Well-Known Member is updated
Adapt-a-bong kit is updated
I know you guys are kinda shitting all over this, but I'm pretty interested. Has anyone contacted the manufacturer to see if he will come answer some questions here? Why speculate?
I don't care how good it is. I don't buy uber expensive products that are sold by an inventor who admits he doesn't know how it works or why. Is that insane of me? lol It's magic! Just watch your wallet get lighter by.... SCIENCE! lmao
I guess having a video that makes the manufacturer look 110% foolish in the eyes of anyone willing to ask the real questions isn't the company I want to trust.
I wasn't born every second. Someone else can volunteer.
Ask questions, do the homework, save disappointment.
Maybe we'll learn something new sooner rather than later...
Latest Member: Sublimator
From my understanding ( and im no scientist by any stretch ) Yes. Because we are condensing and instantly expanding the vapor as well as raising the internal temperature of the product before pushing the air through it, we are achieving sublimation. Now, full details on the process is still being looked at by our team of experts so there could very well be some changes to the process as we move forward. This is still a new technology to us as well and learning every detail of this procedure is our main priority.
Regardless , I would highly suggest trying this machine out if you have the oppertunity. I promise you that you have never used anything like it before !
Without going into details, are you saying that you've managed to harness the process of sublimation outside of a vacuum?
...yes... ...Because we are condensing and instantly expanding the vapor as well as raising the internal temperature of the product before pushing the air through it, we are achieving sublimation
The Vapexhale does not even compare to this. That vape works on a process of drawing hot air directly through the product and into your lungs.