Tafée Bowle


Well-Known Member
Question about the design of the vape:
I have ham hands so my 1.0 Bowle dropped from a 1 meter height to the floor of my kitchen. After that my Bowle started to hotspot and I realized it was due to the fact that the drop had the effect of misalligning the heater wire from its default position. I have ham hands but I'm sure Bowle 1.0 imho was not drop proof. The new design apprears to be larger: did they include some sort of hollow space in the design or bumpers or anything else to make it better at shock absorption?
It appears that my replacement puck has also developed a strange taste/smell of electronics, within less than 48 hours and minimal use.

It leads me to believe I'm doing something wrong, but I can't think of anything that would class as outside of ordinary usage.

Has anybody else here had an experience like this?

If 2.0 heater design is similar to 1.0, the heater is a metal coil that sits right above the pot. Maybe the pot is too full and you smell burnt because herb sits too close to the heater? Maybe it is due to residues that have fallen up to the heater.
Maybe, you stored the vape in a bag, with a full pot inside, during transport some particles have fallen right onto the heater and they are reigniting every time you switch that heater on.
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Well-Known Member
@justcametomind - sorry about your dropped Bowle, but the heater coil is not directly above pot, it's encased within a ceramic insulated ring above pot. A permanent screen is directly above pot, with a thermocouple wire across it, which can get dislodged or misaligned by nudging/brushing screen or by dropping unit. I haven't opened the series 2, so don't know if they've added anything new for overall puck internal bump protection. @Vaponatic said electronic smell after only a week, and same smell with replacement unit after two days. Can't be herb bits. I have no idea what the problem could be. Originally thought about UK mains voltage issues, but this is USB-C charging, so mains differences wouldn't affect adversly? It's a puzzler, hope George or Tafee make things right for you

Pistol Pete

Well-Known Member
I just emailed Tafee today about my only 2 month old Bowle cutting off early. About 11 to 12 seconds, no matter how I draw. I reset it twice and checked the o-ring seal. Even on 4 or 5, little to no vaper. Not sure what is going on but I hope that I hear back soon.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I emailed them last week and have not heard back...is this a one person operation? I am not being mean...I am curious. Does anyone know the history of this device? It is made in Canada...and who runs it? Is this person a member here? Do they visit this thread at all? It is as difficult as getting a Tetra P80! LOL


Old & In the Way
I emailed them last week and have not heard back...is this a one person operation? I am not being mean...I am curious. Does anyone know the history of this device? It is made in Canada...and who runs it? Is this person a member here? Do they visit this thread at all? It is as difficult as getting a Tetra P80! LOL
Well...you could try reading the first 3 posts of this thread? Maybe more if it interests you.
But, yeah, at the base of the company is one (nice) very busy fellow.
Design has been collaborative.
I don't know how much support staff he has.
I'd say he's busy with the next batch, and maybe with diagnosing the couple of issues we've seen just recently here (above).

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Well...you could try reading the first 3 posts of this thread? Maybe more if it interests you.
But, yeah, at the base of the company is one (nice) very busy fellow.
Design has been collaborative.
I don't know how much support staff he has.
I'd say he's busy with the next batch, and maybe with diagnosing the couple of issues we've seen just recently here (above).
Yes it interests me a whole bunch so I started from the beginning of the entire thread...I was lazy before. Thank you for your answer...

One man show...how commendable. Well, his product is beautiful and everything that I have ever read or seen on Youtube indicates that it is something to buy...I think this will suit me since I am bedridden most of the day I can have my water to take my medication and have medication additionally already in the chamber. That is ideal...what a great design. You say the design was collaborative...I really like the way it looks.

Anyway, Pistol Pete no need to apologize...I guess I need to laugh more but, its hard to laugh these days for me. Take care and enjoy your Tafee Bowle everyone...I can't wait to get one.

Pistol Pete

Well-Known Member
I just heard back from Tafee, I just received two emails. The first one is stating that they are genuinely sorry about my recent experience and will work to identify and rectify this as soon as possible. Wow, I emailed them about my problem just yesterday. They asked me five questions about how I use the device. Also as when and how this all started. The second email was a shipping label from Freightcom? I'm sure I can figure it out. I'm mailing that vape first thing in the morning. Time to load the Tinymight which I've been enjoying quite a bit lately. I'm puzzled as to why the quick response Dr. G. You stating you emailed them last week.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I just heard back from Tafee, I just received two emails. The first one is stating that they are genuinely sorry about my recent experience and will work to identify and rectify this as soon as possible. Wow, I emailed them about my problem just yesterday. They asked me five questions about how I use the device. Also as when and how this all started. The second email was a shipping label from Freightcom? I'm sure I can figure it out. I'm mailing that vape first thing in the morning. Time to load the Tinymight which I've been enjoying quite a bit lately. I'm puzzled as to why the quick response Dr. G. You stating you emailed them last week.
I received an email from George yesterday. It was a very nice letter saying basically that the units will be available hopefully by May/June. It was so nice to hear from him and the company...I feel very hopeful that I will actually be able to buy one this time. I hope. This is one vape that I have always wanted and have not been able to get one...


