The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's exactly a secret that Bernie Sanders considers himself a Democratic Socialist. I think some of the older folks on the boards don't realize that socialism isn't the dirty word it used to be.

The Cold War is over. We won. We don't have to hide the fact that we live in a country with socialist institutions that are very successful.

Chill Dude

Well-Known Member
I am gonna say this one more time, but (I hope) this will be the last time because I hate repeating myself. THE GENERAL ELECTION POLLS SAY NOTHING ABOUT HOW BERNIE SURVIVES 1/2 BILLION DOLLARS IN NEGATIVE ADVERTISING! Ahem...

The General election polls say nothing about how Trump survives a half billion in negative advertising as well...

Being a racist with a platform to ban all Muslims and deport 11 million Hispanics will not play well in the general election. Also, I think people will question his temperament in dealing with foreign policy and not insulting world leaders. He's a hot head and I think that will scare the general election electorate... IMO Sander's would win in a landslide victory!

The republicans obviously will try to scare the electorate on how dangerous and evil democratic socialism is. However, the benefits of socialism to the working/middle class can be explained and perhaps justified as the best way to achieve social and economic justice.. Can Trump justify racism??

Minorities will come out in strong force to make sure Trump gets nowhere near the White House..


Well-Known Member
Ted Cruz has been crusin' and gaining on the Trumpster in a new nationwide poll they are in a virtual tie. So if your heart is set on Trump you may end up with Cruz. If the Republicans keep this up it does not look good for them. :2c:

Ted's been crusin' --- NY Times

Looks like we may have a race shaping up on the right.

Man, who would be worse?

Cruz over Trump? Trump over Cruz? Fuck it. I'm not gonna play....


Well-Known Member
GOP town hall meetings.......CNN tonight and tomorrow night 8 PM eastern. Could be entertaining.



Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
It's already started on CNN. Looking forward to this. These are questions from the audience.

This was regarding the debate last weekend. Trump is unhappy with the RNC playing favorites. I copied this below.

Trump accused the ABC News Republican Debate audience of being packed with donors after he was booed for putting his finger to his mouth and telling former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to be quiet.

"That's all of his donors and special interests out there," Trump said at the debate. "That's what it is."

The businessman said his campaign asked for tickets, but the RNC told them they weren't available.

"The RNC told us 'We have all donors in the audience.' And the reason they're not loving me is I don't want their money. I'm going to do the right thing for the American public. I don't want their money. I don't need their money. And I'm the only one up here who can say that," Trump added.
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Well-Known Member
Any candidate that claims we need to build the military is a complete dumb ass. When is enough, enough? Ted Cruz is a warmonger nut case. I am completely sick of the excessive military spending by this country. How about fixing some of our social programs for a change?

Can't we be more creative than building a 1.5 trillion F-35 aircraft as a jobs program that can't even do it's job?

Just say NO to more military spending!
Where's the "Multi-like" button?


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The town Hall meeting with Donald Trump was on MSNBC with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzinski. I just caught the tail end of it. More entertaining than the other one it looks like. Joe is a republican but he's a moderate.
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Well-Known Member
For military spending there needs to be a discussion about what the role of the military is and how its performance is assessed. Sadly a new century military is going to be expensive and when it goes to war it is going to be ugly, so it has to be responsive and answerable to the folks it is supposed to serve.


Well-Known Member

If you want to understand why the Republicans are broadcasting their commitment to obstructionism, it’s useful to take a look at Rubio’s campaign. Given the tenor of our times, it’s natural that all the candidates would depict Barack Obama as the worst thing that’s happened to America since … oh, I don’t know. Pearl Harbor? The Panic of 1837? But Rubio also insists that the president has been ruining the country on purpose: “All this damage that he’s done to America is deliberate.”
This is a theory, much loved on talk radio, that involves an insidious presidential plot to make America just a run-of-the-mill country — smaller and weaker and burdened with universal health care. When things go wrong it isn’t because of ineptitude. It’s a careful Obama scenario aimed at bringing the country down. A man that sinister can’t be allowed to even put a nomination into play. God knows what would happen. Close your eyes and pretend he isn’t there.
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Chill Dude

Well-Known Member
The town Hall meeting with Donald Trump was on MSNBC with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzinski. I just caught the tail end of it. More entertaining than the other one it looks like. Joe is a republican but he's a moderate.

