that's the craziest injector probablyI'll try they XL passthrough adapter tomorrow, too much for a day!
It's not everyone's cup of tea, just a new way to drink.Yooo…$750 for an injector head
I'm gonna do a video showing the breakdown for cleaning. I looked in not too long ago and put the cap back on because it was that clean after pumping all the concentrate through it. But I'll do it on camera for everyone.Heya, is the internal airpath on the FK cleanable/swababble? Any risk of airpath occlusion with the smallish holes? I’d imagine most organics should burn out and clean with a puff of air?
I SEE the difference in the injector and I understand how it would change the airflow but what does this difference do in terms of the vapor itself?The bottom is closed. I claimed all others blast the heat straight down, mine splits it six ways above the weed... here look
Looks like my 20 first run, Made in the USA, heads will be ready NEXT WEEK not 8 weeks!He had the machining set up and we were more then satisfied with the final proto. 10 will be 4mm Zirconia, 10 will be 3mm SIC. Each will include a terp pillar as well. Oh yea, I forgot to mention, there is a terp pillar in there too!
They will come with Eds TNT Custom African Blackwood handles as well as a TI Cyclone carb cap with a Custom matching Eds handle.
6mm terp ball for the Roulex Trac
, Bowl, 7th floor pic, working on a hard case and stand to complete the kit. burned off ready to go. XLR Coil. Does not come with PID, sorry. I'll have an official thread started when time with the name of the system. We have 2 other parts to the system under development that will be ready next month for testing. Have LLC started, bank account, patents rolling along, just need shopify site set up with pics. I'll post pics in the introductory product thread. This head cost more to manufacture then most kits on the market cost. It is a made in the USA product and will continue to be just as the handles are. The coil, ceramic, bowl, case are outsourced. were working on making those USA parts too but the 2 other system parts we have coming will solve those issues. This will run $750-$800 for the complete set up. If it hits, I will get more made and the price will drop. I will pass this onto the first buyers by way of a discount on the first run second part. I started this thread because i had a proto in hand and wanted to let all the negatory peeps have a place to come talk shit as well as me talk shit back respectfully of course.
The product thread will be professional and handled by Marissa, my customer service guru. I spent a lot of time and money on my hobby and gained volumes of experience over my ten years here in the process. My best vape is the sublimator and the Herborizer. I took inspiration from both as well as the t bucket. This head can dab alone without a bowl better then most bangers because of the design. There were a few others that played a role in design but mostly the Sublimator, which now, at this stage, is on par with it.
Time to take my shot!
And now I return you to the regular shit talking!
The terp pillar super heats the air, more so after the balls heat it, then it spinning inside cause turbulent airflow while spitting the air out evenly to the glass then load. If you can see the difference in other vapes, the Flower Kettle produces instant vapor while you'll wait a brief sec to see vapor production in others. The terp pillar also acts as a slurper for concentrate. The Flower Kettle vapor is a different signature. The hotter air through the head translates into a more broken down vapor particle wise (extra heat take the water out of the vapor at the point) this helps me to take a deeper inhale with less irritation to my lungs. Basically I'm just getting a refined vapor compared to the same vapor with hotter water in it if that makes sense? If you side by side the clouds with other videos clouds you'll see the vapor is a lot more water heavy. Trying to explain the difference in an easy manner. It is the first pid vape to incorporate a terp pillar as well as an even split to the air for the most even roast available at this time in market. I hope you guys enjoy!I SEE the difference in the injector and I understand how it would change the airflow but what does this difference do in terms of the vapor itself?
You can have it touch or not. The air splits evenly and it pulls down air the same time. Little different then that of the older style ball vapes where comes straight down on top. This hits it from the sides, top, and under when you think about it.I was wondering the same thing.
Is the intent that the bottom of the injector always come very close to the herb? Does it touch it?
Because if not, that perpendicular turn the air makes will not make much of a difference, as the air will very quickly return to normal flow patterns.
Can you dig into a couple things for me? I'm curious about the "gas vs vapor" verbiage. I am also curious about what happens with the airflow after the balls and how the bottom portion is heated when it isn't wrapped in coil
Thanks so much brother! Much appreciated! Here you go!
.2 @560f try at 1 shot kill😶🌫️😶🌫️
Watch ".2 @560f try at 1 shot kill😶🌫️😶🌫️" on
Temp is too low for that. It melts down into the ballsac so to speak, then works its way through. You can see the difference in the double decker vs single decker videosI was interested to see the orientation of the balls and pillar, thanks for that breakdown.
My first thought is that it appears not much, if any, concentrate would make it down to the pillar through the ball stack that lines up with the coil no? After contact with the top of the head most of it vaporizes and what's left might make it through a portion of the ball stack but I would doubt any significant amount?
Especially given what you're charging for the supposed difference. I've asked a couple times a couple different ways and I keep getting ignored.@Custom Flower Hardware
Do you have any evidence to cite that would provide any legitimate justification for your gas vs. vapor claims? Because as far as I've seen, only claims have been made with absolutely no cited sources to justify such a claim. On what studies are you basing these claims?
Please provide citations for these sources if possible, because I'd like to go read them.