Some thoughts about animal products...

Vorrange I totally agree with you. That is why I try to only eat fish and wild game that I have caught/killed myself or animals that where raised by me or a farmer I know. I get free range eggs from a friend that raises them, and I am trying to get into a dairy co-op to buy high end organic cheese from grass fed cows. Having a relationship with small scale farmers and fishermen gives you a much better, safer product while providing an actual living wage for those producing the food. Here in the states you can get farm raised, free range venison that is raised without any hormones or antibiotics (usually axis deer) but it is expensive (just like anything that isn't produced industrially).
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Well-Known Member
just had a little leftover fastfood, it may not be the healthiest but still damn delicious
not fastfood in the traditional sense tough, I was hungry this afternoon, was in the city and hadn't taken enough bread with me, so I made a trip to the supermarket where they have some really cheap camembert and those small breads(no idea how to call it in english.. the actual name, translated to english, would be 'italian ball/sphere')
those are round and the same size as the camembert, slice the camembert in 2(in the thickness), cut open the bread and place camembert on it, and you have a delicious sandwich that fills you up very well. and cheap too, a lot cheaper as getting the same kind of fullnesss-feeling at macdonalds(since only one of these sandwiches fills you up very well, never managed to eat more as 1), and better tasting too


formerly stephenking
vorrange It's true that commercial meat and dairy are much worse than farm raised. But I'd be happy to debunk any of your misconceptions about a vegan diet. It is true that most people don't eat vegetarian/vegan correctly. Your incorrect about vitamin A. Beta carotene is non-toxic in any amount, and is the precursor to vitamin A. That means your body naturally converts it to vitamin A or retinol. I get at least thousands of times the RDA of beta carotene everyday. I get Taurine from Irish Moss, it isn't essential to eat, but makes me feel good. Why don't you compare the nutritional content of meat to say, Spirulina? People in Africa have been eating it for centuries, it's 60% complete protein.
Nutritional benefits:
It is a complete protein with high levels of anti-oxidants, vitamins and phytochemicals including:
Beta Carotene: Necessary for healthy skin, good vision, and a healthy immune system.
Vitamin B12: An essential vitamin required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis.
Vitamin K1 & Vitamin K2: Essential vitamins known to promote blood clotting and support bone health. Recent studies have confirmed that Vitamin K2 may help osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD): An enzyme that acts as both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in the body, neutralizing free radicals and helping to repair cells, for age related degeneration.
Zeaxanthin: A carotenoid and powerful antioxidant that fights free radical damage with specific benefits for eye and cellular health.
Phycocyanin: The blue pigment color in nature, only found in Spirulina. Support kidney, liver and brain health.
Iron: Essential in the formation of red blood cells and transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Iron assists the memory and helps build resistance to infection, stress and disease.
Spirulina and Klamath lake algae are the only sources of phycocyanin, the only compound know to regenerate and protect the kidneys.
Even the cleanest animal products are less less nutrient dense than plant based alternatives. All animal products are high uric acid forming (causes kidney stones), very acidic on the body. And if you heat it at high heat for even a short time it has zero enzymes for your already enzyme depleted body to use to break it down with. Instead, your body uses its antioxidant enzymes to digest the meat, such as S.O.D. which is supposed to be protecting your liver from toxins. The protein is also denatured. These factors put many different stresses on human bodies. Most people's bodies are overly acidic to begin with.

Most vegans don't get enough complete protein along with lots of other things probably. I used to think exactly the same things vorrange does, about needing meat. But it is possible to get everything you need from a plant based diet, and science says it's much healthier.

Fish oil is not well absorbed by some people, and there is a fat in it that is unhealthy for everyone, maybe DHA? It also contains more omega-6 than its vegan alternatives like flax and chia, which have more omega 3 than 6. It's also likely contaminated with lots of nasty stuff, including radiation. Most people's diets have way too much omega 6 and no omega 3 at all. So, a food with a high ratio of omega 3 to 6 is preferable. Flax and chia seeds have lots of omega 3 and other minerals and antioxidants, but have to be ground up to be fully absorbed (kind of hard to chew). You can get all the omega 3 you need from 1-2TBS of ground flax or chia per day.

If people want to eat meat they should eat lots of raw vegetables and other superfoods, especially alkalizing foods. Animals with short digestive tracts like cats are meant to eat lots of acidic foods, humans aren't like that.

Like I said before, the science agrees with me. It's also been shown on a large scale that people live longer, healthier lives on a plant based diet.

