Wait a second. Are you actually saying that Fox is less opinionated in their reporting than MSNBC? If that's the case, than you and I must be watching a different Fox.
I agree with @yogashio , but like I said different sides of the same coin, it's tough to quantify the amount of opinion but I feel more often than not, in terms of news, MSNBC pushes their agenda while Fox gives a more unbiased look. Agree that the pundits (is that what they're considered?) like O'Reilly are as bad. And agree all are biased in some fashion and you should try to read all sides and peel all layers
While guns is not solely to blame, the ability to purchase an assault rifle that has the ability to shoot so many people so quickly is partially to blame, eh. I have no doubt that if assault rifles were not available and all he had was a pistol, we would not see 50 people dead.
No doubt it is, there is no need for automatic rifles like those.......I can understand why people feel it infringes on their right to freedom or whatever, but honestly not really empathetic to their cause. Deer hunting is huge by me.......they don't use anything like that! And hell, bow takes more skill. So I do fully agree that we don't need the automatic rifles.
I don't think guns are the root cause here though, I think a lack of proper monitoring and flagging and whatnot is. Crazies come in all colors, shapes, and sizes......unless we implement a full weapon ban, I just don't see a way crazies won't get a gun.......but felons are banned, and get guns.... Addressing the guns just seems like a half measure to me.........THAT said, addressing the crazies is a pretty hard thing to quantify so I do kind of understand. If you lower the availability of guns, in theory, should be less guns, and since guns cause violence, should be less violence.
@Silat , I disagree (kind of) with the idea that if you vote for Trump knowing he's racist, that you support racism. But, I can also understand the "big picture" idea that by voting for a racist, by proxy you are supporting racism, by supporting him. It's a pretty good catch 22 argument for liberals and Democrats to make too, and you aren't really wrong, but it's another example of appealing to the feelings of people. But, there are other reasons people support him, and there are Muslims/Mexicans/etc. who will vote for him......are they race traitors?
Just to play Devil's Advocate, Democrats have a huge history in racism, it wasn't the Republicans whipping and it wasn't the Republicans lynching, and it wasn't the Republican's supporting the Ku Klux Klan, so by proxy supporting a party who was about those things......sounds pretty bad.
Similarly, a vote for Hillary shows that you don't value the lives of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty, since her actions demonstrated she didn't value their lives.
I understand you weren't calling me a racist earlier if I vote for Trump, nor am I calling you a racist or saying you don't value human life, simply using these as "big picture" examples...how big a picture do we paint? Trump has said racist things, but I don't think he is the all embodiment of evil and I don't consider a vote for him supporting racism, but I can understand your perspective, just seems a narrow brush to paint with.....just an FYI though, calling him Drumpf is supporting the very racism that people vote for him are supporting........I elaborated on that earlier, nothing like trying to put a guy down by making fun of his immigrant ancestors name, but it's a big deal when he calls Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas"...see the irony?
Also, just .02 regarding Elizabeth Warren, him calling her Pochontas is racist, but isn't it also kind of racist to only start identifying as NA in your 30s when going to Law School, pretty racist? Seems like you really cared and identified with your NA roots for the first 30+ years of life..... I'm a 1/4 Palesntinian, I get pretty tan in the summer/sun..... I check white, I've always identified as white....my brother is same way.....he just finished his first year of med school, and skipped the year off from college.....tough to do, they want that experience after college....... the kid should of identified as Middle Eastern as he was right on the cusp and had to wait a little, but he probably would of had a bit less stressful and quicker time if he did that. That seems pretty shitty though right, to exploit a 1/4 of our blood to gain benefits when we haven't identified as that our whole lives (we are in mid 20s)? He shouldn't try to demean her by calling her names, but I personally think that utilizing race selectively and only for gain is pretty.....dehumanizing. I respect my heritage (and based on my reading, which I didn't do much of, she can't prove hers), but it would seem like I would be marginalizing my grandfather IMO if I started identifying as Palestinian for "benefits"
With regards to religion, I used to be "atheist" but as I've gotten older, I've actually gotten more religious. That said, I tend to believe in the overarching themes and "big picture" ideas moreso than the literal interpretations of *any* religion. "spiritual" is a term I tend to use to describe myself with regards to that. I have mixed feelings about organized religion; it is great IMO for people to be able to celebrate and bond over something they feel connected by. But I also feel like some people use religion/churches as a way to shield shit. Nothing like hearing the soccer moms gossiping and being catty at the local brunch spot on Sunday on their way home from Sunday mass

but they are good people you know, they go to church. Don't like a facade. I do know some truly amazing people who are religious though and actually practice what they preach, although it isn't for me personally.
.....fell asleep writing this
An addendum about Global Warming: certainly you guys remember the scares about Global Cooling? More in your time than mine. The thing is, the Earth has climates, and climates change.......there is no doubt Global Warming. But, it is also natural. Not saying humans don't contribute to climate change, but there are other natural forces that do too.