the honest torch that came with it is perfect for it IMHO.
Isn’t the vertigo serpent to big of a torch for the Jr ?
I bought a single flame "culinary"torch off Amazon that lasted about a month so I used the Honest torch that came with my Sticky. I was happy with it except the flame did t shut off very fast but I got so used to it....until the button stopped going down. So I got a new single flame cigar lighter off Amazon. This thing is awesome. Jobon is the brand and it is really smooth. Dare
I say elegant? I hope the guys I work with never hear me use that phrase lol. All good reviews and it was $13 I think. Adjustable of course,but it's just better. I'm not shilling for them I'm just trying to help out anyone looking for a good torch. There are a zillion out there even at has stations and I'm happy with my purchase. Sorry I'm not good at tech stuff I'd provide a link like I wish I could.
Thanks @Megaton . I'll. Try that out just so I can get it going again. I'd always rather repair than buy new but they seemed like throwaway. I'm glad I kept it. I'm a hoarder.
That’s AWESOME!!!How many have tried this?
Sticky Brick Jr-hook.How many have tried this?
@nonamekevin thanks for the tip to use the restrictor disc in the SBJ in the Dynavap thread. It is a game changer. Never had any problem with my Hydra Maxx, but could not get consistent hits with the jr. Until now!
@YayVap beat me to it. I got the best results when throwing the disk in and bumping up to a larger triple flame torch. Feels like more control, since I don't have to really hunt for that sweet spot on the flame intake, and extraction begins almost instantly.Can you share the tip with the restrictive disc ? Ty
The Water pipe adaptor (wpa) would be the next step to condition the vapor so you don't get the dry throat. I don't have a junior, but I have also heard of Jr users that use the runt mouthpiece when not traveling. The runt mouthpiece is longer than the Jr, and provides some more cooling.Going to have to throw the junior on the classified I guess, just not my style, good vape though and ended up getting good flavor. But I can't get over the dryness of the throat and mouth and it lasts for a few days almost like I'm starting to get strep or something...if anyone has any tips I'd appreciate it and more than happy to try, but otherwise...
My apologies, my first comment should have been related to the butane. I'm sure you are already using high quality butane, but if not, I would start there.Yes sir I have tried that, straight through the sneaky pete globe bubbler, definitely better but its still there. My dynavap when dry is actually better on the throat, weird I know... I cant figure out if it is just the dry heat from the butane still getting through but something im doing isnt right..
No no no sir!! Either grab an empty lighter and fill with the good stuff, or empty the one you've been using and replace with good butane. Most smoke shops and gas stations come pre-filled, but who knows with what quality.You may have fixed the issue, I've been using gas station cheapo butane!