What you should really be concerned about is getting enough minerals like iodine and magnesium, and avoiding fluoride, which damages your thyroid when you don't get enough iodine.
Unlike iodine, which the body cannot store long-term, fluoride is a problematic and persistent toxin. Its effects are systemic and only about half of what is ingested can be excreted; the rest is stored in bones and tissues, blocking access to other elements, like iodine.
Fluoride exposure can come from multiple obvious and not-so-obvious sources. In addition to dental hygiene products and drinking water, many breakfast cereals, juices from concentrate, soda and other processed foods contain alarming levels. Fluoride-containing pesticide use means that the environment is being flooded with fluoride by conventional agriculture ( Also, many antidepressants contain large amounts of fluoride and are widely prescribed, often for a lifetime of use.


Well-Known Member
I was actually gonna repost and say I can't believe I posted that. How quick we change. I no longer take vitamins but thanks for the tip. I thought I needed them trying vegetarianism but it just wasn't the way for me. I believe in eating mostly locally and non processed food. I think meat is good it just needs to be locally raised or at least organic and fresh. I think this whole vegetarian craze is because of how our food system is these days. Just because the big food systems meat is shit, doesn't mean local meat raised naturally in an organic farm is bad. But you don't need it everyday obviously. Same with dairy, if it is raw and local, most everyone can digest it and its VERY nutritious. It's only the corporations that pasteurize the milk and yogurt, killing the carrier enzyme that makes you able to absorb the nutrients.

Another thing is what fertilizer do you think you are gonna use to grow vegetables, the best is compost with farm animal poop. That's why real farmers herd there cows to new pastures, so they eat and shit, then move on for that spot to naturally revegitate. Animals do so much on an organic farm to help the greens grow, they are part of the cycle, read into it it'as very interesting.

Here's a great documentary I just found on the subject, it's not a health propaganda one either. I didn't get my beliefs from this movie, but found it mirrors them closely. There should be local farms everywhere growing good food, raising happy healthy animals, and growing great weed. And you don't need a single nutrient or fertilizer, in an organic grow the soil naturally takes care of itself of course.


Well-Known Member
Besides how do you vegetarians get CoQ10 and substantial amounts of B12? Besides fat is our lifesouce, we need to eat it to absorb other key nutrients. Grass fed beef is so nutritious.


You misread what i said about beta carotene.. The thing is your body doesnt absorb carotene as easily as retinol, the same with the b12 in spirulina and other examples i cant remember at the moment. But it happens with many other plants as well..

And basically what you said explains my point about Veganism and vegetarianism.. You speak of all these different foods, weird stuff that was found To contain high amounts of some nutrient we need and i am thinking.. This is not possible for like 90% of the world population.. Does that not Tell you something?

And what do you have to say about the baby that died because is parents were vegan? I was vegetarian, i followed it all the way, and the moment i realize it is not working and stop i improve..

And it was not just me.. Google for people who stoped being vegan and you will Begin to see a pattern there. Do that, and then ler me know what you hought


Well-Known Member
Oh I misread, thank you. I used to believe the vegan thing so much as well, it's so convincing. But please people don't watch youtube videos and do serious studying on indiginous cultures and you will see some of the healthiest and longest lived eat animals and alot of seafood. Also the film Food Matters is biased and the science is flawed/fake.
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formerly stephenking
Nosferatu I'm aware most cultures eat meat. I realize fresh clean meat and dairy can be pretty healthy, but lot's of things are different in the modern world. For example, meat and dairy concentrate radiation, which keeps becoming a bigger problem. The Fukushima disaster left some milk thousands of times above the legal limit for radiation, until of course our government quickly raised the limits.

Our soils are also depleted of macro minerals, most not containing any trace minerals. Even organic food is now lacking in minerals. This affects dairy and meat even more, since it's what the animal is eating.
Besides how do you vegetarians get CoQ10 and substantial amounts of B12? Besides fat is our lifesouce, we need to eat it to absorb other key nutrients. Grass fed beef is so nutritious.
A healthy brain produces CoQ10, and you can get some from veggies and nuts but it's less than meat. I actually eat phytoplankton which contains CoQ9 which is believed to help your brain produce CoQ10. The whole B12 think is largely a myth, what tests as B12 is actually an analogue. Anything you think has B12 in it in fact doesn't. Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs from lack of probiotics which synthesize B12, and maybe something else I can't remember right now. All indigenous cultures consumed probiotic foods or drinks daily. The SAD (Standard American Diet) doesn't contain any probiotics. Make your own water or dairy kefir or kombucha for cheap probiotics. The Aztec people used to bring only Chia seeds with them on month long travels, traveling long distances and fighting hard. The Aztecs were some of the hardiest, toughest people I can think of. Nuts and seeds like chia flax and hemp are healthier sources of fats.

