Multiple vape rips are always fun! I'm just getting over a rough chest infection so I'm trying to take it easier for now.. When my lungs are back to 100% I want to destroy myself on a double rip

I've been coughing way too much lately though..
Next time I'd probably just heat it w/ the bowls all the way in, to a little lower temp.. it always takes a bit to get going when they're not fully in during the heat up, but it's the only way to retain some flavor at high temps..
Lately I've been heating up to ~200C w/ the bowl completely out, and I'll rip it until the vapor gets really thin (~170C), and then I'll reheat to 200C w/ the bowl in to kill it off.. before I was heating w/ the bowl in, and starting at 170 and then going to 185, and then 200 to finish it off, but I got tired of the extra heat cycle

and I've come to really like heating up to high temps from the start, w/ the bowl out, and I've been getting more output per heat cycle like that..
Awesome video
@Stu &
@Buildozer.....If you guys do this again, you might try a U adapter. In this post from the claisen thread by
@Dramma Lamma, he talks about how w/o a U, the vape w/ a straighter path will take priority & that you'll end up w/ uneven performance.
I don't really know anything about fluid dynamics, but my understanding is the air will favor the path of least resistance, but that's not always necessarily the most direct (shortest) path.. I would think the uneven distance of the cloud buddy isn't nearly as much of an factor as the 2 bowls having unbalanced air flow, but then again, I don't really know what I'm talking about
The first time we tried, it definitely favored one side.. but that time I packed one bowl (probably over packed) and Stu packed the other, and I put shatter in at least one bowl, if not both, so there was just too much going on, and I never checked the airflow of both bowls.. This time I made sure both had as balanced of air flow as I could manage and it seemed to make all the difference.. Getting them both heated up w/ to the same temp using a Butane torch and a Propane torch was a little tedious though