Tempest Or Anvil


Farm Grower
Just my $0.02. I'm in favor of the Tempest over Anvil at the moment; When it works as advertised, it is a thing of beauty. But I think it makes more sense to just buy an Anvil right now since as mentioned, it has been proven for a couple years now. Although if you prioritize flavor, Tempest has it beat for me and could be considered worth waiting for imo


Pranayama; of a sort.
So, to reiterate, I have the TA3. It is on a wood Revolve Gen2. The airport is fully closed. The TA3 head is open/closed in such a way that there are two pretty much perfect circles visible. I have my Wand currently at 585 F. I sit back on my sofa and hold the wand in my left hand kind of at a 45 degree angle. The display is visible. I hold my TA in my right hand, also at a 45 degree angle such that the head goes through the back of the Wand. Essentially both hands are kind of resting on my belly and the two devices make a triangle above. I have the TA head anywhere from flush to the edge of the hole to maybe 5mm past the edge. Run until time over and away I go.
Thank you for taking the time to reiterate it as I must have missed it. My setup (revolve and airflow settings) are the same. I’ll try your technique- thank you.

The main reason why the Anvil keeps its throne.
Yeah ok, I can accept that… I haven’t been able to get that really stoney feeling from the Anvil either… it's either, use the TA or my PID in order to achieve that truly stoney feeling… I hope if the Forge fixes that for me with the Anvil... otherwise there will be 4 sold soon.
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The Anvil has been my daily driver for the past 2.5+ years. Aside the portability I love the that I can torch it to a perfect roast and that it hits hard. Also it’s never gonna leave me as there’s nothing that can break.

The Tempest is new to me and I use it with a Wand. This great little device hits also hard, but is more convenient to heat up. The VI is an awesome feature and Brenyo’s great support is also an important part of the product.

If the world ends and I can grab only one vape (such a realistic scenario), it would be the Anvil due to its reliability and small footprint (torch instead of Wand). Also gas may be more available in common apocalyptic situations than electric power. But in the real world I can’t decide for one. They’re both great vapes, they hit differently and they compliment each other so well.

When I’m out and about I have them both with me. The situation and my mood decides which one I’ll use. Ideally both one after the other, that serves me for a while 😁
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Well-Known Member
The Anvil has been my daily driver for the past 2.5+ years. Aside the portability I love the that I can torch it to a perfect roast and that it hits hard. Also it’s never gonna leave me as there’s nothing that can break.

The Tempest is new to me and I use it with a Wand. This great little device hits also hard, but is more convenient to heat up. The VI is an awesome feature and Brenyo’s great support is also an important part of the product.

If the world ends and I can grab only one vape (such a realistic scenario), it would be the Anvil due to its reliability and small footprint (torch instead of Wand). Also gas may be more available in common apocalyptic situations than electric power. But in the real world I can’t decide for one. They’re both great vapes, they hit differently and they compliment each other so well.

When I’m out and about I have them both with me. The situation and my mood decides which one I’ll use. Ideally both one after the other, that serves me for a while 😁
Would you explain “common apocalyptic situations”. I need to know what to plan for.
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Well-Known Member
I like the Anvil for what it is; but it's taken a back seat to the Tempest and the Thermal Accumulator (3) which are my favorites in this sort of space

The Tempest is IH / Wand compatible and has great flavour and is a complete device in of itself - where the Thermal Accumulator you'll need to get a good torch or a much stronger IH than the wand for really good results - but the Thermal Accumulator is a much more hybrid experience / more "stony" feel.

all depends on what your looking for but as a TM2 user I would say you would probably like the flavour of the Tempest (convection bias) over the Anvil (which kind of has a little more hybrid signature)
Which has bigger clouds ,anvil right ?


Would you explain “common apocalyptic situations”. I need to know what to plan for.
All the stuff that happens in disaster movies, I guess. No personal apocalyptic experiences here 😄

I'm confused, wouldn't the footprint be pretty much the same if you used a torch with your tempest?
Yes. But I‘d rather torch the Anvil and IH the Tempest.

Dude seems to have some good insight on disaster planning, while I don't even have a day's worth of food/water in my place.
No insight at all, I‘d probably die at day one 😄 But at least I‘ll have my Anvil.
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