dirty Laundry," back in 1982: "... about the callousness (and callowness) of TV news reporting as well as the tabloidization of all news. ..." The news channels haven't changed.
... Remember Trump loves the uneducated. ...
Haven't forgotten that since hearing him utter the words. It's because so many of "the uneducated" love him.
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