Ground up some Trulieve Stardawg (27% THC) using the metal potter so I had 4 pots ready. Fully charged the Bowle. About 5 minutes before the concert started I made a triple vodka and cranberry with tons of ice using the large cup. I waited till the last second to make the vodka/cranberry because, based on past experience, I knew the ice would melt fairly fast once I started vaping and I wanted to preserve it.
To set the stage....Big screen TV, surround sound/woofer and those comfy mechanical seats.
I took a hefty drink and started my first pot at level 2 pretty much when when the concert started. The stem was chilled because of all the ice and the first hit was moderately cloudy and super terpy. The second hit was massively milky, tasty and I almost coughed it up. I think the cooled stem may have caused me to hit it longer than I should have because I didn't catch the "tingle" that signals me it's time to stop. I had 2 or 3 more hits at level 2 and had been sipping/drinking after each hit so by the time I reached the 15 to 20 minute mark I was feeling excellent.
I took a another hit or two at level 3 to top things off when Jennifer Hudson hit the stage. I was feeling exceptionally "happy" by then and I remember
tearing up by the time Jennifer finished singing an operatic song. It must have been the combination of vodka and Stardwg because nothing she sang was in English and I'm not a fan of opera. Viva la combo!
When Santana came on stage I took another hit at level 4 and put in a new pot. By the time Santana finished playing (I think it was 5 songs!!) I had taken a couple hits at level 2 on the new pot and a little more than half the vodka/cranberry was gone. The ice was gone too but the drink was still on the coolish side. I was feeling GREAT and totally in the moment. You know that buzz where you're totally immersed. At this point I was exactly where I wanted to be physically, mentally and musically.
About halfway through the concert a truckload of chicken tenders, wings and fries magically appeared and I took that opportunity to take a hit or 2, finish the drink and charge the Bowle. The Bowle still had some power left but I thought this was a good spot to charge it up for the rest of the concert. The food had just come out of the air fryer and it was off the hook!
A moment or 2 later the concert was cancelled due to weather and "It seriously harshed my groove"

I mean, what am I gonna do with all that food!? And we're not going to see Springsteen and Paul Simon?!?!?! Fuck!!!!
So I did what any respectable recreational dude would do....wait till the Bowle is charged, top off the buzz, make another vodka/cranberry, find a movie and see how many wings there's room for. Good times!
I posted the following in the Random thoughts thread but I left it for last here to eliminate the spoiler....