So do I, so here are some just in case you missed them:I believe in facts.
Actually it was his testimony in Jones V Clinton that got him in trouble and it wasn't just fines, he LOST his license to practice law in AR and the U.S. Supreme Court.Clinton got a BJ in the Oval Office. Monica Lewinski got some of it on her dress. That's old news. Clinton paid the fine and went on with his life.
And apparently he's ahead right now in the polls. I wonder how many misogynists who would never vote for a woman he is gathering.When I read about this kind of confidence, it reminds me of michael moore saying, "get out of your bubble!". I'm guessing you are safe and quite content in there, but many people are not, and there is revolution in the air. The gop just nominated the most revolting candidate they could find, because it's that kind of year.
This is absolutely true. Breaking the "Be Nice" rule is not a good idea and could result in this threads termination.When someone starts shouting that everybody is stupid it's best to just ignore.
So do I, so here are some just in case you missed them:
As a consequence of his conduct in the Jones v. Clinton civil suit and before the federal grand jury, President Clinton incurred significant administrative sanctions. The Independent Counsel considered seven non-criminal alternative sanctions that were imposed in making his decision to decline prosecution:
(1) President Clinton’s admission of providing false testimony that was knowingly misleading, evasive, and prejudicial to the administration of justice before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas;
(2) his acknowledgement that his conduct violated the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Arkansas Supreme Court;
(3) the five-year suspension of his license to practice law and $25,000 fine imposed on him by the Circuit Court of Pulaski County, Arkansas;
(4) the civil contempt penalty of more than $900,000 imposed on President Clinton by the federal court for violating its orders;
(5) the payment of more than $850,000 in settlement to Paula Jones;
(6) the express finding by the federal court that President Clinton had engaged in contemptuous conduct;
(7) the substantial public condemnation of President Clinton arising from his impeachment.
Seems like something stuck there. He also lost his AK law license, which he never got back, and would have been disbarred by the U.S. Supreme Court had he not surrendered on the last day before they were going to disbar him.
He is betting on men alright, many of those in the rust belt that have lost their jobs through trade deals and tax-breaks etc. Misogyny is in play, but it's really about all the high-wage jobs in swing states that are gone, and how emasculating that can be for the ex-wage earner that used to be able to provide for his family.And apparently he's ahead right now in the polls. I wonder how many misogynists who would never vote for a woman he is gathering.
Lol, how can anyone reading this thread take certifiable liars and people who spout misconceptions as having an actual valid point.....anyone whose not bought into this train of BS please open your eyes. It's actually borderline sickening to me how warped some people are. Am I the crazy one? Lolz
It was interesting that bernie said hillary
"must be the next president",
and that he "was proud to stand with her".
But he never said "endorse"![]()
That's how they got howard dean to stop "causing trouble" for the establishment.The best idea I have heard for the Bernie movement going forward is to appoint him to head the DNC.
Respectfully, that would certainly please the ONE participant that's doing the name calling.I'm letting you all know that anymore name calling will cause this thread to be shut down.![]()
That participant no longer participates in this thread. So my message is for the rest of you.... just in case.Respectfully, that would certainly please the ONE participant that's doing the name calling.
Yes with his AR license, after 5 years of suspension, but not his U.S. Supreme Court license.Well he could have got the license back. He chose not to get it.
That is not all that he did. He also obstructed justice by attempting to subvert the legal system. Here are 6 examples:But you go ahead and keep posting about his having sex and lying about it.
He also obstructed justice
but not disproved
Why don't you start a new thread with your cop shooting information and aggravation?Except two independent autopsies proves this is impossible. There were also videos where people were in awe that he rushed the cop. I don't get my information from pundits but from source documents.
I may get a flag thrown for this play.......
Am I the only one that cringed when the undocumented folks spoke? It hurt my heart to hear their speeches but didn't these folks out themselves and place themselves in the very danger they have been avoiding for so many years? Maybe not...see below. It gave the Trumpeteers plenty of ammunition though. You can safely bet that the repubs will be screaming 'It's against the law and the democrats/Hillary are all for harboring people who are here illegally'.
The spouses and children of U.S. lawful permanent residents (green card holders) who have filed a visa petition for them to immigrate. Because of annual limits on visas, these spouses and children may be on a waiting list, with no current right to be in the United States. But some have come to the U.S. anyway, unwilling to be separated from their family, or unclear on the law. And if they are covered by an old law called Section 245(i), they’re better off staying in the U.S. than leaving, because leaving could expose them to a bar on reentry (as described in “Consequences of Unlawful Presence in the U.S. -- Three- and Ten-Year Time Bars”), whereas staying will allow them to "adjust status," or submit their green card application with their local USCIS office. The immigration enforcement authorities deliberately make no effort to remove such family members from the United States.
What's more, under a policy called “prosecutorial discretion,” various immigrants, such as students and those with close family members in the U.S., are supposed to be largely left alone by the immigration authorities, so that the authorities can concentrate on immigrants who are criminals or otherwise a risk to U.S. society. Some of these immigrants may actually be granted a sort of limbo status called "deferred action," and in some cases a work permit. See, for example, Nolo's articles on “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)” and “How ICE Policy of Prosecutorial Discretion May Help Gay or Lesbian Partners of U.S. Citizens.”
Another gray area is people fleeing persecution, and planning to apply for asylum in the United States. Particularly if they are being sought for persecution by their own government, or unable to make direct contact with a refugee agency, their only choice for U.S. entry may be to come illegally. During the time that they are preparing an application for asylum, they have no actual right to be in the U.S. – but then again, if they are caught and placed in removal proceedings, they are allowed to claim asylum at that point, and may very well be approved for asylum (and one year later, eligible for a green card).
Hopefully the undocumented families that spoke will fit in the grey areas above and will not be harmed.