My Bowle 2 arrived today. Very exciting!
I only ran 2 bowls through it so far, but I think I am going to be very happy with it. I have a lot more research to do but it's slow going because this thing got me Uber high on very little herb. I'll save my comments on use and function until I've run a bunch more sessions through it.
Some very initial thoughts:
I thought the base was going to be larger than it actually is. It's not pocketable, but smaller than I thought.
Both the stem and base have some weight to them. The stems are hefty and feel pretty solid. It's a sturdy device.
I like how the ceramic pots remain cool enough to pull them out with your fingers right after use. Very easy to load and unload.
Curious to see how durable the finish is going to be. It's also a bit rough to the touch.
The controls seem pretty intuitive and easy to use/understand.
Gotta love on-demand. I have a new personal rule. No more session-only vapes. Fucking Pivot.
More to come...