It isn't hard to get tested to see if you actually are deficient in something. There are vegans who test to have normal or above levels of all nutrients.

vorrange I'm not aware of any scientific evidence that you can't get enough vitamin a from thousands of times the RDA of beta-carotene.
You don't need Taurine anyway, it's a non-essential amino acid. Like I said before, many vegans are not healthy because they lack certain nutrients. If you aren't consulting with a nutritionist it would be very dangerous to breast feed a baby or attempt to feed a baby vegan food. I'm not surprised people have issues with this.
You speak of all these different foods, weird stuff that was found To contain high amounts of some nutrient we need and i am thinking.. This is not possible for like 90% of the world population.. Does that not Tell you something?
Lots of people can afford cheaper vegan complete proteins like hemp, which also contains lots of iron. Industries have made up the nutritional norms based on what cheapest for them to produce. And they've been doing it for a long time.

People have eaten Spirulina for centuries. You don't need the Taurine in Irish Moss. Without modern technology including the ability to ship things, people would not be able to live in many of the places we now occupy. Many people could be healthy vegans eating locally, as long as they live in a warm climate. Since we aren't limited by where we live, I like to experiment with foods from all over the world. Industries just made up the nutritional norms based on what cheapest for them to produce.

People live longer on a plant based diet. I am still unaware of any nutritional deficiencies in a diverse whole food vegan diet which to me means fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sea vegetables, grains. And the more superfoods I eat, the better I feel.

I do eat raw organic grass fed dairy and cooked meat sometimes, but rarely meat. Meat is generally really gross to me now, even after eating meat my whole life. Not eating much dairy makes me notice the congestion in my sinuses and general inflammation of the entire body, which are known effects of dairy that everyone experiences to some degree.


Nosferatu I'm aware most cultures eat meat. I realize fresh clean meat and dairy can be pretty healthy, but lot's of things are different in the modern world. For example, meat and dairy concentrate radiation, which keeps becoming a bigger problem. The Fukushima disaster left some milk thousands of times above the legal limit for radiation, until of course our government quickly raised the limits.

Our soils are also depleted of macro minerals, most not containing any trace minerals. Even organic food is now lacking in minerals. This affects dairy and meat even more, since it's what the animal is eating.

Again, the talk about bad meat/diary applies also to plants. I am sure you are aware that the modern agriculture has made mass production a reality but at the expense of the quality and nutrition vale of the food. This is true to every living being on the planet.. And i think that a depleted soil is as harmfull to a cow as it is to humans.. as we have mechanism within our organism, that allow to compensante for flaws in nutrition and others, so do they.
Otherwise they would not survive with what we feed them nowadays, they eat grass mostly and would roam the fields getting plenty of sun and "exercise" and now they eat grains based food with animal matter mixed in and antibiotics and whatnot.

A healthy brain produces CoQ10, and you can get some from veggies and nuts but it's less than meat. I actually eat phytoplankton which contains CoQ9 which is believed to help your brain produce CoQ10. The whole B12 think is largely a myth, what tests as B12 is actually an analogue. Anything you think has B12 in it in fact doesn't. Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs from lack of probiotics which synthesize B12, and maybe something else I can't remember right now. All indigenous cultures consumed probiotic foods or drinks daily. The SAD (Standard American Diet) doesn't contain any probiotics. Make your own water or dairy kefir or kombucha for cheap probiotics. The Aztec people used to bring only Chia seeds with them on month long travels, traveling long distances and fighting hard. The Aztecs were some of the hardiest, toughest people I can think of. Nuts and seeds like chia flax and hemp are healthier sources of fats.

It isn't hard to get tested to see if you actually are deficient in something. There are vegans who test to have normal or above levels of all nutrients.

I got tested several times, and i was within or above all levels, including protein, uric acid, cholesterol.. i did not got sick any more than i would with a regular diet. That is different from saying that i improved in the long run. I improved after resuming meat eating.

vorrange I'm not aware of any scientific evidence that you can't get enough vitamin a from thousands of times the RDA of beta-carotene.
You don't need Taurine anyway, it's a non-essential amino acid. Like I said before, many vegans are not healthy because they lack certain nutrients. If you aren't consulting with a nutritionist it would be very dangerous to breast feed a baby or attempt to feed a baby vegan food. I'm not surprised people have issues with this.

You need taurine, you just don't get terribly ill from the lack of it. The non-essential aminoacid argument is one of the flaws for me in the vegan theory.. as other non-essentials like B12 or retinol.. It is like you stop acknowledging you would benefit from it.

And another thing you keep forgetting, science is not the truth, science is discovering step by step all aspects of our life but we keep discovering new things everyday!

Lots of people can afford cheaper vegan complete proteins like hemp, which also contains lots of iron. Industries have made up the nutritional norms based on what cheapest for them to produce. And they've been doing it for a long time.

People have eaten Spirulina for centuries. You don't need the Taurine in Irish Moss. Without modern technology including the ability to ship things, people would not be able to live in many of the places we now occupy. Many people could be healthy vegans eating locally, as long as they live in a warm climate. Since we aren't limited by where we live, I like to experiment with foods from all over the world. Industries just made up the nutritional norms based on what cheapest for them to produce.

