Tafée Bowle


…never in the past..but now..honestly maybe.
It would have to be the ultimate device to cost that much or more though. (Like an on demand miniature minivap)
On top of the ‘pure’ glass/zirconia pathway, it would need to rival some of the best desktop ball setups and have replaceable batteries, all while still fitting in a pocket/one hand.
But yeah if it did all that while being in a well manufactured/strong and sleek form factor, I’d toss down $900 any day of the week for that.

Arguably the TokedVapors does a basic version of what I’m talking about for about $190 + shipping. I just wish the body was stronger than 3d printed plastic.

Thanks a lot for the response, I only ask out of curiosity as I’m building a Zirconia desktop and am sort of curious to see if enough people who value that level of purity would truly pay for it.

the older I get the more I'm inclined to pay a higher price to get something that actually functions in a reliable and elegant way. I'm happy that's the case too, because I know just from my own personal projects how much hard work these smaller handmade makers/outfits put in. And that to me is worth it when the device works as advertised.

Very well said!


Well-Known Member
I have spoken to so many people about this and they ALL have positive remarks....like overloaded positive remarks. I also saw as many videos on Youtube as possible and the big reviewers all had positive comments! I think I am going to LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE it. But, this will have to wait.
You will. (I mean, I can’t say that with absolute 100% certainty) but it completely blew my expectations away. And I bought it on a whim, almost to disprove the hype/was planning to return it, but it was even better than everyone had described it. Truly the next level. I have barely touched any of my other devices since..

Thanks a lot for the response, I only ask out of curiosity as I’m building a Zirconia desktop and am sort of curious to see if enough people who value that level of purity would truly pay for it.

Anytime! That sounds pretty awesome!
I feel like the amount of people willing (or able) to jump on spending that much is fairly low to start, but I do know there are a lot of people that feel strongly about purity, not just for taste but for health and safety.
And I know people like me would save up if it where truly that next level of cleanliness and experience.

Would it be a pure desktop?- or is there any way or chance for a potentially portable option? [I haven’t been able to consistently use any desktop, as I live with people sensitive to the smell. So I chose to haul them outside when I want to have an extended session, and it’s just a bit impractical for daily use. -(this is also what made the Tafée Bowle so fantastic, it’s volcano level vapor quality in the palm of one’s hand. If you where able to do all that, or more, with a zirconia pathway, then I’d have a hard time not being on board)]

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
You will. (I mean, I can’t say that with absolute 100% certainty) but it completely blew my expectations away. And I bought it on a whim, almost to disprove the hype/was planning to return it, but it was even better than everyone had described it. Truly the next level. I have barely touched any of my other devices since..

Anytime! That sounds pretty awesome!
I feel like the amount of people willing (or able) to jump on spending that much is fairly low to start, but I do know there are a lot of people that feel strongly about purity, not just for taste but for health and safety.
And I know people like me would save up if it where truly that next level of cleanliness and experience.

Would it be a pure desktop?- or is there any way or chance for a potentially portable option? [I haven’t been able to consistently use any desktop, as I live with people sensitive to the smell. So I chose to haul them outside when I want to have an extended session, and it’s just a bit impractical for daily use. -(this is also what made the Tafée Bowle so fantastic, it’s volcano level vapor quality in the palm of one’s hand. If you where able to do all that, or more, with a zirconia pathway, then I’d have a hard time not being on board)]
I think I will too...and it will be just fine to invest money in a fine vape. I spent hundreds on my Minivap...and I did with a smile because I had saved for it. It's funny the more I think of the Tafee...I get really thirsty....I'm not trying to be funny. I vape lots and get really dry. I think this will be a fantastic surprise. Isn't it funny in a way that one of the best vapes around is a cup for liquid? I think its hilarious...we are all seeking that vape with the wood and the that and this...and one of the best vapes comes with a cup. Ingenious. I LOVE it...truly. I don't even own one and I think it will be the best thing I will own. I envy those who have one of these and one of the Nomad's....gosh I love those. Anyway, enough.


Old & In the Way
A couple of use-notes.
Our Bowle use had fallen into a distinct pattern. We often use it for sharing. Always set on 3. A lot of passing and hitting and the device itself gets pretty hot, even while the vapor is great. I don't think this is much issue for solo users.

We tried a bowl on 2 with great vapor, I had forgotten. Went down to 1 for a bowl and still pretty nice vapes, surprising.

I think device was staying cooler and battery lasting longer (did 5 bowles last night on 2). More use will help me confirm.
A few hits on 1 and the finishers at 3 seemed heavier than had we been at 3 from the start.

