The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Well-Known Member
So I recorded the Democratic Debate that's on tonight on CNN and I've just finished watching the first hour of it. Sanders and Clinton got into some pretty heated discussions but...................they were over issues, NOT personal attacks. There was more discussion on issues within 5 minutes of this debate than there was over the 2 hours of the GOP debate.


Plant Enthusiast
The debate was good. Both candidates did a good job, along with the moderators. I'm not a fan of Don Lemon, but him and AC held their own.

Watching the news this morning, they are mentioning how Sanders had voted against the auto bailout, and it was a solid blow against him. They aren't bothering to mention that it isn't true. Here is the fact check from the debate.

The only thing missing from the debate was foreign policy. When Boeing was brought up, I thought it would be a good time to discuss how entwined Boeing and the Clintons are, but Sanders didn't pounce.

Another thing that sticks out watching the morning coverage, they seem to forget that Sanders called for Snyder to resign almost two months ago. It's an issue I'm glad Clinton decided to get on board with, but maybe next time she'll let her press secretary know she's changed her mind?

The debate was definitely worth a watch if you didn't see it.


Putin is a War Criminal
I find that I can't watch debates anymore without yelling at the screen, no matter who is debating. Like Bernie trashing the Import-Export bank as corporate welfare. Nevermind that the IM-EX bank has made Americans $7B since 92. Nevermind that they are just loans that are paid back. Nevemind that making these loans help American businesses (like Boeing) sell their products around the world. Why would we want to help a company that employs over 150,000 Americans compete with other airplane manufacturers in other countries that get HUGE SUBSIDIES from their governments? I mean DUH!

I know where the Dems stand, and I know who I am voting for. If anything important happens I will likely be forced to watch it 20 times on the news. I think I am gonna stop watching the Dems debate.

The Republicans, however, are like the 3 Stooges, and who doesn't love watching them?
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Well-Known Member
I find that I can't watch debates anymore without yelling at the screen, no matter who is debating. Like Bernie trashing the Import-Export bank as corporate welfare. Nevermind that the IM-EX bank has made Americans $7B since 92. Nevermind that they are just loans that are paid back. Nevemind that making these loans help American businesses (like Boeing) sell their products around the world. Why would we want to help a company that employs over 150,000 Americans compete with other airplane manufacturers in other countries that get HUGE SUBSIDIES from their governments? I mean DUH!...
Just curious, is the yelling restricted to Bernie or does Hillary get under your skin as well?

Also, wondered what FC thinks of Bernie telling Hillary to let him finish when she interrupted him.
Some in the media are indicating that is the old man, the sexist coming out of Bernie.
Seems to me, if you were being interrupted in a debate setting, you'd try to put a stop to that. IMO the way he did that was well within the range of acceptable decorum.
The question I have is, was this really sexist?
If Bernie had done that to Donald Trump, I believe the media would be hailing him.
Hillary's extremely tough, tougher than most of the Republican boys up for the job and I understand her supporters have to blast out every perceptual sound bite in her favor that that they can, but that can come back to haunt you.
Playing the sexist card can be perceived as her supporters lack of faith that she can handle the heat against the "boys".


Putin is a War Criminal
No, I yell at Hillary all the time too. Often it is due to an opportunity that I think she has missed, but she says dumb, incomplete, or incorrect things just like the others. There is a lot of pressure on that stage and everyone makes mistakes.

And no, I don't think Bernie is a sexist or is intentionally demeaning to Hillary. I DO think that anyone his age needs to deal with a world that has changed dramatically and will accidentally say things that used to be OK to say and are no longer acceptable, but he can't be blamed for that. My Parents could never let go of the term "colored", but never meant it in a demeaning way. It was just the language they had always used...

He WILL be criticized for it, but not by me.
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Well-Known Member
Also, wondered what FC thinks of Bernie telling Hillary to let him finish when she interrupted him...Honestly, both contestants are media icons so I don't care what the show is I just want to get a handle on where they want to drive the bus to. Now if I knew them as actual people it might make a difference but that ain't ever going to happen.


Plant Enthusiast
The last time a democratic presidential nominee made that statement was in 2008. He's a supporter now.

In 2013, just five corporations received 93 percent of all Ex-Im loan guarantees. 46% to Boeing. All five are multi-billion dollar companies.

ExIm may not technically cost anything, but that is due to "negative subsidy", not actual profit.

Exports didn't collapse the 6 months that ExIm wasn't making new loans. Boeing would need to finance more overseas deals directly, without US taxpayers guaranteeing it. With multi-billions in profit and rarely paying taxes, I think Boeing would survive.

Edit* - I thought they both equally side stepped the question about lead pipes, but the questioner felt more of a physical response.