There are much more people who cannot get access to all these superfoods than the ones who can. If, for example, you compare the south indians with the north indians (not native americans, i am talking about India), you will notice that in general, the ones from the south are shorter, with a decreased life span and usually more fat and with more health problems.. guess who are the meat eaters? :D

Also, paleontologists can identify hunter-gatherers from agriculturists based on the bones and teeth, since after adopting and agricultural diet with more grains and less meat they started to develop dental problems, decrease in health and bone density and general height diminished greatly.

People live longer on a plant based diet. I am still unaware of any nutritional deficiencies in a diverse whole food vegan diet which to me means fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sea vegetables, grains. And the more superfoods I eat, the better I feel.

Actually this is rebutable.. and highly biased.. there are again, many examples of civilizations where you have one of the highest life expectations and they are all meat eaters.

I do eat raw organic grass fed dairy and cooked meat sometimes, but rarely meat. Meat is generally really gross to me now, even after eating meat my whole life. Not eating much dairy makes me notice the congestion in my sinuses and general inflammation of the entire body, which are known effects of dairy that everyone experiences to some degree.

You just proved my point, it is bad to eliminate animal products from your diet and the grossing out happened to me as well.

All your arguments were my arguments a few years back, and although i believe people should eat much better, with much more vegetables like vegetarians do, with way way less sugar, cookies, pasta, and all kinds of flours from cereals, i don't believe anymore that it is bet to not eat meat/fish. About the diary, there is mixed views about that and i am not entirely sure which is best. The modern process of the milk greatly reduces the humans ability to properly digest it, altthough youghurt, butter and cheese due to their levels of probiotics is somewhat okay. If you think hunter-gatherers did not colect milk as well. That is why i believe that the intolerances we have or minor reactions to certain foods like improper digestion may be a sign of bad cooking processes or less indicated foods for us, albeit tolerable.

Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
I eat a lot of red meat, I'm slim ( 6'4" , 195-200lbs) though I am extremely active and exercise ( cardio, free weights, yoga ) on a regular basis
Tea Party,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the insight you two, you're both really educated and I just learned alot. I love Kombucha BTW!

If your growing everything locally and sustainably and all of the cow is used, then there will be no leftovers to cause radiation right?. I agree that we shouldnt eat meat and dairy everyday but I don't see why someone can't eat the way you do(stephenking) and have meat 3 nights a week. You surely would't be at a risk for the sideffects of over consumption of meat, just reaping the nutritional benefits.

Besides whether or not people eat meat isn't the question. We need to go back to a natural organic agricultural system. Stephenkings new topic shows how we can grow a million pounds of food on 3 acres. I agree some exotic superfoods can be beneficial, but if it needs to be shipped from some other country, I don't need it. Everything I need can be grown and raised right here in my homland, but the same can't be said for every country, so that's what we need to be worrying about. Stop the GMO, the processed food, the geoenginerring, organic farming can be done outddors or in, anywhere in the world, and produce a million pounds of food in 3 acres. And humans all need to also start making fermented drinks again like our ancestors always had.

I'm going to stephenkings new topic.. :wave:


formerly stephenking
Right Nosferatu!

The problem with radiation in regards to meat and dairy is from nuclear tests, accidents etc. Nuclear experts know that the first sign is the contamination of milk (and meat). This is because animals eat the radioactive grass, and the radiation is concentrated many times in their milk and meat. The same thing happens with pesticides, animals eating pesticide food concentrate the pesticides something like 5-12x in their milk and meat.


@stephenking, thanks for the clear up, i will read more about the radiation stuff. I heard about that but honestly i did not gave much notice. Gonna change that. :)

@ Nosferatu, we all learn from each other, many posts you wrote i found particulary helpful for the doubts i had since i arrived at this magnificent forum. I have been in many but i am usually a lurker because i don't identify with many foruns, but not here, hehehe. :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I think the food system is just so different these days most people don't really know what they are supposed to do, or at least I don't.. :uhoh:


Naruto Fan
Update 1 year later....

Being Raw Vegan is So fricken Easy. I'll never be able to gain back the 75# I lost. The Doctor says I'm healthy (even reversed a previous diagnosis of fatty liver syndrome on my record). I don't need reading glasses anymore (eye doctor says my prescription is generally the same, but my ability to focus has improved noticably).

Began a mostly vegan diet Jun 2011. Statistically I'm saving 55 animals a year (match that rescue animal lovers). Still eat a few bites of ice cream, or sherbet each week. Also, cheap margarine has some milk (Fleishmans Unsalted does not, but don't buy it unless it's on sale).

