The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Well-Known Member
There is no equivalency of malevolency between Clinton and Trump, between Republican and Democratic governance. Period. Thirty years opf believing lies does not make it so.

One candidate has endured decades of negative spin and out right lying about her. Recent spin regarding FBI testimony has pushed a lie into the thinking of the never-right-minded public, those who do not want truth but rather seek justification.

The Republican and anti-Clinton perpetual motion machines' she-said lie has now been exposed by the FBI's reply to Congress's request for access to classified information that they want to use against Clinton, but can't without breaking the law.
The FBI is telling Congress that 'there is no there there', but the Congressional regressives believe more in justification of their failed point-of-view than in objective truth.

The FBI has warned Congress that the information provided is classified and may not be leaked; Congress may read these files, but no one may talk about the information.

The classified FBI files came with a public cover letter (PDF) that made important points.

Most importantly, Clinton did not lie to the FBI. She did not originate the claimed classified information.
She did not forward clearly marked secret emails. It is not proved that the 'now claimed to be classified' information was so considered before the investigation. There is no equivalency between Clinton and Petreaus.

FBI cover letter confirms that the three emails about which the media is obfuscating, did not originate with Secretary Clinton.

"compared the Clinton emails with the prosecutions of Bryan Nishimura, David Petraeus, and Sandy Berger. In all of those cases, the FBI said, there was "clear evidence of knowledge and intent," which was not present in this investigation."

"As for the term "extremely careless," Herring explained that the term was "intended to be a common sense way of describing the actions of Secretary Clinton and her colleagues." He further clarified that "the facts did not support a recommendation to prosecute her or others within the scope of the investigation for gross negligence."

Evidence suggests that the State Department, White House, FBI, DNC, and Hillary Clinton's campaign have all been hacked and there is new evidence that even the NSA was hacked.
Regarding Clinton's server, there is NO evidence of hacker intrusion, only baseless rumor mongering speculation by illogical thinkers.
"Perhaps the safest e-mail system in the country was the one that Hillary Clinton was using as Secretary of State."


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Trump is whining about the media now. They gave him hours and hours of free air time. He was coming on CNN and they gave him as much time as he wanted. Now he's telling us the media is biased.

They are still giving him a lot of air time where they televise most of his speeches. They just aren't saying what he wants them to say. We still have freedom of the press now. I'm not sure if Trump is planning on trying to change the constitution to fit his needs? I'm not willing on taking the chance. He's too afraid to come on any news station except for Fox now.


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Another cut and paste article with nothing but vitriol. This thread is really turning into a shit show. Peaceful regime change is central to our Republic. In fact, if you hit the link you just posted in your article, the main twitter feed says this:

""Peaceful regime change" is the way Trump just described the election.""

That is what Democratic Republics, or representative democracies, are about, peaceful regime change through elections filtered through representative bodies, who have the real say so, for the final result. There is a big difference between a Democracy and a Republic and also between what we have and the rest of the world.

When Dems used the word "regime" during the Bush administration the right went ballistic. Remember how the right lost their mind over the word "czar" which their hero Reagan had used back in the day?


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I hear regime change in other countries meaning the others were ousted by the military. When I look up regime change in the dictionary it does say a change of power and people in charge. So the term applies but it seems like a military term as associated with Russia. I just don't hear it a lot in the U.S. It's kind of an archaic word.

I just don't want to feel that I'm pissing anybody off by a simple comment. We can agree to disagree. This can be a heated thread and sometimes I need to go elsewhere myself. This presidential election is unbelievable.
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When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Nope it is not the Onion.
Nope it is not a SNL skit.
Drumpf goes after our Intelligence Service.

"As far as military intelligence gathering goes, Drumpf said "the people that have been doing it for our country, I mean, look what’s happened over the last 10 years. … It’s been catastrophic. Very easy to use them, but I won't use them, because they’ve made such bad decisions.”"

I know. I should not use his own words against him. He is forced to be a dumbass by that Kenyan Obama and Crooked Hillary.


Well-Known Member
Trump is whining about the media now. They gave him hours and hours of free air time. He was coming on CNN and they gave him as much time as he wanted. Now he's telling us the media is biased.

