Tafée Bowle


Well-Known Member
I am still finding the Bowle to be an amazing step forward in DHVs.
DHVs..... Dual Hand Vape? .... Desktop / Handheld Vape? ... Drink Handheld Vape? :smug: Its amusing trying to guess new abbreviations for the first time.
Digital Handheld Vape is my last best guess.
The airflow is open on both devices, but it feels more open on the first one, though I’m not 100% sure. What I can definitely tell you is that it’s louder—there’s no doubt about that. The second unit’s noise level, however, is more in line with my Series 1.
By louder, do you mean the electrical current hum sound of the heater heating up the herb or the sound of the inrush air as your inhaling?

IMO, the inrush air noise when I'm sucking decently can get pretty loud. Def audible by anyone in a silent room.
I find that if I slow my draw, to the point where its no longer making a lot of noise, and do an extended 15 sec inhale, the vapor clouds are a lot thicker, and there is way more heat in my mouth / throat usually causing me to hack up a lung for a bit.

One thing I was curious and wanted to ask everyone who is willing to chime in:
How many of you start your session with the TB2 at temp 2 or lower and then ramp up?
How many of you start you session with the TB2 at temp 3 or higher?

Just curious about majority use case. I personally wanted to start real low and work my way up throughout the session / evening like I used to do with my Extreme Q desktop vape, start around 175 - 180, and end around 220C.
However, with the TB2 I'm finding Temps 1 and 2 don't really do much for me. I get a small coating of terp flavor with no vapor, but when I start on Temp 3 I feel like I'm still getting the same quality of taste with some vapor production.
When starting on Temp 1 or 2, temp 3 becomes useless to me as it no longer produces flavor, just a tiny amount of vapor.
Temp 4 on the TB2 blows clouds always. I haven't needed to go up to 5 much at all besides one time when I was using some home grown and it was still kinda dark green after a few puff on Temp 4.

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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Hi TB lovers. Long time Bowle lurker here. Happy to say I have my own v2 on the way. Soooooo excited for this unique power house of a portable. My expectations are high.

I look forward to sharing my adventures with the bowl and you all


Did you snag that one from Vito?? :cool::ninja:


Big and Bouncy
Nice! Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉
The Office Party Hard GIF

Let us know if it's as awesome as everyone says.


Well-Known Member
Yeah congrats! Made it so I didn't have to lol

Nice! Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉

Let us know if it's as awesome as everyone says.
Thank you two 😍. Hey SS do you have a bowle of your own? I saw you and another OG liked vitolos post and I thought for sure it was gone but it was posted 8 minutes prior and that’s my lucky number so I asked for availability status and I was first to reach out!

Most of all thank you Vitolo for the generous opportunity! I’m out of town for work returning Thursday and it says the TB2 will be here when I get back. Vitolo has me feeling like a very important person. Very fast at responding. Very thorough. Immediately shipped and provided tracking. Wow.

Expect some first impressions and pics to come this weekend. I apologize in advance for my already poor grammar being worse
after all the testing 😂

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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Hey SS do you have a bowle of your own? I saw you and another OG liked vitolos post and I thought for sure it was gone but it was posted 8 minutes prior and that’s my lucky number so I asked for availability status and I was first to reach out!

Yes I have the OG! That's why I'm curious about V2 and low price certainly helps, I think I hit like within like 2 minutes, but @cx714 was there first... For some reason 7 minutes sits in my head too, but I'm pretty sure I didn't message him until it had been like 14 minutes or so?? I dragged my feet a little to give someone else a chance, and because I wasn't sure, 300 is a fantastic deal, but still not a small amount of money for something I really don't need at all hahaha I have way too much!! Someday I hope to have it as well however maybe if I can sell more again... You are an FC VIP!


Singer Song Writer Stoner
DHVs..... Dual Hand Vape? .... Desktop / Handheld Vape? ... Drink Handheld Vape? :smug: Its amusing trying to guess new abbreviations for the first time.
Digital Handheld Vape is my last best guess.

By louder, do you mean the electrical current hum sound of the heater heating up the herb or the sound of the inrush air as your inhaling?


I just sent it to Tafee. I may have dropped it once, I have this rattling sound when shaking it and they want to check that everything is fine.
If there's any "seal" issue, then they would probably know.
One of two reasons I thought it might be the seal was the inrush sound, the other being the fact that on the 2nd unit, I get great production on temp 3 and can finish there. We'll wait and see.