Prior to losing health insurance last month, Kaiser doctor ran full blood, glucose and liver panels. Results were better than prior 6 years. My medical record now shows me as a healthy adult male. My weight has stabilized between 155 and 162 - crazy but true. I still don't exercise AT ALL, but I can sprint 50 yards top speed (before doing a face plant).

The first few months were filled with meat and dairy substitutes, but after a while they fell away.

Learned we store amino acids in our livers, where they are used as needed to create new proteins.

Most likely bad for me, but I go through eight pounds of sugar a month (homemade cookies & kool-aid slurpees).

A big part of why I did it is in rejection of the dominant narrative that we must eat that shit. What's true is it causes disease. Recent research on Reeses monkeys shows you will not live any longer eating vegan, but you also won't get most of the popular cancers and will generally live a much healthier life - which is good enough for me. In watching the film "Earthlings" from the OP, Gary's Best Speech You'll Ever Hear, and further online research, many of the meanings I attach to animal products became re-structured, and narratives got updated with recent science and reality (so when I think of drinking a glass of milk, what it means to me now is a lie and pain in a glass, and i can't enjoy even thinking about it (...I would actually start to cry if I had to). It is surprising how different my responses to violence have become as these meanings have become restructured - I tried to watch the film, "Kill Bill," and cried during the slaughter of the Crazy 88's, until she spanked the kid, I laughed at that...I can't enjoy many of the films where innocent Muslims are killed (and now wonder about Jewish backing of movies, not just the popular government narrative). But then again, since realizing I used to self-medicate my ADHD watching television and film, the lens I used to use has become somewhat broken, the dopamine pathways in those activities don't work well anymore. I've become a non-violent but radical Progressive (not a fuckin Liberal, and I know the difference now).

(if you still believe we have enemies you've been brain-washed, and I urge you get some outside perspective to avoid unneccessary pain and suffering. Racism is a cheap way to get dopamine, but its dysfunctional and is only useful to those trying to leverage you to do their bidding)

Salads (2-3 daily)
Veggies remain raw,
Spinach, large fist full (Costco large bag $3.75 lasts one week)
Brocolli, fist full chopped (Costco bag $3.75 lasts one week)
Tomato, 1 small chopped (or red bell pepper only when cheap)
Purple Cabbage, 1/3 C chopped
Carrots, 2 or 3 grated (Costco large carrots, bag $4.75 lasts 3 weeks)
Pace picante sauce for dressing, 1/4 C (Costco big bottle $4.75)
sometimes add 1 T barbeque sauce
sometimes no dressing
sometimes add 1/2 avocado (only when cheap, but 'wow' they make it a salad)

Potatoes are cheaper than cauliflower (for white color category), so I eat a couple a week, nuked (or, couple times a month, as French fries).

I sprout any beans for three days
soak beans 12 hours
rinse beans 2-3x daily
after 3 days some have short tails, some are not noticably sprouted (grocery store beans)

braze one onion in 1-2 T oil
4 cloves ground garlic
1 T oregano
3/4 grated potato as thickener
add sprouted beans and enough water to cover by 3/4 inch
pressure cook 30 minutes

add 1 T salt after cooking

Kool-aid slurpee
3 packages kool-aid or generic,
2 cups sugar,
3/4 the water called for for two packages

blend ice and enough of the above syrup to almost cover the ice

whisk 30 seconds:
2 1/2 C flour
1/2 t baking powder
2 t baking soda
1/4 t salt

blend with mixer 2-3 mins.:
1 3/4 C sugar
1/2 cube margarine
1/4 apple sauce, or half a banana, or 1 t soaked flax seed meal with 2 T hot water (subs for egg)
1/2 t soy protein isolate (I believe this lets them retain height upon cooling)

1 1/2 C chocolate chips sometimes (gain belly fat if too often)
1/2 to 1 C almond meal (if I have any leftover from almond milk)

refridgerate 1 hour
bake 325 F
10 minutes (sometimes longer at lower heat if still too moist)


I am the Vapor King--I can do anything
A few months ago I converted to a Low Fat Raw Vegan lifestyle. I've never felt better in my life. My athletic performance skyrocketed in terms of endurance, stamina, and strength despite all the weight that I've lost (I wasn't fat or overweight to begin with, but I suppose I was somewhat bloated from the meat and dairy products). My mental capacity has and focus have increased. All around I'm happier and healthier.

My diet consists of about 95%sweet fresh organic fruit like bananas, dates, oranges, tomatoes, etc. The other 5% comes from celery and various strains of lettuce. If you are curious about this lifestyle check out the web site Also, 80/10/10 by Dr Douglass Graham is a must read. Check this dude out on youtube. He's implemented this diet for over 25 years.