Well-Known Member
My series 2 is still working great

Using my Bowle "with glass" again

a glass yo-yo with next level reticello, one bubble for each intersection

round is the new square:


(by Jason Christian)


Well-Known Member
Can someone please try and justify why this costs so much? I doubt the plastic cup adds too much in that regard.

You couldn't really use it as an outside portable, as it's design is silly due to the cup aspect (even with cup removed the shape destroys outdoor portability). Using it indoors is not optimal either as it has none replaceable batteries, and competes with the best desktops ever made at that price point.

Am I missing something?
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Well-Known Member
Can someone please try and justify why this costs so much? I doubt the plastic cup adds too much in that regard.

You couldn't really use it as an outside portable, as it's design is silly due to the cup aspect (even with cup removed the shape destroys outdoor portability). Using it indoors is not optimal either as it has none replaceable batteries, and competes with the best desktops ever made at that price point.

Am I missing something?
I was skeptical until I tried it and now it's mostly shelved my TM2 unless I'm looking to vape out walking. The bowle's vapour is smoother than even my HA terp pill TM2 stem and while the I find the flavour more pronounced on the first hit of a TM2 bowl, it's much better preserved throughout the session with the bowle ime.

The potter is real simple to use and it gives you a perfectly loaded bowl each time, no technique with loading in order to guarantee an even roast.

The bowle's battery lasts ages I have about 2/3 bowls a day with it and I only have to charge it 2/3 times a week so far.

The heating is so fast it makes the TM2 feel slow.

Sure you could buy a terp hammer or a similar wireless ball vape set up for at home use but that is no where near as safe. The bowle's flow sensor and adaptive heating make it much more adaptive to different draw techniques so I don't have to try and teach somehow how to hit it like I do with the TM2. It's just better for sharing than most other options imo, you've all your pots ready to go and easy to load and the battery lasts ages. The bowl is a true on demand that requires no special techniques like all the other on demands to get the best experience.

I think it's also important to note that the bowle 2 is a medical device first and foremost, It wasn't designed with outdoor use or getting the biggest/tastiest clouds in mind. I used to think the cup was stupid until I considered the perspective of a medical patient who has never used cannabis before. The bowle doesn't look like a stoner tool or some crazy brick like most other vapes, it's an innocent looking cup. It just so happens that the bowle also produces amazing vapour so it's a good choice for recreational use imo.
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Well-Known Member
I was skeptical until I tried it and now it's mostly shelved my TM2 unless I'm looking to vape out walking. The bowle's vapour is smoother than even my HA terp pill TM2 stem and while the I find the flavour more pronounced on the first hit of a TM2 bowl, it's much better presevered throughout the session with the bowle ime.

The potter is real simple to use and it gives you a perfectly loaded bowl each time, no technique with loading in order to guarantee an even roast.

The bowle's battery lasts ages I have about 2/3 bowls a day with it and I only have to charge it 2/3 times a week so far.

The heating is so fast it makes the TM2 feel slow.

Sure you could buy a terp hammer or a similar wireless ball vape set up for at home use but that is no where near as safe. The bowle's flow sensor and adaptive heating make it much more adaptive to different draw techniques so I don't have to try and teach somehow how to hit it like I do with the TM2. It's just better for sharing than most other options imo, you've all your pots ready to go and easy to load and the battery lasts ages. The bowl is a true on demand that requires no special techniques like all the other on demands to get the best experience.

I think it's also important to note that the bowle 2 is a medical device first and foremost, It wasn't designed with outdoor use or getting the biggest/tastiest clouds in mind. I used to think the cup was stupid until I considered the perspective of a medical patient who has never used cannabis before. The bowle doesn't look like a stoner tool or some crazy brick like most other vapes, it's an innocent looking cup. It just so happens that the bowle also produces amazing vapour so it's a good choice for recreational use imo.
Good answer. Didn't realize it had tech like that.

So people are mostly ignoring the plastic cup novelty nonsense, and are paying this price for pure performance, and not finding it lacking. I'll be more open minded to it. Thanks.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Can someone please try and justify why this costs so much? I doubt the plastic cup adds too much in that regard.

You couldn't really use it as an outside portable, as it's design is silly due to the cup aspect (even with cup removed the shape destroys outdoor portability). Using it indoors is not optimal either as it has none replaceable batteries, and competes with the best desktops ever made at that price point.

Am I missing something?

Yes? The price is not that far off from the competition, how many pure convection on demand vapes are there? How many are mass produced with this type of industrial design and proprietary parts? How many have a built-in hook type pathway and custom ceramic chamber pots? Yes regulation and other sensors, better battery life now... The cup has been discussed ad nauseam, it can help cool the vapor even further, have a drink easily accessible with vape, potential to be discreet for some... Aside from form factor compromises, my only issues remain the lack of other pathway options to connect and limited temp settings (lowest is around 360-365F and I prefer to go lower often so the newly added highest setting is not very appealing personally)


Comfortably Numb
Good answer. Didn't realize it had tech like that.