They are still giving him a lot of air time where they televise most of his speeches. They just aren't saying what he wants them to say. We still have freedom of the press now. I'm not sure if Trump is planning on trying to change the constitution to fit his needs? I'm not willing on taking the chance. He's too afraid to come on any news station except for Fox now.
I reckon the trump campaign is mistakenly trying to legitimise brietshart as a trustworthy news outlet, either that or they're trying to drive it up as a revenue stream.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The problems isn't who's managing Trump - the problem is Trump. He won't take any direction from anybody except supposedly Evanka. He is a deeply flawed candidate that lacks self control.

Who ever would have thought America would be nervous for a candidate to get a presidential (briefing) update. Afraid that he will divulge American secrets. It's so over the top it's unbelievable.

You can tell Trump feels uncomfortable reading from a TelePrompTer. It was like watching a fourth grader reading his classroom state report.
With Trump what you see is what you get, with a few surprises along the way.:popcorn:
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Well-Known Member
I humbly add, dear Sister, ...
The problems isn't who's managing Trump - the problem is Trump. ...
...the dark and deeply troubling problem is the mean minority of our USA who so badly dislike our country.

... When I look up regime change in the dictionary it does say a change of power and people in charge. ...
...Some of this dislike of our USA is manifest in the story below about Trump voters who would rather destroy the current regime than live with our nation's Democratic principles and trajectory over time towards inclusivity, not regressivity.

Poll: Three out of five Texans who support Trump want secession if Hillary becomes president

"Data from the left-leaning polling firm shows that Trump leads Clinton by a margin of 50 percent to 44 percent in Texas. ...
According to the polling results from PPP, only one out of four Texans support seceding from America generally. But when faced with the possibility of a President Hillary Clinton, a majority of Trump supporters said they'd rather leave."

More reporting on Trump's tossing the intelligence community under the bus that he says he is most qualified to drive; all evidence to the contrary except to the contrary USSeRs in our country.

"And in fact, I won't use some of the people that are sort of your standards, you know, just use them, use them, use them. Very easy to use them, but I won't use them because they've made such bad decisions."

Does he even have a driver's license? People are asking, simply saying.


Putin is a War Criminal
I think ya may need a bit more perspective there, cyber. A lot of people join the military because of the educational benefits that the military provides when they leave. A lot of people join the military because of the benefits that they offer and that they don't have any other job perspectives that would be a better choice for them. For others, they join for the danger and adventure. For some, they join because of the power that comes from having a gun and being able to legally use it to kill someone which can be intoxicating.
I get your point, and it is perfectly clear to me that many people join the military for other than altruistic reasons. It is also perfectly clear to me that America (as well as most other countries) NEEDS a military, not only for our own protection, but to help protect OTHER nations that need our support. Especially BECAUSE we are the last super power that leaves us at least somewhat responsible to police the world. We have a responsibility that other nations may not.

So here is my perspective. I was not willing to go IN the military, and luckily I missed the draft by one year. But recognizing the fact that we NEED one, and I am not willing to join, everyone who does join is providing me with a service, one that may, in some circumstances, lead to their deaths or disability, physical and/or mental. I owe them something for that. They get extra chits from me, and they should from EVERYONE who wouldn't, couldn't or hasn't served. It doesn't matter if they did it for the money, or to get an education, or insurance or even if its because they have a warped need to control, they are still filling a place that I would not, and I owe them. The only real exception for me is probably someone given a choice by a judge to serve in the military or prison, but even they fill that empty seat.

I have no problem, lwien, thanking you for your service, and you need have no problem accepting that thanks. It is heartfelt.

Actually this is kinda a red herring because it really isn't the military that were were talking about, but I needed to say the above. I honor those who serve not only because of their altruism or the good that they do in serving, but because they are doing it for me and in my place whether their reasons are altruistic or not.
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When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Watch these clips first:



And then?

You are now ready.

To be fair conservatives are not used to the press actually questioning their flawed reasoning.
And this Drumpf lawyer obviously got his diploma at Drumpf U.
(I have nothing against lawyers per se)

Now for real this is comedy gold. Stewart could not have done it better..