Doug Graham doesn't take any supplements or 'super foods' (nor do I). They are unnecessary and solely a scheme to earn money. All fruit is a 'super food'. Also don't get into the mindset that all raw fruits and vegetables are inherently healthy. Take avocados for example. They are lauded for the certain phytonutrients that they contain. This is true. But they also contain 70% fat. Eating a diet high in fat--eating 2-12 avovados a day daily is not nutritional. You will feel sluggish and tiresome. Take my word. I've been down that road. 80-10-10 is a breakdown of where you should get your caloric breakdown of carbs, protein and fat respectively. Aim for at least 80% carbs.

So what is a normal day of food for me? Bananas are the cheapest fruit I've found so they, along with dates ordered fresh online (also fairly inexpensive), are my staples. I aim for about 3500 calories a day, so I need to eat a lot of my staples to get enough calories. A normal day could look like this: wake up; 1-2 litres of water; 15 bananas breakfast; more water; 20 dates lunch; more water; 15 bananas dinner; 1 head of romaine lettuce-plain; 1 head of celery; 3 tomatoes; 1/2 an avocado. Trust me, you begin to fall in love with bananas and dates. I don't get bored.

Plus I know in the future when I have the means, I'll be able to purchase more of the expensive fruit like mangoes, and berries, and other tasty fruit.

The 80/10/10 diet also incorporates getting plenty of sunlight daily--at least 15-30 minutes, 30 minutes of exercise daily (with all the energy you have, this is easy), drinking clean water (spring or distilled)--enough to always have clear pee and pee 8-12 times a day, plenty of rest--10-12 hours a night, and positive attitude.

Please ask me any questions about this diet, and if nothing else, try to incorporate more sweet, organic fruit into your diets. Don't be afraid to eat a meal of 10 bananas. It won't give you diabetes. Also it takes time for your stomach to expand to large quantities of fruit.


A few months ago I converted to a Low Fat Raw Vegan lifestyle. I've never felt better in my life. My athletic performance skyrocketed in terms of endurance, stamina, and strength despite all the weight that I've lost (I wasn't fat or overweight to begin with, but I suppose I was somewhat bloated from the meat and dairy products). My mental capacity has and focus have increased. All around I'm happier and healthier.

My diet consists of about 95%sweet fresh organic fruit like bananas, dates, oranges, tomatoes, etc. The other 5% comes from celery and various strains of lettuce. If you are curious about this lifestyle check out the web site Also, 80/10/10 by Dr Douglass Graham is a must read. Check this dude out on youtube. He's implemented this diet for over 25 years.

Doug Graham doesn't take any supplements or 'super foods' (nor do I). They are unnecessary and solely a scheme to earn money. All fruit is a 'super food'. Also don't get into the mindset that all raw fruits and vegetables are inherently healthy. Take avocados for example. They are lauded for the certain phytonutrients that they contain. This is true. But they also contain 70% fat. Eating a diet high in fat--eating 2-12 avovados a day daily is not nutritional. You will feel sluggish and tiresome. Take my word. I've been down that road. 80-10-10 is a breakdown of where you should get your caloric breakdown of carbs, protein and fat respectively. Aim for at least 80% carbs.

So what is a normal day of food for me? Bananas are the cheapest fruit I've found so they, along with dates ordered fresh online (also fairly inexpensive), are my staples. I aim for about 3500 calories a day, so I need to eat a lot of my staples to get enough calories. A normal day could look like this: wake up; 1-2 litres of water; 15 bananas breakfast; more water; 20 dates lunch; more water; 15 bananas dinner; 1 head of romaine lettuce-plain; 1 head of celery; 3 tomatoes; 1/2 an avocado. Trust me, you begin to fall in love with bananas and dates. I don't get bored.

Plus I know in the future when I have the means, I'll be able to purchase more of the expensive fruit like mangoes, and berries, and other tasty fruit.

The 80/10/10 diet also incorporates getting plenty of sunlight daily--at least 15-30 minutes, 30 minutes of exercise daily (with all the energy you have, this is easy), drinking clean water (spring or distilled)--enough to always have clear pee and pee 8-12 times a day, plenty of rest--10-12 hours a night, and positive attitude.

Please ask me any questions about this diet, and if nothing else, try to incorporate more sweet, organic fruit into your diets. Don't be afraid to eat a meal of 10 bananas. It won't give you diabetes. Also it takes time for your stomach to expand to large quantities of fruit.

I must say that i read some not so good things about this diet, including that Dr Graham as changed is diet from 80-10-10 to something else.

Don't you get teeth problems? I don't buy the "if it is ripe, it won't destroy the teeth" because there is still a lot of sugar in modern fruits and i still have to see somewhere where it says about fruit having a protective effect on teeth.

Plus, with that diet, you can only eat fruit, since that much fructose would be a problem if you mixed with the wrong kinds of food, especially foods high in fat.

Also, do you think it is pratical to only eat fruit? I mean, you have to eat all the time right?

