Tafée Bowle


Bern it Up or Bern it Down
I was around all day with my Bowle going portable...I also, walked right into the restaurant with it and vaped all through dinner. No one noticed.
Are you from Florida!?! I live in Miami! I’ve been wanting to get a Tafee Bowle ll, but I already own a Crafty+ for sessions and TinyMight Purple Heart for when I want to go Full Retard! But I am intrigued by the Tafee!!


Old & In the Way
Looking back on my Bowle 1 return records makes me really want the Series 2 to be much more reliable.
Granted, 2 full time Bowlers here, wife and I both use them far more than other devices we have.
I purchased my first Series 1 in May '22, and picked up a lightly used S1 a year later. My records show that I've made 3 returns for repair, and currently one has stopped working, so that would be a fourth return in a bit over 2 years.

Room for improvement, for sure, because this is really marginally better that the Grasshopper. (I don't mean to compare the companies behavior, that is night and day ..)

So I bought a Series 2 in May (post initial batch glitch, so, a "good" one) and it is solid so far.
I so want to get another, to upgrade our set, but I'm going to wait, since we are not in great need and I want to see how the return rate seems to go.
So far, not seeing too many bad stories at all!


Well-Known Member
Strongly considering one of these given all the feedback I've been listening to. Seems like everyone with a Series 2 absolutely loves it. Looking for something easy to take around the house, maybe out and about but not really.

Sorry if this is retreading ground, tried to look through the last handful of pages but not sure I got the info I'm looking for, but is the silver series just the Bowle 2 with a Potter 2 and a stubby stem? Would people generally recommend it over the regular Bowle 2 now that it's back to $540?


Old & In the Way
Sorry if this is retreading ground, tried to look through the last handful of pages but not sure I got the info I'm looking for, but is the silver series just the Bowle 2 with a Potter 2 and a stubby stem? Would people generally recommend it over the regular Bowle 2
Yes, I think Silver Series is just a package of those 3 items.
For a first time purchase, I'd suggest the basic kit (which contains a lot!). You can experience the plastic Potter that way.
I mean the 450US for basic kit seems enough to lay out for a vape you haven't even tried?


Singer Song Writer Stoner
Great one month review @m0sh! My TB2 should be arriving today! So excited to check it out! I was just wondering how long you owned the 2 OG TBs before they failed on you? For a $450+ device I hope they at least last a few years.

Sorry for missing this question...not sure how it happened...but anyways, it lasted for 3 years. Heater dying might be related to me, but I'm not sure. The other device battery was not doing well for a while, but I wasn't using it very often so I didn't notice anything...but my daughter press the inner screen and ruined the heating element / sensor so its not usable.

New device heater issue is gone, as it enters lock-down mode and the battery is a different one, so I don't expect it to stop charging properly.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Wow. I received my Silver Series Bowle on Friday, and spent the weekend traveling with it. I'm absolutely blown away. My TM2, FW9, Venty, and my HyperDyn all went untouched all weekend because I couldn't stop using the Bowle. I can't wait to keep putting it through the paces and seeing what it can do!
How is it going? Are you still loving it?

It is great to chill with and sip my favorite beverage. Enjoy yours. Cheers.
Dr. G,
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Singer Song Writer Stoner
Got my 2nd unit! So awesome 😎
However, the bad news is that I realized that my first unit has an issue.
So, in my review I said that I notice differences in temp 3 compared to the original. I was under the impression the temps changed, because I gotten different results. It felt that I have more airflow than before, and until last night, I thought it fine.
But, when I used the new unit, it felt more restrictive. Granted, some would actually prefer that, but not me (haha), I feel as if its not possible to properly clear a bowl @ temp 3 like I used to. Temp 4 was never my favorite due to taste. I always felt like temp 3 was the balance between taste and performance, and I'm happy to see that it is still the same for TB2.

Does this explains why my wife was able to combust ? the seal is not perfect and I remember something about combusting because seal is broken. Do let me know guys.

This somewhat changes my review...I believe that the performance is identical now and I do wonder, how many people have this issue? they probably are not aware of that. I'm already happy that I ordered a 2nd unit just to find out about this.

P.S: I'm not sure its related, but there seems to be a small part that is loose inside the puck base, when I move it or shake it, I can notice that, not sure it was from day one, but the seal issue was from day one.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for missing this question...not sure how it happened...but anyways, it lasted for 3 years. Heater dying might be related to me, but I'm not sure. The other device battery was not doing well for a while, but I wasn't using it very often so I didn't notice anything...but my daughter press the inner screen and ruined the heating element / sensor so its not usable.

New device heater issue is gone, as it enters lock-down mode and the battery is a different one, so I don't expect it to stop charging properly.
Great to hear! Hopefully the TB2 lasts well over 3 years for me!

I just read your most recent post and am a bit confused about what you mean.

First TB2 you got is defective because ??? (Broken seal? Wife combusting material? Over temps are too hot on settings 4 and 5?)
Second TB2 you got is not defective because its temps operate like the TB1? The airflow is more restrictive?

