Forgive me if I sound scrambled, I'm fighting a wicked migraine. My Bowle-bowle-bowle (say it like Austin Powers would) was put to the test on its first day home. No screwing around here, I needed relief and it didn't disappoint. I got home from Costco (note to self: make better choices) so I figured I'd make use of the raspberries I bought and I tossed a few into ice water and then loaded up a bowle of Charlotte's Angel (CBD flower).
The heat up time is fast, very fast. I started at temp 1 with a couple draws, moved to 2 for another two or three draws and up to 3 to finish it off. I did roughly the same for another bowl, then some Wedding Cake and back to Charlotte's Angel for my 4th. There is a bit of a hot spot after my hits on temp 2 but one stir mid session is all I needed to fix that (the manual recommends stirring).
The Bowle is no slouch in the extraction department. My AVB was dark, there were definitely no green spots like some convection vapes. This vape pumps out vapor save the first super terpy draw on temp 1.
There's some funky technology going on inside these units. I noticed the draw restriction changing during my draws especially if I drew hard which turned the green "ready" LED off and increased the resistance. I need to monitor that more closely as on my last 2 draws the heater kicked out but I immediately restarted and had long draws so that may have been something on my end. Hell I could have imagined the whole thing for all I know, migraines mess me up. My garage is a fairly cold right now so the max acceptable draw speeds were very adequate especially considering the lower ambient temperature.
The stir tool on mine doesn't allow my device to sit completely flat, there's a little wobble, does anyone else notice that? Seems like I need 3 more tools to even it out

My battery was reading 25% when I checked it after finishing the 4th bowl but a minute later it was at 50% (a little voltage sag I presume) so I'm hoping I could get at least another couple bowls before it died. This is the first charge so I'll give it a few cycles to settle before I make a call.
The cup is awesome but I'll have to watch what I load in so I don't cover the status LED's. I could still see them through reflections in the cup itself or if I tipped the device but I'll make sure I go crushed ice next time and less fruit (if that's the route I go) at least until I become more familiar with how it works. Having a beverage right on top of the puck is awesome, and I've been thinking about strain and beverage pairings and how much it will add to the experience. Nothing wrong with flat water either but the cup must be used imo.
More testing coming shortly.