On a side note, I've been hitting the RBT Splinter inverted, with its wpa going into a tall Bowle stem (I need a better fit or adapter?). It mimics the bowle, with heater above the chamber.
It is the Bowle's flavor profile coming thru, with thicker vapor and no potential battery disappointment. I think I like the draw better than with a jhook. Anything similar to a straw has been giving me acid reflux (sour throat) lately.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
A couple of use-notes.
Our Bowle use had fallen into a distinct pattern. We often use it for sharing. Always set on 3. A lot of passing and hitting and the device itself gets pretty hot, even while the vapor is great. I don't think this is much issue for solo users.

We tried a bowl on 2 with great vapor, I had forgotten. Went down to 1 for a bowl and still pretty nice vapes, surprising.

I think device was staying cooler and battery lasting longer (did 5 bowles last night on 2). More use will help me confirm.
A few hits on 1 and the finishers at 3 seemed heavier than had we been at 3 from the start.

On a side note, I've been hitting the RBT Splinter inverted, with its wpa going into a tall Bowle stem (I need a better fit or adapter?). It mimics the bowle, with heater above the chamber.
It is the Bowle's flavor profile coming thru, with thicker vapor and no potential battery disappointment. I think I like the draw better than with a jhook. Anything similar to a straw has been giving me acid reflux (sour throat) lately.
Thank you!!!!!
Dr. G,


Well-Known Member
Fellow FC forum members need your help can someone explain to me best way to do concentrates with cotton? What is difference is each ?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Fellow FC forum members need your help can someone explain to me best way to do concentrates with cotton? What is difference is each ?

I think the best way is not to use cotton because it will eventually be burning with the high temps needed for concentrates? I only did that early on experimenting, I wouldn't bother now... Steel mesh pads, ceramic pads, Neo has some nice organic material pads now, I would rather use that stuff if I was convection dabbing again


Well-Known Member
I just wad up a bit of an organic cotton ball in the pot, top it with a bit of rosin, and then hit it on level 4 til it stops producing vapor.
I have the two kind of extract cottons from Taffe. Does anyone the difference in them? What kind of concentrate goes into which one?

staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
Their site just describes them as “fine” and “coarse”. I’m guessing they’re intending the coarse for more solid hash-type extracts, and fine for the full-melt end of the spectrum? Honestly, I don’t think you’re going to notice any major downside to just using the fine.


Well-Known Member
How much weed contain every pot and it must be fill to the brim?
How many pots per charge you can vaporize?


Well-Known Member

(red LED strip on building yields eerie hued pics)

If you're willing and able...
Strong steady draw on Bowle like a caveman at level 4

0.1g: Bowle 20 seconds, ballvape 10 seconds
warmup: Bowle 3 seconds, ballvape 10 minutes

Bowle certainly is impressive and unique, with temp sensor in hot air path directly above herb, no scorching, no combustion, no technique, no tabletop footprint, no burn hazard. And Bruno has more to come?

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester

(red LED strip on building yields eerie hued pics)

If you're willing and able...
Strong steady draw on Bowle like a caveman at level 4

0.1g: Bowle 20 seconds, ballvape 10 seconds
warmup: Bowle 3 seconds, ballvape 10 minutes

Bowle certainly is impressive and unique, with temp sensor in hot air path directly above herb, no scorching, no combustion, no technique, no tabletop footprint, no burn hazard. And Bruno has more to come?
Yes...lots more exciting and new innovations to come and soon! Like...really soon. Can you imagine?


Well-Known Member
Bowle certainly is impressive and unique, with temp sensor in hot air path directly above herb, no scorching, no combustion, no technique, no tabletop footprint, no burn hazard. And Bruno has more to come?
bro one day people will look back and realize they missed out on a classic if they were sleeping on this thing. I love it.

I have something cooking in my workshop currently that will interface with TB but it's not ready for the bright lights yet.

In the meantime though I think the real reason it didn't catch like it should've is because looking at it it's like looking at an ae86 Corolla, except like back when it was new and just looked like a damn corolla so who cares? And also it's just like utilitarian, the buttons are ergonomic but goofy and the finish is straight out of the year 2000 but i kinda dig it because it's so unapologetically weird and it gets away with it because it tastes fucking legit and it hits above its weight class


Well-Known Member
What are your guys' batteries looking like?

Getting a bowl to my desired abv takes me two battery dots.
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staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
Honestly, that’s how mine has always been. I get two bowls per charge; trying for a third always results in the chasing-lights (low batt indicator). Full disclosure: I vape my bowls pretty hard, at least 6-8 draws wrapped up with a loooong slow hit on level 4, and fill them pretty darn full (at least .1g, sometimes closer to .15g.
staircase slight of hand,
What are your guys' batteries looking like?

Getting a bowl to my desired abv takes me two battery dots.

Still getting 4 bowls per charge without issue. I haven’t drained it all the way down to zero in a while, so not sure if I can still get 5 bowls. I usually throw it on the charger when there’s still 2 lights left. I definitely don’t squeeze every last drop out of the bowl, 3-4 hits mostly on level 3 and then it’s done.
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