Thank you for these videos. This gives me a better understanding of what this vape consist of and how easy it is to assemble and disassemble.

Could you give me some examples of the profile differences between the different types of pearls that go in? Such as heat, flavor, or any other differences you’ve noticed through your experimentation?

I love heavy hitters, and I hate stirring so I’m really excited! Very interested in seeing if I will enjoy the dabbing on it as much as my designated dab devices. Either way, it looks like it’s going to be a monster at vaping flowers, and double decking flower and dabs. 🔥☁️💯💪🏾.

As anxious as I am to have this on my desk and in my collection, I really appreciate that he is taking his time to make sure everything is 💯 before releasing everything.

Football and a Custom Flower Hardware Proto should make for an exciting combination. 🤗


Well-Known Member
Only problem with your analogy is that if there were still oil in that head it would smoke correct? Better go check the vid at the end bro, looks like no smoke off the head. No oil perhaps? The design gobbles it up? :shrug: don't worry we'll crack her open tomorrow to see the results.:tup:
Have not seen the video you posted yet but do agree on alignment issues with the reference!
That is why I said I don't see the moving part of your VAPE being a issue aka the ball on top.
Sorry I though I hit send yesterday!

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Switched to a solid pillar from a hollow one.:tup:
There is a good 120 degree difference between my DC box at 540 and this at 665. Just on the readout, the abv is the same at these 2 temps for these 2 individual units.:tup:
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Custom Flower Hardware,
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