I recall your prior posts and that's what I don't get: the main reason I don't use my og Brick more often is because it's such a beast.
I have a pax scoop (which is too curved for me to recommend for much of anything, honestly) and I can put anywhere from one to four scoops in there and just crush it in three or four hits.
The abv from my Brick is always that obviously cached dark brown, not vapcap coffee black but as dark a brown as you'd shoot for from any convection vape. And with the enormous mouthpiece you get plenty of instant feedback on the extraction as you watch the glass milk up.
If I was being surveyed and the question was "How much does the restrictor disk hold you back from rapid, full extraction?" my answer would be "I think it's doing the opposite of holding me back and I never got such dark, even abv without it." It makes me wonder what's going on with yours. You got a Runt was it? Perplexing to be sure.
posting from my phone so bear with me
yeah so I have a runt. I’ve been doing 2-3 scoops using a delta3d scoop, this is consistently about how dark I get it. Hard to really compare it via pic, but in my limited experience it seems on the lighter side. Once I get to this point I can hold the torch there for as long as I can inhale, and get no further. When I took this pic like last week, I think I did end up getting one more wispy little tiny bit from it.

@BrianTL Blanton's is a classic and one of my favorites. There was a time I had bottles until John Wick 2 came out and you couldn't buy it anywhere. I always thought I had great attention to detail but never noticed the tops were all different and wish I had kept all of mine. Bookers is a favorite of mine too. I have too many bourbon bottles that I don't even remember by name building my collection. As bourbon became a hipster thing, I went back to my scotches.
Combusting really sucks as you keep tasting, but I think with a wipe down, maybe the glass parts, that taste will eventually go away.
Last night, I thought I'd try and do the Sticky Brick train. I went Runt, Flip, Junior, OG. I ended up getting a Maxx. Do I need a Hydro too?
It was interesting as each piece behaved differently. Runt was the easiest of them all. The intake on the Flip is a bit bigger than the Runt and Junior. I realized all of my pieces were Rock Maple except my Junior. That bummed me out, and got me to go find one in the matching wood.
The OG was something else. I was expecting bang and heat, but it was so cool for the whole session.
Unfortunately, I couldn't do anymore after 4 in a row. Try again with the Maxx next down moment I have.
I have yet to tinker with the restrictor discs. Afraid to and ruin something.
that’s funny, I didn’t even know Blantons was involved in John wick 2 at all. But yeah I love the caps they’re great touches - also a big horse racing fan so it makes it even cooler to me.
bookers is good! There’s a few I actually really enjoy, basil heydens for the price, you can’t beat it. They make a great Rye also. Hipsters ruin everything!