How about protein and essential fats? Do you eat any coconut or other more fatty fruits? What do you mean by "being down that road" when it comes to eating high fat? Are you talking about healthy fats or just the standard american diet?

Do you make any concessions to your diet? Do you drink just water or also tea, coffee, wine, juice, soda? How about dry fruits like peanuts or walnuts?


Well-Known Member
I agree, how can you go on solely fruit? I like where you are coming from with that. But no coconut products? We do need a lot of healthy fats. Everything in proportion.

Interesting though. At least you avoid all the fucking JUNK that most people eat even the "health conscious" ones...


Well-Known Member
funny, coincidentally my waterdrinkingbehaviour fits your philosophy pretty well :p
I almost always have water nearby, and take a sip whenever I feel like. and my pee is usually clear, except in the afternoon(in the morning it isn't that dark since I dribk most of my water in the evening/night, since that is when I do most of my vaping and so get a more dry mouth)
but yesterday I tried holding myself in, since it's becoming pretty annoying that I have to pee so quickly after I just went.

how well does ir work in winter btw? this summer I started eating plenty of fruit since it's delicious, but I now pretty much stopped since almost all fruit isn't very tasty anymore. the kiwi's are watery an overripe, the elstar apples are mealy and weak in taste, the pears are still pretty good but often grainy and not so strong in taste as earlier this year, the mandarins are also watery. (I don't like banana's, so I didn't list those, and I also didn't list plums since I haven't been to the market in a while and those from the supermarket seem to never get ripe, also strawberries I never buy but only eat from my own(or dad's) garden, since supermartketstrawberries are gross IMO)


Well-Known Member
I drink a lot of water also. And it runs right through me. I find myself having to urinate several times a day if not more. But I also have medical issues, and this could be my body "detoxing" itself and trying to push out the poison that doomed me. It is usually pretty clear.

The key, is not to drink whole ton of water if you arent thirsty. We have a sense of thirst to let us know when we need water. I did find myself at one point just chugging water for the hell of it, and it became very very clear and I think I was actually ingesting too much water(discomfort, pains,etc... I could tell), so I slowed down, and made sure I was actually feeling thirst before drinking, now, I still drink a lot throughout the day, but no more of the pain I had from drinking too much another thing is salt make sure you consume enough when drinking a lot of water as itll dilute the salts throughout the cells of your body. be sure to consume a high quality, unrefined, unbleached and completely UNPROCESSED salt, because most salt is garbage and contains anticaking agents and other chemicals or has been treated by different chemical and damaging processes. I make sure to get salt too each day, so I believe that has helped the issue as well. We need to keep a careful balance.

Most people are actually chronically dehydrated. One giveaway sign is the color of the urine. Lighter colored, closer to clear color indicates you are well hydrated, while a dark, concentrated urine on the other hand often means people are dehydrated. Most people just are not properly hydrated most of the time. Water helps to flush our bodies of waste.


I am the Vapor King--I can do anything
Nuts and seeds are part of the diet too--raw nuts and seeds. But the whole diet is about meeting the 80-10-10 breakdown, not necessarily on a daily basis, but over the year. So if one had an avocado and some almonds one day, and their breakdown of calories coming from fat was 20%, it would be fine, so long as total fat for the year is balanced out to 10%.

It's funny you mention teeth. I went to the dentist yesterday. When I began this diet, I decided to give up on toothpaste and mouthwash, as well as shampoo, soap, and deoderant, because this diet is supposedly very clean, and the products are only an hinderance. Well, my hair looks and feels great, my skin is soft as a baby, and according to my dentist my teeth are very clean and without any cavities. My dental routine is to rinse my mouth out with water after a meal, and I usually floss and brush (water only) after most meals too. You want to avoid brushing after meals of acid fruits (like oranges) for a couple of hours, because doing so can wear down on your enamel.

Vorrange, I'm not sure about mixing the sugar with large amounts of fat. You may be right, but one who follows this program should not incur such an issue since one would be eating a diet very low in fat. And, yes eating coconut is fine.

For the past 3 months, it's been nothing but fruits and veggies. No alcohol, no coffee or tea, no pretzels, not even mj for a couple months. And to be honest, I feel fantastic. Occasionally I get cravings for 'regular' food, but this only occurs when I'm hungry, so all I do is eat a big meal and boom! craving gone.

The premise of this diet is that if you're getting enough calories you are getting enough protein. Please keep in mind that protein consumption is a huge money maker. For example, you have the meat industry and dairy industry. They have taught us to believe that we need copious amounts of protein. I beg to differ. How do I know I am getting enough protein? My fingernails are very strong and look even as if they are manicured. My hair grows fast and strong. Also, have you ever considered that there is no actual medical term for protein deficiency? That is because it doesn't exist. Sure you see pictures of African children with Kwakisor(sp.) and bulging tummies, but that isn't from a protein deficiency, it's from an overall calorie deficit.

