That looks like something purple pants
@Shit Snacks would have custom ordered, nice score!
Haha I meant to say
@NimChimpsky it really looks so beautiful in person, the purple really shines after all! Still thrilled you got it...
Yeah bossman that is actually the pre-built one I secured during the last drop, but I mentioned to Ralph that I was bummed I missed the one that had more
blue, he offered me the opportunity to switch over to custom so I could choose from the next batch of acrylic pours... And yeah I chose one with lots of cosmic blue and purple as well, wouldn't you know, have not showed the photos here yet because I would like to do one big post with the final product and the pour panel when it finally arrives

I'm an early adopter of tubo tetra tech so I've been able to wait patiently for the most part!
Lmao so all day I've been hitting this like I do most of my other vapes and getting very little vapor. Suddenly I thought I should try hitting this thing really hard and wow lots of vapor started happening. Oh and I just heard back from Ralph and he is getting that stem sent out so no worries there. I should mention I have no desire to mess with the settings of this thing it works fine as is.
Haha yeah dude, this one is a ripper not a sipper, imo... Although sipping can work well with low temps for less visible vapor, also on demand works great with higher temp set then you are used to btw for instant on demand hits... Again I am always basket loading at the edge of the stem btw
So it’s sounds like a customizable smart path, which cool. Can I assume only one tstep cruise program can be done? I knew of warm up mode and cruise beforehand but the P80 is getting better and I don’t even have mine yet
Correct there is only one t-step cruise to program, you'll have to change it each time you want to do a different one... Or just go manual cruise! That's mostly what I do
So the P80 comes set at 70W it sounds like. I’m not an EE but would think if it were lowered it would preserve battery life a bit. I’ll likely leave it alone for a while until I become comfortable with all the settings. Or at least try not to screw up any of the preprogrammed settings except that tstep cruise mode. That sounds like fun, especially if you can specify the time. Is there a min/max time limit? Any day now my P80 will be here…

Again, the 70 watts is just a max setting, so it can keep up with any draw and maintain temp, it hardly ever goes near that high, and frankly the reason I never tried lowering mine to 50 for battery life is because the Molicell perform so well for me, I can take them down close to 0% without issue, so I am getting more bowls per battery than I used to with other cells regardless now
And yes there is a time limit, I think it is the same limit as the regular cruise, I'm not sure about a minimum time, but probably...?