Well-Known Member
There's a really good possibility here that Trump is trying to hedge his bets thinking that if he loses, at least he can come out of this with the chances of building and owning an ultra-right cable news outlet to rival Fox with Steve Bannon and Roger Ailes at the reigns and using Breitbart News as the stepping stone.

Hell, it could be a trifecta with cable, internet and am radio all under the Trump umbrella. Of course, they will have to add Rush to the Ailes, Bannon, and Trump team. Ailes for TV, Bannon for the net and Rush for the radio. Big bucks in them thar hills.

Kinda makes sense, eh? This is a right-wingers wet dream.
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Putin is a War Criminal
Heh heh. He's gonna have to come up with something, because suckers are gonna be much harder to find after showing everyone who he really is...

I suspect he will also have difficulty finding people who want to go in business with him, given what has happened to previous "partners"...


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
There's a really good possibility here that Trump is trying to hedge his bets thinking that if he loses, at least he can come out of this with the chances of building and owning an ultra-right cable news outlet to rival Fox with Steve Bannon and Roger Ailes at the reigns and using Breitbart News as the stepping stone.

Hell, it could be a trifecta with cable, internet and am radio all under the Trump umbrella. Of course, they will have to add Rush to the Ailes, Bannon, and Trump team. Ailes for TV, Bannon for the net and Rush for the radio. Big bucks in them thar hills.

Kinda makes sense, eh? This is a right-wingers wet dream.

I've never really spent much time on FOX. CNN, CNBC, local news and occasionally PBS and Bloomberg are my usual TV news related stomping grounds.
Well....I just spent the last two hours watching FOX News to see what all the fuss was about :puke:

I realize my predilection for democratic leaning news could be getting in the way of my judging what I saw on FOX without prejudice but.... I don't think I've ever seen a channel so singularly anti-democratic. It's like their only reason for eating the airwaves. At least CNN and CNBC try to be fair and balanced and will bash democrats as well as republicans.'s my there a channel similar to FOX for us Dems? I need a fix after watching that shit.


Well-Known Member
This is funny. I was just watching Anderson Cooper on CNN and someone on his panel of speakers just brought up the EXACT scenario that I mentioned above. Weird. I was screaming at the TV, "Fuck you. That was MY idea !! :rant:"'s my there a channel similar to FOX for us Dems? I need a fix after watching that shit.

MSNBC. Now quite as focused as FOX but still, a channel that leans left.

I watch Fox a lot just to see how they spin things. It's fascinating.


Putin is a War Criminal
MSNBC absolutely does lean left, sometimes nauseatingly so, but they never hide news stories and they nearly always include republican and other right leaning guests.

And they have a few shows, like Morning Joe, where they have "actual republicans" as regulars...


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
MSNBC absolutely does lean left, sometimes nauseatingly so, but they never hide news stories and they nearly always include republican and other right leaning guests.

And they have a few shows, like Morning Joe, where they have "actual republicans" as regulars...

3 hours of K0CH Joe, 1 hour of Ayn L Rand Andrea, multiple hours of moderate right leaning talk.
Not even comparable to FuX.
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When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
Poll: Three out of five Texans who support Trump want secession if Hillary becomes president

"Data from the left-leaning polling firm shows that Trump leads Clinton by a margin of 50 percent to 44 percent in Texas. ...
According to the polling results from PPP, only one out of four Texans support seceding from America generally. But when faced with the possibility of a President Hillary Clinton, a majority of Trump supporters said they'd rather leave."

They can leave. But they do not get to take one thimble full of America with them.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The republicans have been trying to play it safe saying things like I'm voting for Trump but I don't support him. With Trump's shuffle of his head presidential campaign person switched out with Steve Bannon being the lead person. Not sure what Paul Manafort's job will be?

The Republican Party needs to jump ship before it too late. They will end up with Trumps vomit all over them. Steve Bannon wanted to be a king maker. I don't think he will be successful. Trump is seeking deeper with this move.

He he - I think I get your drift @lwien

Republicans and democrats have a viable third party choice at this point. I like Gary Johnson's VP William Weld better then him. If republicans don't like Trump they can vote the third party candidate. They would be smart to think on those lines, Trump is a nightmare.
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