Tafée Bowle


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I have no idea how long my battery lasts even though the Bowle is in my daily rotation.....

My Bowle hardly ever leaves the charger and while the battery can't keep up during a session it has plenty of time between sessions to recharge/top off. One of my favorite features that rarely gets talked about ..... if you're using the Bowle like a desktop ... the extra length in the charging cord is much appreciated.


Old & In the Way
I posted this pic if the io thread recently, using the Bowle's stem effectively as a jhook.
I've read one or two other posts in this thread about similar use of the stem. (One member used a Grasshopper silicone mp to mate his hopper to the stem.)

I can attest that the stem works great for this. Metal, with right angle turns, etc., etc. combine to make it very pleasant and cool.

I have slightly modded a couple of adapters (cut the hopper silicone mp, cut the Delta3d v3 Mighty adapter, and used this pictured Delta3d adapter (not modified). Have used a Hopper, a Mighty, a V3Pro all with great results.

I am musing about an adapter that could mount onto a Bowle stem, and be a 14mm female joint, so almost any vape with a wpa could mate up.

I've had a quick discussion with Mike @Delta3DStudios and we have thinking caps on at this point. I guess the question on the table is, "Is anyone else interested in an adapter like I'm talking about here?"
Or maybe better, has anyone already done what I'm looking for?


Well-Known Member
This taffee bowle is looking better and better in my eyes.
Im losing my dedicated smoke room soon, and need to choose a vape that I can conceal easily in my living room. Its either that, or hauling my ass outside every time i want a rip.
The taffee bowle sounds like its got top flavour, with strong rips. Is it stronger then a max temp dynavap hit?


Well-Known Member
This taffee bowle is looking better and better in my eyes.
Im losing my dedicated smoke room soon, and need to choose a vape that I can conceal easily in my living room. Its either that, or hauling my ass outside every time i want a rip.
The taffee bowle sounds like its got top flavour, with strong rips. Is it stronger then a max temp dynavap hit?
I do think it’s a fantastic device that blends in/is fairly inconspicuous, as well as being able to effortlessly load and operate outside. (I understand that struggle, and that’s what drew me to the Bowle as well-)

-(Specifically for this I’ve been enjoying their metal dosing-pot-filling grinder, it’s works surprisingly well, and allows me to fully medicate and be back inside under 5min if I need to be in a hurry)

Vapor production wise, it’s more than enough. I almost haven’t touched my dynavaps since I got it, and I definitely prefer the Bowle as my go to, over all my devices, currently.

Not to blatantly bring up another device/throw off the thread-
(but if you do want power, I’ve heard the TinyMight/TinyMight2 are more ‘powerful’ than the bowle, It’s also a bit more pocketable. But it definitely ‘looks’ like a vape/definitely not as inconspicuous as a Cup/the Bowle)

-I would just make sure you’ve looked into all of your options, as each one is different/‘best’ in its own ways.

Happy device hunting! And good luck!

Oh as a last side note—
I would Wait for the restock of the Bowles (Q3/third quarter of this year) if you can.
It sounds like there might be something new coming soon/and update or a brand new device..


I bet you George from Vape Fiend will be the one who gives us the video first. He was already hinting that there’s going to be something huge coming from Taffé.

George is on fire right now with releasing content. He was also the first to break down the Tinymight 2.

The second that thing drops I am buying it 100%!


Well-Known Member
I'd be happy with a small, plug-in version of a TB.
I just want to see the heater/pot system in a pocketable 18650. Who cares about the cup really, as I doubt tafee can say it created that new market share it was designed for (kitchen Karens). The heater/sensor and top-down turbulent convection flow is best in the business. The ceramic pots are so dang convenient, much more convenient than the cup that blocks the charge port; and the tiny built in battery that makes charging such a frequent activity
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Well-Known Member
Last golf outing of the season yesterday. It was cold and a bit rainy, but we won first place and got paid for a good skin on top of that! The only bad part was I lost 2 of my 6 pots on the course... I am hesitant to order more though because I'm curious to know what the upcoming news might be. I took quite a hiatus from my Bowle after the honeymoon period mostly due to it being inconvenient to carry compared to my smaller portables. However, I managed to find an acceptable method for taking it golfing with me and as a result have been taking it as my primary portable since the beginning of summer. The system is so efficient, convenient, and easy to maintain that the portability drawback is easy for me to overlook now. I know there's no real point to this post, as I'm sure it won't elicit an immediate announcement from Tafee, but just sayin'..... Inquiring minds wanna know...


Principal Guy

Well-Known Member
This taffee bowle is looking better and better in my eyes.
Im losing my dedicated smoke room soon, and need to choose a vape that I can conceal easily in my living room. Its either that, or hauling my ass outside every time i want a rip.
The taffee bowle sounds like its got top flavour, with strong rips. Is it stronger then a max temp dynavap hit?
The Bowle is my favorite vape for being “sneaky” with company around the house. I hit the basement for a quick, on-demand hit of medication.


Well-Known Member
I gotta admit, I'm a little let down by the banner on Taffe that has been updated (from "Q3 2022"):

Are we assuming this will be the new model Tafee Bowle releasing Q1 2023 or still the og model? Assuming there’s an announcement coming soon..


Well-Known Member
I mean, here's hoping for a new model with a better battery situation. But seems to be a tough stretch for small manufacturers due to parts shortages.
George from vape fiend basically leaked that they’re making incredibly massive changes to the Bowle to make it even better than original. He didn’t want to give away too much info, but he seemed super excited after leaking it. It was in his recent live stream
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There are other Worlds than these
George from vape fiend basically leaked that they’re making incredibly massive changes to the Bowle to make it even better than original. He didn’t want to give away too much info, but he seemed super excited after leaking it. It was in his recent live stream
Cannot wait to see what they are going to upgrade.

staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
I gotta admit, I'm a little let down by the banner on Taffe that has been updated (from "Q3 2022"):


Having spent a lot of time over the last year+ checking back for updates on their site, I’m not completely convinced that they ever received a full re-stock after the first batch. I can see why they’d be cagey about new developments, but I’d still love some more transparency about what’s actually going on with development.

It’s still my daily driver after nearly two years, but I’d be hard-pressed to recommend it to friends until their supply/development woes are resolved, which is frustrating. It’s just so close to the great vape it could be.


Old & In the Way
George from vape fiend basically leaked that they’re making incredibly massive changes to the Bowle to make it even better than original. He didn’t want to give away too much info, but he seemed super excited after leaking it. It was in his recent live stream
I'm interested in seeing what he said about that, can you (or anyone) point or link to it for us?

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
...well, I have given up hope on this. I wrote to the company and the reply was not very positive. They are not restocking anytime soon...they have run into obstacles. So....not too hopeful. They said they could find a retailer to help me get one. I decided no. Oh well...
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