Hillary supporters here, spend so many posts simply name calling and bashing detractors as being uneducated, idiotic, uninformed, or delusional. You guys literally prove the liberal mantra correct. All animals are not equal, we get it. But, can you stop? It makes you guys into the very thing you are "fighting" against. So for your guys sake, cool down on the "my viewpoint is the only viewpoint that is correct".....
LOL at the article a few pages back saying that Trump supporters should be "ashamed" and should "be made to feel shame"

sounds like that guy's' a bit conceited? I guess the thing's I'm weighing are the "wrong ones". Or don't weigh his "superior opinions" enough
As funny as the RNC celebrity speakers are, truly lol, I sincerely hope you guys don't put stock into entertainers political beliefs.....they are entertainers. An A-lister and a C lister, don't think ones political beliefs are better because they are more successful actors. That's a weird line to draw, couldn't tell if it was being made....hopefully not...
Can't wait for the exploitation next Tuesday at the DNC!
"featured speakers from Mother's of the Movement. The Mothers of the Movement participating include Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, mother of Dontré Hamilton; Lucia McBath, mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, mother of Hadiya Pendleton; Geneva Reed-Veal, mother of Sandra Bland."
Sounds like they'll be exploiting mother's griefs and their childrens deaths? I'll wait for whatever way it's spun for easier digestion of it not being exploitation of those things, but by the very nature of the event, it is.
Media spin.....I found it incredibly interesting the other day when
@lwien said Fox News was burying the story of Melania plagiarism....? That's a weird perspective, I did a little project
We know what mendacious means, by the way. That's rich saying Trump supporters are too stupid and won't know what the word means, yet, the above is Faux News burying it.
You read the headlines. MSNBC has 3 headlines directly talking about the speech and plagiarism. And a LOT of opinion pieces saying how shitty this is gonna be for him. "Outrageous" "skewered on social media!" "The RNC is a debacle!" Scott baio defends his comments against women? That's cute, they were grilling him over a meme from before the RNC? I circled it but really not pertinent. But glad that's front page news..... Find it funny how their article titles literally lead you to bias even prior to reading.
You see nothing about the other 93% of the speech, "Faux" has that. You still are getting the critiques too about plagiarism... Didn't realize you needed a bunch of blistering opinion pieces for a story to not be buried.....oh, what's this? Donald Trump is handling it wrong.....and on Faux News? Darling Hillary would never have that on MSNBC. Should of screen capped a few weeks back after she wasn't getting investigated. I'm gonna continue I think, screens capping...helps disprove the false narrative. "Faux News" was arguably talking about it
more.... less opinion pieces, but more bias

, what a weird perspective to have.......
What's the deal with all the big game hunting? Bill Clinton being a misogynistic pig, when I said that, it was met with a choir of "her family isn't pertinent!! It's her right!!"
Explain how his sons big game hunting as reason to not want him in office is any less pertinent? I think it's disgusting but it means nothing for him being a viable candidate. "his family isn't pertinent! It's their right!"
@CarolKing im glad your family is better off now than 8 years ago, my family is not. They pay more, they aren't benefitting from that, so they are consequentially worse off then they were......are they delusional? You seem to deny that happens.....whose more delusional, a Republican who pays more and makes less and gripes about it, or a Democrat who simply says that doesn't happen?
"Obama has been nothing but crap and those people who think their lives have improved are delusional." See how stupid
THAT sounds? But, you can substitute "shit" with "sunshine" and "improved" with "declined" and somehow its now kosher and detractors are delusional?? weird perspective too....
The "Grown Up" party being the Democrats?

Not sure I follow..... I mean, the tried and true sayin "they just don't get it!!" "Parents, just don't understand!" Lol. Are Democrats angsty teens? Plus you know, name calling. And temper tantrums. Did I mention literally pouting on the floor because they couldn't follow the rules set in place? That's the best one, my neighbors kid was doing that on my porch earlier. They sound
really grown up
I should of started this post with this, but thank you
@cybrguy . Nice to see that you can vote Hillary and still not equate Trump supporters as stupid people. We all have our reasonings; the truly stupid ones simply shoehorn us all into one category.
@grokit , my understanding of the article, regarding Nader and Bernie. Bernie, he endorsed Hillary, and Hillary said she WILL do all those things. So, when she falls through on the promises, Bernie can come back and say, look, she fooled me again, she betrayed me! I would not say he is a liar or setting her up for failure. She simply has to follow through on her words......shouldn't be too hard eh? LOL.

thanks again to the people who can be bipartisan or tow the middle of the road even a tiny bit. You guys provide interesting discussion and perspectives. Actually, just much appreciated to anyone who doesn't just label people voting differently them as uneducated, idiotic, uninformed, or delusional.
Sorry to detract, I'll let you guys go back to the pitchforks.