Last time I checked that thread there was 20 pages less and it was a week ago I believe... don't have the time to read everything... is it only 20 pages of amazed customers feedback or is there some issues?
Most notable posts were (imho):
-Vitolo disassembling the stem and cleaning it on video, easy enough with the proper screwdriver,
-a few other FCers like stickstones, Troy, vapefiend talking about it on video, Tafée liked the exposure, sent out free unit and an FCer reported back of the gift,
-people acquiring Bowle direct and asking if the deal for the whole kit for 299 was still in place or not (it's now over for good), or how it worked,
-long debates and test over battery
-Tafée surrendered to FCers habits and now considers a "session" the act of extracting a whole bowl, not the single draw for it and apologized for that since it led to misunderstandings on battery capacity,
-on page 47 I asked for the umpteenth time how to draw from the unit in order to engage the the breathing sensor, and got answer(first 2 posts on top of this page):
- After turning the unit on and the lights are blinking BLUE....(Note: Number of blinking lights is the temp level)
- Press the large button once and let it go (Note: Click button once and let go - don't hold button)
- The lights should turn GREEN in under a second (Note: Prior to turning green the lights will go steady blue but the blue will go green so quickly you may miss it.)
- When the lights turn GREEN start drawing immediately (Lights should remain green till you stop drawing)
- Once you stop drawing the lights will go back to blinking blue
- Rinse and repeat
Now it works everytime for me.

-someone asked for replacements since their unit were misbehaving and now have 2 pucks is now the only known of reseller of the vape (at least this side of the ocean) and the price is 322£ for the complete set. To the change it was 363€ last time I checked. Not so bad at it seemed if you don't get hit by custom duties since Brexit,
-complete set is now the only option at and the price is 369$, metal grinder is not included anymore.
Is third party guys aren't yet coming with dedicaced bubblers or others Bowle's accessories?
No, but after getting my unit I realized what everybody was saying, this is quite the vape which doesn't need water pieces since the vapor is already so cool.
Still waiting for accessories to be sold on tafee shop or at vapefiend's. I'd probably get a shorter stem to try it out.