I don't have anything to compare my TB2 to but from your writeup it sounds almost like your second TB2 has something wrong with it.

The airflow with mine is completely open. I can breathe a breath through it just as easily as sucking in air through an empty straw.

According to the manual TB2 temps 2, 3 ,4 should = TB1 full temp range. TB2 temp 1 is lower than anything TB1 could do, and TB2 temp 5 should be hotter than anything TB1 could do. Is this what you experience more with the first or second TB2 you got?


Old & In the Way
I feel as if its not possible to properly clear a bowl @ temp 3 like I used to.
Thanks for all of your impressions.

Fwiw, I shifted from generally using the B1 at temp 3, to temp 4 on the B2. Usually go for 4, maybe 5 hits.

Are you talking about the seal that holds screen the chamber pot? Might seal issue be due to variation of the pot's red o-ring thickness, one to the next?

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I'm still loving it. It might be a new favorite vape of all time for me.....

If anyone is interested in seeing a quick loading, extraction, and unloading video, I just put one up on my YouTube.

Cool video and you got CLOUDDDDDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS going there. Super cool. So simple. So easy to load...and you cannot BELIEVE the flavor on this thing....just super amazing. Thank you for the very nice video. I love seeing these. Thanks and CHEERS!
Dr. G,
I'm still loving it. It might be a new favorite vape of all time for me.....

If anyone is interested in seeing a quick loading, extraction, and unloading video, I just put one up on my YouTube.

Great video. Perfectly illustrates how seamless and intuitive the workflow is with this vape. Nice clouds too, what temp was that on? Man, y'all are making me want to grab a v2 at some point and get back into the Bowle game!


Active Member
Just got my V2 today, been using it all day. This thing is amazing. Expensive but worth every cent. I’ve
used them all and this is another level. Been lurking a long time but had to post because I’m so impressed. Easy to set up & use, great flavor, unusually smooth, virtually NO draw resistance. I’m a real old guy, switched from smoke to DHV 20 yrs ago, volcano & TM2 have been my main/top units til now. This is next level. Not perfect, but wow—really an evolution in devices that has blown me away.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Just got my V2 today, been using it all day. This thing is amazing. Expensive but worth every cent. I’ve
used them all and this is another level. Been lurking a long time but had to post because I’m so impressed. Easy to set up & use, great flavor, unusually smooth, virtually NO draw resistance. I’m a real old guy, switched from smoke to DHV 20 yrs ago, volcano & TM2 have been my main/top units til now. This is next level. Not perfect, but wow—really an evolution in devices that has blown me away.
I am happy for you. Bowle is unreal that is true. Cheers and enjoy your Bowle...don't you wish everyone could try it?
Dr. G,
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Well-Known Member
Got my 2nd unit! So awesome 😎
However, the bad news is that I realized that my first unit has an issue.
So, in my review I said that I notice differences in temp 3 compared to the original. I was under the impression the temps changed, because I gotten different results. It felt that I have more airflow than before, and until last night, I thought it fine.
But, when I used the new unit, it felt more restrictive. Granted, some would actually prefer that, but not me (haha), I feel as if its not possible to properly clear a bowl @ temp 3 like I used to. Temp 4 was never my favorite due to taste. I always felt like temp 3 was the balance between taste and performance, and I'm happy to see that it is still the same for TB2.

Does this explains why my wife was able to combust ? the seal is not perfect and I remember something about combusting because seal is broken. Do let me know guys.

This somewhat changes my review...I believe that the performance is identical now and I do wonder, how many people have this issue? they probably are not aware of that. I'm already happy that I ordered a 2nd unit just to find out about this.

P.S: I'm not sure its related, but there seems to be a small part that is loose inside the puck base, when I move it or shake it, I can notice that, not sure it was from day one, but the seal issue was from day one.
I have this similar restriction issue but it is with my bowle version 1s. One is more restricted after repair. Not sure what would be causing this. Design should be exactly the same.


Old & In the Way
These variations in draw bring me back to the same questions about the red o-rings on the pots. Some (newer ones, I think) are a thicker version, some thinner.

Variations in how the stem fits and feels when clicked in place. Variations in "draw" and "seal" issues.(The extememe case, if there is no o-ring in place, draw is wide open, you get no vapor, because fresh air is leaking in during draw.)

Way back on Series 2 release, when @ChooChooCharlie experienced the new, "2" stem being very tight going into a Bowle 1, putting a scratch on the new stem. --- could that have simply been a fatter o-ring making the difference?

Here are 2 pots with different thickness o-rings. They are sitting in a potter and I put a straight edge across the top; you can see the gap, the variation I've been trying to raise?

You guys have any thoughts?
Am I way off base here? I've not heard anyone speaking about this. Is it a non-issue?
I'd sure love to hear whether Jerry, @stickstones has any information about this!

