I'm sorry, but to hear people gripe about "Make America Great Again" is just as terrible as "Hope" was. Talk about platitudes. Obama wasn't giving out any details during his campaign either.
I can not understand how those Americans who have from the beginning* been so against any possible "hope and change" under President Obama, and who still deny that he did the country any good, can eagerly swallow regressive platitudes in Trump's trash talk.
One can easily** judge the two political tribes that current exist, on a progressive-regressive scale.
Efficient government is progress. Drowning government is not.
Acknowledging humanity is progress. Denying reality and science to deny that (God-made) gay people exist (by nature) is regressive.
It is all choices! Christian Republicans as a tribe try to square the circle of God and Caesar and fail both miserable when they build walls.
*Re: The seditious meeting of Republicans on President Obama's inauguration day 2009, where they began a cabal of assuring President Obama's failure by obstructing America's success.
** Pay attention to what members of the tribe say. See actual results of their governance.
Realize that almost everything that anyone claims is true, was told to that one and not personally verified.
Screen your sources wisely; intelligence exists in knowing the difference between fact and fiction, reality and delusion.
Is this shared world available to our senses and well described by Newtonian physics, real?
Or is the quantum world of vast space and uncertain outcomes, the actual reality?
Throw religion into the mental-mix and one gets a pretty stew of confusion and failed logic.
Voting is not for anyone's ego. Voting is participating in choosing the trajectory of America's world for future generations. Choices now determine what comes later, but that later we can not now see, so choose wisely, forward or backward; thinking you have any further control beyond that choice is not intelligence. What comes, comes.