This isn't the religion thread but you could start one. What about the Christians that have killed folks in the abortion clinics in the "name of God" here in the U.S?
I did mention that earlier today:
He was more concerned about a theology that has literally codexed jihad. He was unswayed by my counterargument that certain domestic fundamentalist christians are just as hateful, and sounded more like my ex-cia friend that told me recently that it's already too late.
In any respect, I think we're only discussing religion here in terms of the next potus's potential domestic and foreign policies as they relate to "religion-inspired violence", both at home and abroad.

I'm still rooting for a miracle, so we don't have to choose between domestic race wars and wwiii...
These two articles, from one of the most unbiased but hawkish publications I've ever laid eyes on, provide a salient compare & contrast between our two leading polarized politicians regarding foreign policy

Trump Goes on the Attack in New Foreign-Policy Speech
It was a defiant Donald Trump who warned about a Muslim threat today.
It was a defiant Donald Trump who delivered his new
foreign-policy address today. “The Muslims have to work with us,” he stated, “They have to work with us. They know what’s going on.”
This marked a polar opposite from the tones that Hillary Clinton sounded a few hours before Trump—and from the ones that leading Republicans such as House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would like him to adopt. Trump declared that he would not succumb to
political correctness in battling radical Islamic fundamentalism. And he repeatedly invoked repeatedly an omnipresent Muslim threat inside America that threatens to sap its liberties and freedoms, replacing them with terror, violence and fear.
In contrast to Clinton—who did not mention Trump by name during her speech Monday and offered a three-part plan that included beefing up resources for first responders and law enforcement and intelligence officials—Trump repeatedly assailed her and Obama. He pointed to her support for intervention in Libya as helping to spawn terrorism.
Earlier in the day, Trump had suggested that Obama himself was either naïve or perhaps abetting terrorists. "Look, we're led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he's got something else in mind," Trump
told Fox News. "And the something else in mind — you know, people can't believe it. People cannot, they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can't even mention the words 'radical Islamic terrorism.' There's something going on. It's inconceivable. There's something going on."
Orlando and Hillary's Dilemma
Clinton is hemmed in by political correctness.
With each new terrorist attack—
Orlando is just the latest of a lengthening global string—Hillary Clinton’s presidential prospects sink further. The reason may be traced to the four corners of a “no way out” box that a politically correct Clinton now finds herself trapped in.
At one corner of this box, Hillary is tied at the hip to a president who won’t even utter the words “Islamic extremism.” Hillary herself
renounces the phrase “radical Islam”—even as she meekly denounces “violent extremism.” However, as Confucius once said: “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name,” and American voters are overwhelmingly going to see a far blunter and waterboarding Trump as the wiser (and tougher) one here.
At a second corner of Hillary’s “no way out” box, there is the very real conflict between her support for both women’s and gay rights versus her politically correct views on “religious tolerance.”
Says Clinton: “America’s commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation, and as you know, we are home to people of all religions.’’
Here, however, is Clinton’s political conundrum: Clinton is supporting an
intolerant religion in the name of religious tolerance—and much of the American public knows it. This includes all those American women who Clinton is heavily banking on to carry her to victory. They sure don’t want their daughters donning burqas at the behest of some new American Caliphate.