Frederick McGuire
Aggressively Loungey
Nice to know PV hooked me up then 
Still the $CAD vs $USDrhing seems to more than make up the cost difference...

Still the $CAD vs $USDrhing seems to more than make up the cost difference...
Nice to know PV hooked me up then
Still the $CAD vs $USDrhing seems to more than make up the cost difference...'s prices are in $US (why I don't know) so $498US = $613CAD
PlanetVape's prices are listed in $CAD.
*Previous buyers*
PlantetVape is a good bit more expensive than
- initial kit price is $40 more
-shipping is $30 more ($70 total. Who tf charges that..?)
I've heard PlanetVape has good customer service but $75 more is a questionable price.
Has anyone had direct issues with Sublimator's website that would persuade me to purchase from Planetavape? Preciate all input
I went with PV. It is swings and round abouts with currency conversions. It came down to past experience with PV.
@canj00digit? yours should not be far away now. Just keep in mind it will take a while to clean and burn the machine oils of the apollo.
The exchange rate is at .81 right now which seems pretty good as the lowest it has been was .79, so now would be a good time to purchase.
Anyone know why I am not able to get free shipping on my Sublimator? It says free shipping on orders over $130 on PlanetVape
I went with PV. It is swings and round abouts with currency conversions. It came down to past experience with PV.
@canj00digit? yours should not be far away now. Just keep in mind it will take a while to clean and burn the machine oils of the apollo.
IMO it's only fair to assume their shut on weekends.
(Note - My point there is just to kind of assume for any online business, regular business hours of ~9-5 mon-fri. IMO anything else is above what should be required of a retailler.)
I usually allow at least a day or so for communications just because I am always too lazy to look up timezones and figure out what time it is on the other persons end and just assume it'll probably be night time and they'll get to it tomorrow
So, I'd guess it'll turn out to be 1 or 3![]()
I emailed PlanetVape Friday AM about the shipping options and still have not received any type of reply.
I was so ready to place my order but this has me 2nd guessing myself with them not being responsive.
1. Are they not in the office/open on weekends
2. Are my emails being ignored
3. Am i being an impatient bastard
Last. Are there any coupons code out there that i could use?
I have communicated with them with good response times,I am registered with them though and i use the contact page their which they acknowledge straight away saying we have recieved a contact form from you and will contact soon.@PlanetVape email system is straight fucked up. All my emails must be going straight to the spam folder. I can't get a reply at all.
Going to have to call.
I have communicated with them with good response times,I am registered with them though and i use the contact page their which they acknowledge straight away saying we have recieved a contact form from you and will contact soon.
Just got off the phone with Planetvape. They have my Sublimator and will be possibly be sending it out tommarow. I sent it in May 14 and they were supposed to contact me when it arrived, but never contacted me. Turns out they didnt have my 1.0 model in stock and had to wait for Sublimator. Goodthing I had other first rate desktops and portables.
Planetbape said their emails were getting a massive amount of spam junk mail from China and customers emails were being sent into the spam folder.
So I might be subbin this week (if I ever get the shipping email to pay for shipping back)
Pretty much call planetvape if they don't respond to email
Sub (ss apollo) landed today.
After a burn off I went to testing.
What do you like your reclaim setup?
I really love how the Sub buddy is designed with the removable jar and carb. Its just a lil overpriced for an adapter i feel
hahaha nice one bro! Every Aussie has a sub spoon, it's gotta be a cultural trope now!Sub (ss apollo) landed today.
After a burn off I went to testing.
Ho-lee shite.
This thing is a fucking monster.
My Clouds never hit this hard (havent tried evo tho).
I am going back to blowin' me and the wife's head off.
We've had a lot of vapes over the past decade, this is the baddest MFer so far.
Or maybe I am too high to make a valid judgement at the moment .
okay so it's been a few hours and I have calmed down a wee bit. Those first few hits seemed like almost magic. lol. So yeah, it's just a vape, but it's definitely the best vape I've ever used.Edges out the Cloud+ for pure power.
And jees double deckers with reclaim are fun!
Here be a photo of my Sub all set-up.
I am using a tiny souvenir spoon like FreddyMac.
Have a cheap kitchen timer sitting next to Monkey box so I am reminded to reset.
muchto the Sub.
hahaha nice one bro! Every Aussie has a sub spoon, it's gotta be a cultural trope now!
Okay cool cool. I can't figure out where the carb is on your setup tho haha
Anyone have a review on the SubTainer grinder? Wondering if i could replace my Santa Cruz with it
lolol ASSM, Aussie Sub Spoon Mafia.
In that photo the carb is just off frame on the left. Here is another pic from the front so you can see the carb plug.
I haven't tried the subtainer grinder yet, will let u know when I do.
Real dope bro bro. I like that. Where'd you buy the adapters?
And aight cool lookin forward to what you have to say about it
out of interest @canj00digit? what level number are you using on the sub for flower atm?