Heater number 2!
More to come, one of which I'll leave you with a hint...He's an Italian plumber with piranha plant problem and a brother who helps but hasn't figured out yet that wearing white after labor labor day isn't cool!
The brothers are also know for getting high and racing karts around like idiots!
Always wanted to take a shot at one of these. First try at a set.....
You are correct sir. I usually use my Brick as a one (or two) hitter. That's how I use most of my vapes, microdosing as needed.I have gotten the impression from what I have seen and read about it that it should actually do good double duty, big enough bowl that it could session for a group of people, but also pure convection (I am a convection loving guy) so easy enough to hit and walk away, come back later.
For those who have used it, how is the vapor quality and consistency compared to the e-nano
how hard is it to accidentally combust?
And can it fit in a pocket or small bag?
Also, how good is the provided lighter
what brands of butane do you use
if there are any cons/learning curve, let me know too!
How much better is it than other butane vapes?
That's actually something I've been meaning to post and keep forgetting. I bought the Sticky Brick to use as a "special occasion" vape. It seemed like the perfect piece of functional art for that purpose.A lot of vapes that I get I expect to use a lot, but don't end up using nearly as much as I had envisioned. The Brick is the opposite, I actually use it a lot more than I had anticipated originally.
That Mario engraved tube is the shit!!!![]()
Just saying!![]()
Amazing work all around! I'm especially loving the Mario piece. I've been hitting bricks with him since I was a little kid. Now I have a different Brick to hit while I play Nintendo. I love progress!![]()
Just saying!![]()
That's awesome! How was the learning curve for them? I found the Brick really easy to use personally. I still haven't had the opportunity to let anyone else try it out yet. To be honest I worry about noobs combusting in my precious brick, but it's such a cool vape that I want to share the love with others anyway.Took the Brick to a cabin this weekend. Had three friends there that have basically never vaped, but are heavy combusters. I also had the Milaana and FF2.
The Brick was the star of the show.
I love anything flower of life!That Mario engraved tube is the shit!!!
...as well as the others!
For all but one of them, I never let them touch the torch. I handled the heat, which allowed me to make sure there were no accidental combustion events. The guy that it going to buy one, however, took to it so well that I was comfortable handing him the torch and letting him go to it. He had the technique down immediately, and enjoyed the experience immensely.That's awesome! How was the learning curve for them? I found the Brick really easy to use personally. I still haven't had the opportunity to let anyone else try it out yet. To be honest I worry about noobs combusting in my precious brick, but it's such a cool vape that I want to share the love with others anyway.
They're all beautiful, I love that Mario one though... you even threw a piranha plant on the bottom. How/when/where do I get these?![]()
Just saying!![]()
I'm so glad you can finally enjoy the Brick fully @GTAVaper.A while back I had posted that the mouthpiece was a no-go for me and that would mean that it would be relegated to usage only through a water piece.
Within minutes of my post, and actually before I finished editing it, I received a PM from @StickyBricks about my post that was truly unexpected and demonstrated incredible customer service and the desire to create the best Sticky Brick experience for every one of his customers.
I had asked @StickyBricks if it was alright that I post the contents of the PM and he was OK with it........and I decided to wait until the time was right to share it.....which is today.
So here it is, from August 4th, 2016............
@StickyBricks :
"I sincerely hope no one rips you up on the thread, I think your critiscm is well founded. Technique will come and the vapor should be cool, BUT, if the MP isn't working for you, let me get one built for you this weekend. Do you prefer it coming to a point like a spoon style bowl or more trumpet/flare style? No worries on cost, if the current mouthpiece doesn't work for you then you need something that does and that's my job. Hit me with your address and I'll get something mailed out Monday."
@GTAVaper :
Blown away by your response!
I was just editing my post again as a result.
I will post a couple of pics with the Brick mouthpiece beside a couple of mouthpieces in the thread and I don't know if something like that is possible with the existing MP since I am not a glassworker and am clueless as to what is possible.
But I won't say what you have offered to do for me right now.....although I could if you want me to.
But after it is made then I am sure that others would love to purchase one as an option; and I sure would love to show it off in posts in this thread and let people know what you did for me.
I had meant to get to sleep earlier but I think I can pictures up in about 20min or so. Again......your response was completely unexpected and really blew me away.
Have a great night!
Once you have it you are certainly free to post pics, or do whatever you want honestly. The only reason I pm'd you instead of replying on the thread was respect for your privacy, so if you feel the need to share this you certainly can, but it's not necessary. I am simply treating my customers how I want to be treated. This is one of the perks of dealing with an actual small business, personal service.
Any pics you have to give me an idea of what you like will help. Even links to dhgate will work just fine to give me a ballpark to work from.
Well, today I just received a package in the mail as a result of that PM and a new flared mouthpiece ended up at my door.
Well I can say that it works very well and also feels very comfortable against the lips. In a later PM, @StickyBricks told me that after trying it out, his wife now wanted one. I highly recommend this kind of mouthpiece for anyone as a highly comfortable alternative
Also, now that a couple of incredibly talented glassmakers are on board for aftermarket glass options for the Brick, I would love to see what exotic flared mouthpieces other Brick owners might be ordering ........and posting pics of afterward of course
I won't apologize.......I love a well flared mouthpiece......it makes the whole experience so much more pleasurable
And now without any further ado...........
The photo that @StickyBricks sent me prior to mailing out the new mouthpiece, next two are my pics.
Thanks a ton @StickyBricks, I loved the vape, both how it looked as well as how it performed but the mouthpiece turned it into a water piece vape......and I was looking for something smooth that could be hit without a water piece.
But this new mouthpiece completely resolves the issues that I had with the original mouthpiece and also really feels amazing in use.
My unit looks the same, I never noticed before. It's like the hole is too small, at first I thought it was just centered wrong.I did notice something, though, and I wanted to ask about this: The intake hole in the wood, under the glass tube where you hold the torch, is not centered. It is over on side right at the inside edge of the glass tube. It is not blocked by the glass at all, but is right at the edge of the glass and so there is a fair bit of wood right under the intake tube, and not just hole. (I will take a picture and post it later if you want, or if my description is not making sense.) After just a few attempted hits I can see that the wood that is visible under the tube there is already scorched. Is this normal, or is this one drilled funky? Since I am still working on technique I cannot tell if it is having any effect on how the device is supposed to work.
My unit looks the same, I never noticed before. It's like the hole is too small, at first I thought it was just centered wrong.
If it's affecting performance negatively than I can't tell because I love the way the Brick performs. The thought of it performing better is intriguing. The obstruction might be focusing the heat too much, perhaps I could stir less if it wasn't there, maybe even extract more of the load at once.
It's also possible that the hole might need to be that small to focus the heat properly. I'm curious if other people have the same issue. Perhaps it is part of the design. Being off center could also help create turbulence which could actually cause less hot spots in the bowl.
I'm tempted to try to carefully drill it out but I can't risk messing up my precious Brick!![]()