So people are mostly ignoring the plastic cup novelty nonsense, and are paying this price for pure performance, and not finding it lacking. I'll be more open minded to it. Thanks.
About the cup, this interview explains a lot –

My take is their target audience was completely different from FC folk but on the way they hit a jackpot function-wise.

My situation is a perfect use case tbh – I don't have a dedicated vaping spot and my little man is the exploring type questioning and dismantling every single object in the vicinity so desktop ball vape is a big no for me atm. Surprisingly he has no interest in Bowle, probably takes it just as some boring cup.

While I love using Couchlog on glass piece, I can take it out only on specific occasions while Bowle is ready 24/7. So, in the end, it just might not be a vape for you because you have more options. There is no single perfect vape for everyone, but I consider Bowle a perfect vape for me.


Well-Known Member
Yep, it is a built-in j-hook pathway vape! I'd love modular ability to use glass pathways etc, but it is extremely effective with the metal u-turn system path... As such there is not much difference between the length, but of course a little extra length means it will be just a little smoother... All this is in the thread of course, plenty of time to catch up get excited for V2! :tup:
Is the Bowle's metal stem as effective as competitor vapes (e.g., TM2) when paired with an an actual J-hook or water pipe?



Old & In the Way
Is the Bowle's metal stem as effective as competitor vapes (e.g., TM2) when paired with an an actual J-hook or water pipe?

I'll venture that the Bowle stem, native, is about 85-90% as effective as other vapes attached to a quality jhook that has dimples, turns and/or beads.
The Bowle stem is

1.Aluminun, with a couple of appendages inside that acts as baffles (there design is for attachment of the two parts of the stem together.)
2. Uses 2 right angle turns, so, it is a uhook.

I had Delta3dStudios make a simple adapter that allows use of the Bowle stem as a 14mm uhook for other vapes, because it works that well!
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Well-Known Member
I'll venture that the Bowle stem, native, is about 85-90% as effective as other vapes attached to a quality jhook that has dimples, turns and/or beads.
The Bowle stem is

1.Aluminun, with a couple of appendages inside that acts as baffles (there design is for attachment tof!he two parts of the stem together.)
2. Uses 2 right angle turns, so, it is a uhook.

I had Delta3dStudios make a simple adapter that allows use of the Bowle stem as a 14mm uhook for other vapes, because it works that well!
Thanks! I guess I'd forgotten that it's made out of aluminum.

I think that (plus the outrageous price) might keep me safe from Bowle 2 VAS. I'm not sure I want my hot vapor to come in contact with aluminum...

I’m a big fan of the TB and love mine. But you may want to hook your parents up with vape carts for pain management. No muss, no fuss. Pm me if you want more info.
I'd avoid vape carts, since they're full of dangerous chemicals. Much better to vape pure flower 😉


Old & In the Way
Thanks! I guess I'd forgotten that it's made out of aluminum.

I think that (plus the outrageous price) might keep me safe from Bowle 2 VAS. I'm not sure I want my hot vapor to come in contact with aluminum...
Agree the price is steep.
Not that it is outrageous.
S&B removed filling tool and other accessories and still asks like $440 for a Venty. Taffee includes a grinder that doubles as a filling tool...
Collaboration that brought in a guy who worked on designs for S&B, and the creator of Minivap. This is no slouch.

And, this one is made in Canada, not China!


Well-Known Member
Agree the price is steep.
Not that it is outrageous.
S&B removed filling tool and other accessories and still asks like $440 for a Venty. Taffee includes a grinder that doubles as a filling tool...
Collaboration that brought in a guy who worked on designs for S&B, and the creator of Minivap. This is no slouch.

And, this one is made in Canada, not China!
I love that it's not made in China, but I already have a nice OMD grinder and the Made in Finland TM2 costs €355 (or less on discount), so €446 at Verdampftnochmal is way too much IMO.


Old & In the Way
I love that it's not made in China, but I already have a nice OMD grinder and the Made in Finland TM2 costs €355 (or less on discount), so €446 at Verdampftnochmal is way too much IMO.
It's all relative.
I got my first Bowle I on sale for about $325 US, and a second one thru classifieds here for $100.
Many would say the OMD and TM are both budget busters and 'outrageous', and get by just fine with a V3Pro!

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I do not have one yet but, I have been wanting one. For me...because I am bed ridden almost all day...I need to hydrate in between medication...not just herb medication. I take shit load of meds each day...it is so convenient to have the water right there and you remember to drink water. This may sound ridiculous to some people but, it is a total 'wow' design for patients in my opinion. I really want one. I am always too late in responding to get one. Everything I have ever heard about it is superb. Good day to everyone.
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