I think that blood sugar/diabetes issues arrise when people are consuming refined sugar in cakes, cookies, candy, etc. The sugar in fruit is the ideal source of energy for the body and that is why it is okay to consume large amounts. I know that 80-10-10 goes into greater detail about this. I think that when I first switched to this diet I noticed sugar highs, but I am certainly even keeled at this point. Having lots of energy is one of those 'good problems', especially because it makes an active lifestyle with lots of exercise very easy.
Also, like I said my teeth have been absolutely fine, and I think most people on the diet have great teeth. There are threads about teeth on 30B.A.D..com.
Look at this '80-10-10 Gladiators' link. Some of these individuals look like bodybuilders to me. Putting on muscle is very doable on this diet. Even the 60 year old Doug Graham is jacked IMO.
If I were you I would get my hands on a copy of 80-10-10. It's $30 but it's very much worth it IMO. Also, you could always look for a used copy, or perhaps your library has a copy. It addresses all of concerns and questions you are likely to have. It also has a great section on menus for different seasons of the year.
Here's a teeth link.
Refined sugar is the worst, i agree. But sugar is sugar, and the sugar high is about the sugar.. not that its refined.
I meant an actual scientific source.. "Having excess amounts of fat and protein in the bloodstream from ANY source is acid-forming and teeth compromising. Keep levels below 10% of daily calories and LESS if suffering from teeth problems." -> this kind of sentence to me just flags a "delusional" alert. Vitamins K1 and K2, A, D, and E are all fat-soluble. These vitamins are essential to your teeth. Fat exists most in animal products.
And don't start talking about algae because MANY civilizations thrived away from the ocean.
Ancient tribes have the better teeth than most of us in the modern society and they ate mostly animal products.
I think this kind of diet is doable if you do it for a while, to cleanse and to improve your generall health. But it seems that the long term effects are not very well documented or evaluated..
I REALLY like the idea of being a fruitarian, but after being vegetarian for 4 years and being less healthy than i was, i take all these new diets with a grain of salt.
Right now, i think that Paleo Diet is, the most complete and beneficial for most people, way of eating.
It is not about eating half a cow at breakfast, it is about eating a fair amount of protein, carbs and fats, cutting down on processed and unprocessed grains, choosing the right kind of fats (olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, butter, lard), carbs ( vegetables and fruit) and protein (eggs, fish, wild game and animals who eat pasture).
I think it would be nice to incorporate, green smoothies and other raw veggie juices, as well as a weekend on fruit only, for example.
Apart from 30bad, and other similar websites of the same community, i don't see many clues on the potential benefits of frutarian eating. I see the same kind of delusional arguments as the vegans. I see posts, like your recomendation, with pictures that only show two rotten mouths that don't tell me anything. And those pictures have been around for years now so they are just random photos of bad teeth hygiene.
I see a lot of people giving up fruitarianism for the same reasons, usually its because they got their teeth destroyed. I am willing to bet that these people are the ones who had bad teeth to start because sugar is an oportunist.. the sugar causes the acidic juices in the mouth, which in turn atack the sensitive areas where the enamel is destroyed.
I want to see 10, 20, 30 people in their 60s who are healthy and with good teeth and have been doing this for 20 years. Not skinny fat, yellowed teeth, hippies who like to run a lot because they need to do something about the 2400kcal on sugar they eat all day.. I'm sorry for saying this so bluntly, i know i am being exagerated, but the truth is most long term frutarians i have seen are not that healthy. I emphasize long term here. Any vegan diet is a cleansing diet so it will bring short terms benefits. Too much cleansing will bring you deficits, and here we are again.
With paleo, you can see the same "comunity factor" but with a healthy amount of believers and non-believers and actual scientific studies backing up the claims..