Well i just got some prize money from a contest and they were promised to a nice lighter based vape..
I am also against breating metal fumes as you.. but i must say we both did/do with the vapobowl

.. and the metal body of the UD (of course it is not heated to insane temps as with butane torches,)
I was between the Vapman and The Lotus at first but saw Vitolo's post and decided to add the Supreme to the imaginary match up and the research.. on the materials involved..
So compared pricewise.. they are all almost the same price. Shipping to EU
SV - 80 $ +17$/32 $
LV(WP) 89 $(on the official site) compared to 79euro/104$ on vedampftnochmall + 15 euro
LV(Fullpack) 135$(on the official site) compared to 119euro/156 $ on vedampftnochmall + free shipment for orders over 100 euro..
Vapman basic 97 $/90 CHF (from the official site + 11 chf wooden mouthpiece incl..) + free shipment in EU
+mouthpiece(cuz there is no way i am gonna inhale trough the plastic mouthpiece).
Materials that are raising doubt in my vaked ass:
SV - Aluminium.. Many types of aluminium .. but.. My windows are aluminium, it is used in cooking pans..aircraft.. and some other vaporizers as
Alive 8,Lithe,DBV,VG,Pipes,Bongs and other more or less exposed to heat stress alu stuff..

Lotus - Nickel .. It is used many places and in many vapes.. expecialy Ni-chrome heaters (old mflb, de verdampfer.. etc.. ) but nowhere else it is blasted with 1300 C torch..+ the body pipe is made of aluminium so double the trouble

if we are going to worry about metals..
Vapman.. Brass .. Thats been discussed already.. many vapes use it.. Old lithes,some old logvapes.. and many more.. also used for pipes and pipe screens.
I am more conerned about the Mica.. first thought there is mica only in the heat protected model but it is in the basic too.. it surrounds the heating element where air passes trough.
Mica is used in Vapolution 1.0 and 2.0 but it is not in the airpath .
Heatstress and overall durability , Power consumption and other notes
All the three vapes get discoloration where you heat them with the torch.. The vapman basic is most likely to suffer woodcharring IMO based on what i've seen.
Woodcharing is reported in some of the users of supreme and lotus (less cases AFAIR).. but in all 3 cases it can be avoided ..
Lotus and Vapman seem to be similar in gas usage.. both do fine with small lighters but don't have much heat retention.. Temp varies quickly .. so constant reheating is needed .. but load in both is small so you it does not takes much time to finish.
Supreme needs a lot of power .. big torch for 2 mins to get where you wanna be.. but you can alternate on stoves or smth.. and save on butane . It retains heat well and can finish nice amount of herb without much reheating ) .
I am too vaked to continue my thought .
But in semi-conclusion

i can say..
All three are adaptable to WP and bubbler but i read SV is the champ..

Vapman and Lotus beat the SV in direct draw and camping for sure.. but i would never bring an expensive vape to camping.. I am fine with my 7 $ vapobowl and my 3 $ bamboo steam roller

. and my gnome classic for extra pure experience when i am in break proof environment

The price of three is similar (especially in my case .. The shipping varies depending on your location..
So i would rather be bother by high quality aluminium of the Supreme than .. Nickel + Aluminium or Mica + Brass + gold flakes if you are not careful .
Temp controls is also nice (although i know it might fuck up at some point) .
So the best deal Abysmalwise . is the Supreme .
Although vaked wisdom got its weaknesses and type-o's ,,,