Flint resident Lee-Anne Walters didn't like Bernie Sanders' response to her question about lead pipes during Sunday night's Democratic presidential debate in Flint. But she really didn't like Hillary Clinton's response.

"I hated Hillary Clinton's answer," Walters, 38, told The Huffington Post on Monday. "It actually made me vomit in my mouth."
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I didn't think Bernie was disrespectful with Hillary during the CNN debate. I watched most but not all of it. I thought she was butting in when Bernie hadn't finished his statement. She should be treated like anyone else and shouldn't be treated special because she's a woman.

Marco Rubio needs to stay in until Florida. He's gone this far, it's only March 15th. I don't always believe polls, polls are saying he's not going to do well. Florida is his home state.


Well-Known Member
@Magic9 - Had to watch the video twice. The first time I couldn't stop noticing that Obama seems to have aged triple the number of years that have passed since that video. You gotta be a special person to want that job.....

All presidents age like this. Ya gotta ask yourself, is it really worth it.......taking the job that is, especially considering all the shit you have to go through during the interviewing process to even get a shot at getting the job in the first place.

Carrying the world on your shoulders is more than just a euphemism here, eh?

Considering how fast presidents age, can you imagine what Bernie would look like after just one term? Probably something like this:

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Well-Known Member
Just saw one of the most fascinating town-halls that I've ever seen. It was on Fox News and it was a town-hall with not only with a conservative moderator but a room full of conservatives, many who are Trump supporters who asked question of both Hillary and Bernie. That's right. Democratic nominees in a conservative town hall. Really interesting. They had some liberals there as well.

Here's but one example. The conservative moderator asked Bernie, "Being that ISIS is slaughtering Christians, would you label that as genocide?", to which Bernie replied, "What is happening to Christians there is abhorrent but what is also abhorrent is what ISIS is doing to other Muslims." Great fucking answer.

Seeing liberal Dems in a Conservative GOP house, the first thing that came to mind was...........Stranger in a Strange Land, but I have to believe that there were some there as well as in the viewing audience that just may have experienced a bit of a crack in their core beliefs just from this exposure to the other side.
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Well-Known Member
Just saw one of the most fascinating town-halls that I've ever seen. It was on Fox News and it was a town-hall with not only with a conservative moderator but a room full of conservatives, many who are Trump supporters who asked question of both Hillary and Bernie. That's right. Democratic nominees in a conservative town hall. Really interesting.

Here's but one example. The conservative moderator asked Bernie, "Being that ISIS is slaughtering Christians, would you label that as genocide?", to which Bernie replied, "What is happening to Christians there is abhorrent but what is also abhorrent is what ISIS is doing to other Muslims." Great fucking answer.

Seeing liberal Dems in a Conservative GOP house, the first thing that came to mind was...........Stranger in a Strange Land, but I have to believe that there were some there as well as in the viewing audience that just may have experienced a bit of a crack in their core beliefs just from this exposure to the other side.
Is there a link available?


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
I think due to televised time constraints, no candidate can adequately answer any question with thorough specificity, and must resolve to speak only in generalized platitudes - fast mind food for the masses - tasty sound bites is all.

I want to read the 1,578 pages that explain a plan in painful detail; I want to be made to understand the resulting projections of each of those plans; I want all sides to debate with in-depth specificity the blueprints of each plan and convince me why one should take precedence over the other... ugh... forget it - never gonna happen... flip a coin and vote for the best tailored suit and haircut.


Well-Known Member
I have a serious question for those who don't like Hillary. I have been puzzled by the way Sanders attacks her when it comes to Wall Street. His line on campaign contributions is a good one and I think it's a big plus for him. What seems odd to me is that people seem to be more bothered by those Goldman-Sachs speeches for which she got paid a lot than they are by any contributions made from any particular quarter.

My reaction to this is twofold. Firstly, it's not at all unusual for politicians to give speeches for lots of money and why should I care that she soaked Goldman-Sachs for a lot? The second thing I react to is that it seems like if there were any real contributions that could be traced to poor decisions she made in the past then I wouldn't hear only these speeches. The woman is a career politician. They couldn't find anything suspect when it comes to campaign finance? That makes me think there's not anything concrete there to find otherwise she'd be getting hammered with it.

Are we to simply assume that everyone taking campaign contributions from large entities is corrupt without any particular criticism of where it comes from other than references to a couple of speeches given to a notorious but legally legitimate group?
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Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
What seems odd to me is that people seem to be more bothered by those Goldman-Sachs speeches for which she got paid a lot than they are by any contributions made from any particular quarter.
I think the crux of consternation lies in the fact that what Goldman-Sachs puts directly into the pocket of the guest-speaker politician eventually comes back around to french kiss Goldman-Sachs. Ain't no better campaign contribution than that!

Aspiring & professional politicians should be mandated by law to avoid all appearances of conflicts of interest!!!
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