cannabis aromatherapist
Agent, those flavoring oils are artificial flavors and glycerin based. i don't think they'd work too well - but then again i haven't tried them for flavoring tinctures, just candies and lip balm. the glycerin base will mix well with the alcohol.

don't worry about the limonene
it's freakin' everywhere.
buyer beware as always of course, but i'd be out of business if it was that bad - it's in maybe half of the essential oils i work with and i'm pretty sure it's in cannabis as well, some varieties having more or less. watch me be wrong and drop dead of cancer in a week.
just because it was said by a doctor in a tiny magazine article without quoting actual studies or facts or sources does not mean it is true. i believe that they are also referring to isolated limonene as the cause of cancer in animals, not as it naturally occurs in concert with other chemicals. as usual, a case of alarmist science gone amok. it is good to be informed though.
but i digress...
i suggest that you either put fresh slivered citrus peel (well washed and not too much - a pinch maybe) into your tincture to soak with the bud, or add a (1) drop of lemon essential oil after the works have been strained and evapped.
you could also try a few mint leaves in with it or maybe some cinnamon sticks, cardamom or cloves -- mmmm chai tincture anyone? that sounds freaking delicious
lavender or chamomile would also work and add a relaxing quality to the tincture. more for effect than flavor, you could add hops or valerian root to make a super sedating tincture.
i've been thinking of adding kava kava to a cannabis tincture, (not for flavor-blech) but i'm not sure about the solubility of the kavalactones in alcohol.
standard disclaimer - herbs are powerful medicines - start small and ask lots of questions if you are not sure.

don't worry about the limonene

buyer beware as always of course, but i'd be out of business if it was that bad - it's in maybe half of the essential oils i work with and i'm pretty sure it's in cannabis as well, some varieties having more or less. watch me be wrong and drop dead of cancer in a week.

just because it was said by a doctor in a tiny magazine article without quoting actual studies or facts or sources does not mean it is true. i believe that they are also referring to isolated limonene as the cause of cancer in animals, not as it naturally occurs in concert with other chemicals. as usual, a case of alarmist science gone amok. it is good to be informed though.
but i digress...
i suggest that you either put fresh slivered citrus peel (well washed and not too much - a pinch maybe) into your tincture to soak with the bud, or add a (1) drop of lemon essential oil after the works have been strained and evapped.
you could also try a few mint leaves in with it or maybe some cinnamon sticks, cardamom or cloves -- mmmm chai tincture anyone? that sounds freaking delicious

lavender or chamomile would also work and add a relaxing quality to the tincture. more for effect than flavor, you could add hops or valerian root to make a super sedating tincture.
i've been thinking of adding kava kava to a cannabis tincture, (not for flavor-blech) but i'm not sure about the solubility of the kavalactones in alcohol.
standard disclaimer - herbs are powerful medicines - start small and ask lots of questions if you are not sure.