My dream is to someday move somewhere tropical where i can grow my own fruit year round. I have a place near me called MOM's which is an organic market, so that's where I get everything. My budget is about $100 a week, so not too bad. I make this diet work by eating loads of bananas and dates to get enough calories and keep the costs manageable. Consider the money I've saved on hygienic products though.

I do plan to go to the doctor in the near future to have some bloodwork drawn just to ensure everything is to par. This diet is indeed very clean. My BO has been decreasing and I have just a slight smell now. Eventually it will disappear. My nasal passages are completely clear and open. My acne has been decreasing despite going cold turkey from my acne 'medicine'. My physical ability has skyrocketed. My sleep is deeper and more peaceful. All-in-all my life has changed for the better. I think that is what has allowed me to resist temptations to cheat. I don't want to throw all this away for a cheeseburger.
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Nuts and seeds are part of the diet too--raw nuts and seeds. But the whole diet is about meeting the 80-10-10 breakdown, not necessarily on a daily basis, but over the year. So if one had an avocado and some almonds one day, and their breakdown of calories coming from fat was 20%, it would be fine, so long as total fat for the year is balanced out to 10%.

It's funny you mention teeth. I went to the dentist yesterday. When I began this diet, I decided to give up on toothpaste and mouthwash, as well as shampoo, soap, and deoderant, because this diet is supposedly very clean, and the products are only an hinderance. Well, my hair looks and feels great, my skin is soft as a baby, and according to my dentist my teeth are very clean and without any cavities. My dental routine is to rinse my mouth out with water after a meal, and I usually floss and brush (water only) after most meals too. You want to avoid brushing after meals of acid fruits (like oranges) for a couple of hours, because doing so can wear down on your enamel.

Vorrange, I'm not sure about mixing the sugar with large amounts of fat. You may be right, but one who follows this program should not incur such an issue since one would be eating a diet very low in fat. And, yes eating coconut is fine.

For the past 3 months, it's been nothing but fruits and veggies. No alcohol, no coffee or tea, no pretzels, not even mj for a couple months. And to be honest, I feel fantastic. Occasionally I get cravings for 'regular' food, but this only occurs when I'm hungry, so all I do is eat a big meal and boom! craving gone.

The premise of this diet is that if you're getting enough calories you are getting enough protein. Please keep in mind that protein consumption is a huge money maker. For example, you have the meat industry and dairy industry. They have taught us to believe that we need copious amounts of protein. I beg to differ. How do I know I am getting enough protein? My fingernails are very strong and look even as if they are manicured. My hair grows fast and strong. Also, have you ever considered that there is no actual medical term for protein deficiency? That is because it doesn't exist. Sure you see pictures of African children with Kwakisor(sp.) and bulging tummies, but that isn't from a protein deficiency, it's from an overall calorie deficit.

My dream is to someday move somewhere tropical where i can grow my own fruit year round. I have a place near me called MOM's which is an organic market, so that's where I get everything. My budget is about $100 a week, so not too bad. I make this diet work by eating loads of bananas and dates to get enough calories and keep the costs manageable. Consider the money I've saved on hygienic products though.

I do plan to go to the doctor in the near future to have some bloodwork drawn just to ensure everything is to par. This diet is indeed very clean. My BO has been decreasing and I have just a slight smell now. Eventually it will disappear. My nasal passages are completely clear and open. My acne has been decreasing despite going cold turkey from my acne 'medicine'. My physical ability has skyrocketed. My sleep is deeper and more peaceful. All-in-all my life has changed for the better. I think that is what has allowed me to resist temptations to cheat. I don't want to throw all this away for a cheeseburger.

Okay then, let's say, for the sake of argument, that i want to try this diet.

Break it down for me please, what would i need to do/buy to start an 80-10-10 diet? :)


I am the Vapor King--I can do anything
A must read is 80-10-10 by Dr Douglass Graham. If you want to find inspiration on youtube look at videos by durianrider and foodnsport. Also search through the web site Here is a link to the forum:

I would read up/watch videos before jumping on board to help you get motivated.

This diet takes a fair amount of planning to ensure you have enough RIPE fruit on hand at all times. If you don't, you will be hungry, and you will likely crave unhealthy food. Also, look at this link for eating a properly ripened banana. This surprises a lot of people: a banana is not truly ripe until it is covered with brown dots. Eating a banana before this point is not ideal because the starches will not have been broken down completely leading to the banana not being as sweet and extra strain put on the body to break down the starch.

Good luck! If you have any questions or concerns let me know.


I am familiar with that website and book, although i havent read the book, i read about the concept.

What IS your average day like? And why the emphasys on bananas and dates? There are other high calorie fruits.
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