Yeah, Scarborough kind of represents the moderate old school voice of the Republican Party. Too bad that type of republican doesn't exist anymore.. The Republican Party has shifted so far to the right that it has alienated moderate Republicans. Maybe they'll become independents and even give a democratic candidate a look :)


Putin is a War Criminal
One would think that out of 320 million people in the United States we should have much better choices of presidential candidates.
I think the number of people in America that are capable of surviving the investigation and invasion into their life is quite limited. The willingness to go through it limits it much further. How many people who didn't plan their life for the prospect of running for pres would have NO skeletons, bad relationships, bad business dealings, or bad associations in their life.

I could certainly not stand the scrutiny, and I can't think of anyone I know who could. Neither would I ever WANT to go through it even if I could. But more importantly I don't have a resume that would attract the necessary support.

That doesn't break my heart, but I'm not an egomaniac either...


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Why in the world would anyone want to be president? It's a "Catch 22": If you think you can be president, you are obviously too full of yourself beyond belief, you're crazy: and if you don't think you can be president, you are sane, but you shouldn't be wasting everyone's time running.


Well-Known Member
Ok, after listening to this first town hall, while not being nearly as entertaining as a debate, it definitely provided a MUCH clearer picture as to what they believe in and it made it very clear to me that if I HAD to pick a GOP candidate with the idea in mind that he would be our next President, I would pick Trump over Cruz in a heart beat and I would pick Rubio over either one of them without any hesitation.


Well-Known Member
The media is good at pushing mistrust and fear. Lets face it what is likely to gets the most viewers pieces on people who are just to the left and right of center. Folks who go to work, cut the grass and want things just to work, opposed to pieces on the extreme left and right, those folks who often get called Nazis, Communists or whatever. Those evil bastards and bitches that want to destroy all we hold dear, or whatever fear inducing tag line that is getting used at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Ok, after listening to this first town hall, while not being nearly as entertaining as a debate, it definitely provided a MUCH clearer picture as to what they believe in and it made it very clear to me that if I HAD to pick a GOP candidate with the idea in mind that he would be our next President, I would pick Trump over Cruz in a heart beat and I would pick Rubio over either one of them without any hesitation.
I suppose you are right about this but I find myself bridling at the idea of even such back-handed approbation of Rubio. He is a very bad face. Obama took a country embroiled in two ill-considered wars and whose economy was circling the drain - and brought it back to life! Our country survived the Great Recession better than any other developed country despite the knee-jerk opposition of repubs to anything resembling stimulus. And yet Rubio claims Obama deliberately wrecked the country. He makes this falsehood the center of his campaign. When called out for robotically repeating this stupidity he doubles down on it! OK he is better than Trump or Cruz. He's no doubt better than Mussolini or slime mold too but so what...
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
CIUDAD JUÁREZ/EL PASO – A Vatican spokesman took on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump Tuesday night, calling Trump’s criticism of Pope Francis over his pro-immigrant stance “very strange” and suggesting Trump could use a dose of global perspective.

Speaking during the pontiff’s Feb. 12-17 trip to Mexico, and just before the pope was scheduled to say Mass at the US/Mexico border, the Rev. Federico Lombardi told reporters the pope’s concern for the human dignity of migrants and refugees is universal.

I wonder if Trump will lose some of the Catholic's vote in the Republican Party. We know he won't get the Hispanic vote.

IMO Rubio did the best job at the CNN debate. He was the most normal. I think Carson acts weird. He has a different personality. I still think he's self medicating.
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