My Bowle 250 Kit Initial Impressions (less than 24 hours)
TLDR; It's good, the smaller than expected size, the instant extraction, and the Stem cooling system all work together to make a compelling product that has earned its way into my daily rotation.
First impressions of the Bowle
⦁ The Puck & Stem are smaller than I expected
⦁ It came 3/4 charged, but charged it to full as recommended before using, which was quick
⦁ Heat up time is non existent, 2 clicks and go
⦁ So far power level 2 is my go to, I generally prefer cooler, more flavorful vapor
⦁ I do get battery anxiety with a decent lifespan but no way to quickly swap power sources
The Bowle is an efficient extractor
⦁ .1G is a perfect dosage size, enough to get the flavor and effects without waste
⦁ All vapes benefit from a stir, but the size, shape and orientation of the Pots allow for even extraction, with no dead zones
The Bowle has flavor
⦁ Convection produces some of the best vapor, this is a well functioning extractor
⦁ A clean Stem will give you amazing flavor, 10/10
⦁ A well seasoned Stem will give you very good flavor 8/10, meaning the flavor is still amazing, but you miss out on the subtle tasty nuances of a truly clean airpath
The Stem is one of the best features
⦁ The Stem and it's heatsink design is a big part of what makes this vape enjoyable to use, conditioning the vapor before it hits your airways
⦁ It does still get heat soaked after rapid successions of hits but can be cooled quickly with a fan or using the cup attachment (I find this heatsink method of cooling to be more effective than water pipe cooling, up until the heat soak)
⦁ The click to lock/unlock when adding/removing the stem is very satisfying
⦁ Multiple stems will be nice to rotate for cleaning and distributing the heat soak (looking forward to the machined version, I hope it has even better performance)
The Potter (Gunsky Grey)
⦁ This is a unit with weight, very solid, a potential weapon in a pinch

⦁ Is a bit clunky to use in a one serving scenario, such as at home
⦁ Is best used in a on-the-go scenario to hold your 4 preloaded Pots
The Stir Tool
⦁ I purchased an extra, not knowing one already came with the kit
⦁ Is nice but stubby, I found a normal toothpick more enjoyable to use
⦁ Packing the Pots too much makes stiring a mess
Early Suggestions
⦁ Stem design could be modified to include the gasket, so that each Pot does not require one, my wish is to have a Pot that doesn't need a gasket to be removed before dropping in ISO
⦁ The design is screaming for a wireless charging dock "coaster"