And I guess that, today, I think I'll try only using thicker rings in Bowle 2, and the thinner in Bowle 1. The solution may be this simple?
Last edited:


Active Member
Interesting. In the Bowle 2 unit I received yesterday. There actually appear to be two different sizes of pots themselves, not just O-rings. I got the four pots that are preinstalled , already in the Potter+, and one more in one of the two stems included in the package. The end of the funnel that is part of the Potter (and intended to be used to only load a single pot instead of all four at once) only fits properly in one of the five pots I received, I think the one that was already installed in the stem. The others are too small, the funnel end simply doesn’t fit into them. Hard to tell if the slightly bigger one that the funnel fits has a slightly thinner o-ring gasket to compensate. All 5 of the pots I got seem to fit the same (that is, they fit fine) in the device when either stem is inserted with either size pot. The two sizes of pots also seem to be completely interchangeable in the Potter, the size difference making no difference.

Anyone else notice the different pot sizes? Not a functional problem, just an odd anomaly maybe due to changes in the dimensions between Bowle series 1 and 2?

I am still finding the Bowle to be an amazing step forward in DHVs. Just lovin’ this sucker!


Comfortably Numb
These variations in draw bring me back to the same questions about the red o-rings on the pots. Some (newer ones, I think) are a thicker version, some thinner.

You guys have any thoughts?
Interesting, there really seems to be two versions of o-rings. As I’ve already mixed my pots up, can’t tell which is which.

But as I used to remove them for cleaning with OG, now if I compare them side by side, I believe the thicker ones are new. I’m gonna perform the same experiment as you, for the science ofc.

Anyone else notice the different pot sizes? Not a functional problem, just an odd anomaly maybe due to changes in the dimensions between Bowle series 1 and 2?
Might be just a manufacturing tolerance issue? Never noticed that but again, never used the funnel. Too bad I got rid of it, could have been another interesting experiment..


Well-Known Member
I see there are standard and machined stems on the official website. I wonder if the coating on the standard ones is like the one on the first version, and if the second ones could be better to prevent losing pieces of coating in the stem. Is this issue still apparent or had it been fixed?

How do you clean the stem? By dipping it in iso?


Comfortably Numb
I see there are standard and machined stems on the official website. I wonder if the coating on the standard ones is like the one on the first version, and if the second ones could be better to prevent losing pieces of coating in the stem. Is this issue still apparent or had it been fixed?

How do you clean the stem? By dipping it in iso?
Didn’t have any issues with the OG, just little marks at the insert hole. Nothing at all so far with the new one.

I just dip the stem inside a ziplock bag filled with iso for 30 minutes, give it a shake few times and then rinse with warm water.


Singer Song Writer Stoner
I have this similar restriction issue but it is with my bowle version 1s. One is more restricted after repair. Not sure what would be causing this. Design should be exactly the same.

I have no idea, this is the first time I’ve noticed a difference. I’m even using the same mouthpiece for comparison.

Thanks for all of your impressions.

Fwiw, I shifted from generally using the B1 at temp 3, to temp 4 on the B2. Usually go for 4, maybe 5 hits.

Are you talking about the seal that holds screen the chamber pot? Might seal issue be due to variation of the pot's red o-ring thickness, one to the next?

No, I’m talking about the puck itself. I remember having seal issues with my Series 1—it happened suddenly. I’m not sure how, but one of the screws fell out from the base of the puck, and that caused the issue.

To be fair, this isn’t the case with my first series 2 unit. It’s working well, although it operates a bit differently compared to the series 1, so I don’t think the issue applies here.

My series 1 units also worked at different temperatures, so this might be a similar situation with the Series 2. Honestly, I’m not sure, but it seems like everything is fine for now.

Great to hear! Hopefully the TB2 lasts well over 3 years for me!

I just read your most recent post and am a bit confused about what you mean.

First TB2 you got is defective because ??? (Broken seal? Wife combusting material? Over temps are too hot on settings 4 and 5?)
Second TB2 you got is not defective because its temps operate like the TB1? The airflow is more restrictive?

I don't have anything to compare my TB2 to but from your writeup it sounds almost like your second TB2 has something wrong with it.

The airflow with mine is completely open. I can breathe a breath through it just as easily as sucking in air through an empty straw.

According to the manual TB2 temps 2, 3 ,4 should = TB1 full temp range. TB2 temp 1 is lower than anything TB1 could do, and TB2 temp 5 should be hotter than anything TB1 could do. Is this what you experience more with the first or second TB2 you got?

The airflow is open on both devices, but it feels more open on the first one, though I’m not 100% sure. What I can definitely tell you is that it’s louder—there’s no doubt about that. The second unit’s noise level, however, is more in line with my Series 1.

I’m not sure if this is a real issue, but since I have both units now, it might be worth investigating.

That said, both devices work perfectly and deliver great results.

If you’d like, I can record myself inhaling at max speed on both units for comparison.

As for the last question, I’ve only tested temperature 3 on the second device. I can’t be certain yet, but I can say that the taste at temp 4 on my first unit matches the taste at temp 4 on the original Bowle, or at least, what I remember. I’ll have to test it more—someday, haha.
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