Yup, Cico... definitely go get a COVID test!
Why not cross that off the potential list of issues? Its kinda a big deal and considering how easy it is to check, only a complete fucking fool would dismiss/refu
Why do you people not read. Everyone bitching about Covid....You are what's wrong with the world. I've already confirmed that I don't have it so maybe if you weren't all brainwashed into thinking about it constantly and you could think for yourselves you would've realized that. (: Please read the full discussion before speaking the same nonsense over and over. YES ITS ANNOYING. Lol. Anybody would be annoyed after hearing it five times in confirming that I don't have it the first time. Seriously what is wrong with you people do you just like drama? Grow up. I am asking a question about my vape flavor. If you read through the discussion and cannot add anything else that will add to it please move on. I am trying to figure out what is going on with me. Not hear about Covid over and over. That's what happens when you're brainwashed I guess
I mean I knew FC was toxic but you guys are on a whole other level. Covid this Covid that....I think you guys are in the wrong forum,..lol tell me I am? Get out of my convo if you don't have anything positive to add. PLEASE. Grown ups only !
@Abysmal Vapor THANK YOU. You are my kinda person.
All the "covidians" behind their computers. I mean really. I am appalled at the thought process (if any) of people these days. It's like the government trained you guys to just say Covid for everything and not even read what's going on. "My foot hurts" COVID! ". Nosebleed...COVID!
Just read that's all I'm asking lol. I don't want to read about covid every 2 minutes after it's been addressed. You people just like to obsess over it and that's the problem. God have mercy on my soul. And all of yours. Now to all, have a nice day because this vape(covid) community has done nothing but attacked me over things they don't know. Anyone and yes I mean anyone would be annoyed after addressing it so many times. This world needs help. Be the change. Not the problem. Please. I'll keep you all in my prayers. But in total appreciation for those of you that actually put intellect into this conversation. MUCH LOVE TO THOSE.
I guess I have to make a doc appt to get to the bottom of this. Was hoping there was someone who had knowledge on it due to it only happening when I vaporize herbs...that's all. Guess i am in the wrong for asking. (You happy COVID ppl?) you win!