One thing I was curious and wanted to ask everyone who is willing to chime in:
How many of you start your session with the TB2 at temp 2 or lower and then ramp up?
How many of you start you session with the TB2 at temp 3 or higher?

Just curious about majority use case. I personally wanted to start real low and work my way up throughout the session / evening like I used to do with my Extreme Q desktop vape, start around 175 - 180, and end around 220C.
However, with the TB2 I'm finding Temps 1 and 2 don't really do much for me. I get a small coating of terp flavor with no vapor, but when I start on Temp 3 I feel like I'm still getting the same quality of taste with some vapor production.
When starting on Temp 1 or 2, temp 3 becomes useless to me as it no longer produces flavor, just a tiny amount of vapor.
Temp 4 on the TB2 blows clouds always. I haven't needed to go up to 5 much at all besides one time when I was using some home grown and it was still kinda dark green after a few puff on Temp 4.

I think if you go really slow, you'll probably get clouds even on temp 1. I have only used temp 3 with the unit I'm currently using, but I promise that on my next bowl, I will try temp 1 and 2.
I'm getting massive clouds on temp 3 now, I'm very happy with it.


Well-Known Member
If I have time I start at 2 or even 1 for fun. Then I temp step all the way to finish at 5. I usually do 2-3 hits at each temp. 1 and 2 don't provide much vapour. Just terps. The second hit on 2 gives a bit of vapour, especially if I milk it.

If I'm in a rush it's just either 4 or 5 for 1 or 2 big satisfying hits.

For anything in-between I start at 3 and may finish at 4.

The last 2 methods I find I've been using the most and find work best for me.

My life is pretty busy with work and family so I've found the bowl provides a enjoyable and efficient experience.

Everything had been shelved for me since I received this thing and the vas had been put to rest.

Also I've noticed that the bowl is really easy on my throat and my voice, I talk a lot for work. Sometimes loudly. I've found using other devices my voice is cooked by the end of the week. Water eased it a bit but the bowle is way more convenient.

Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
I had no idea the second version was released until I saw a Reddit post. I’ve been waiting on a new version for years and I’m happy the feedback is great. Definitely will be picking one of these up in the near future


Well-Known Member
I haven’t done enough testing to say much about it yet. First impressions are wow it heats up faster than anything else I’ve used and most importantly it’s ready when it says it is. Effortless clouds. I will never use temp 5. Tastes like I wish ball vapes tasted like? Its Flavor is nice it’s like ball vape flavor and signature (lots of metal little ceramic) but better. It won’t be replacing my devices on a glass dry pipe or nice glass stem. Effects are great. Very potent. Vapor is cool. I don’t need more coolng or a wpa. I haven’t used the cup. Battery is impressive. It’s a keeper. I’m happy to have it.



Active Member
After using it a while, I really love the Bowle 2, and now I also love the company’s customer service. Cleaning the steam by immersing it in 90% isopropyl in a small ultrasonic cleaner for 10 minutes at 40°C caused major damage to its finish. Upon being notified of this, they immediately apologized and sent me a new stem with a prepaid return label so they could examine the damaged one. makes me feel that this company is unusually responsible, and unusually responsive to its customers. Really impressive and makes me feel like a truly valued customer. Just had to post to complement their attitude, respect, and helpfulness. And what a great device!


Well-Known Member
Need help everyone, I plugged in my Tafee bowle 2 in the charger fully charged and now it won’t turn on…
I'd reach out to taffee.

Are you using the included usb cord?
Did the battery die? Maybe try the reset? Plug in for 15 sec, unplug for 15, then plug in for 6h??? Can't remember exactly. I'd reach out to taffee first before fiddling. They should be quick to get back to you.

Good luck 👍
I'd reach out to taffee.

Are you using the included usb cord?
Did the battery die? Maybe try the reset? Plug in for 15 sec, unplug for 15, then plug in for 6h??? Can't remember exactly. I'd reach out to taffee first before fiddling. They should be quick to get back to you.

Good luck 👍
I had it charging. Once it reached full I unplugged the cord and went to turn it on. When I plug it back in the lights all turn on but while plugged in, I still cannot turn the unit on


Well-Known Member
I feel you. Nothing hits the spot like the bowle. The only other thing I use is the quartz cap through a dry water pipe. It's completely different from the bowle's ease of use and consistency.
I hope your issue gets resolved quickly and you're back bowling in no time.
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