Solo, SSV, Extreme Q, DBV, Please help, stuck in head!!!


oops my bad, no; i meant in comparison to all the other portable vapes out there. the solo is the portable big hitter...

I didn`t meant to imply at all that it was the same as the ssv. SSV is one of the kings of the desktop vapes imo.


...I have both...hits are good on both...biggest difference (in my opinmion)....lsv easierquicker to clean...than ssv


If efficiency is #1, just get the SSV now and start vaping, I see no point on waiting 6+ months or more on the cloud when you could be saving your lungs right now, :).

I've found that I get a more of a clean cerebral high using vaporizers, so if your chasing the combustion dragon you might never appreciate being "vaked". I guess you could vape your bud to get the most out of it, then burn the leftover ABV to get the couchlock feeling.

Hahaha, haven't tried smoking ABV on it's own but it smells rather off compared to what it smelled like before it was vaped and fresh ^ ^ I understand the high you guys are talking about, when you smoke with nicotine you end up more couchlocked but if you vape pure herb it just gets you up and jumpy hahaha, high! Feels like something is misssing! (Tobaco nicotine) I remember trying my vape before going to work and it took me 2 hours to leave the house even though I was already ready!

Well, I mean efficiency with the amount you can use in the vaporizer and how long it lasts rather than lungs, I don't mind combusting for now as long as it takes until I have the right vaporizer then I will stop for good.

its a tough call. the cloud is what you want. but we gotta wait. and what will work well with it for the future...

You could buy the ssv right now. It`s a fantastic vape and I bet you will love it! you can also put that hose it has though a bong too so you can still get less dry hits. If you get this now though I bet you might not use it much once you buy a cloud too.

I think the solo will give you the bigger hits(compared to other portable vapes), but it`s made to be a portable, and it`s not very stealthy. that`s really the only reason I don`t own one yet lol. I need stealth when I`m vaping in public.

good luck on your decision!

*edited for clarity

Have you read any experiences of using hash in the Cloud? There would be absolutely no point for me to buy the cloud if I could only vape herb and no hash. :) Hash can be 2/3 cheaper or 1/2 price at times compared to skunk. :)

Guess it makes cost less, so all I'd really need to do is buy a bong with the right size hole for the SSV and I could use it in a bong? lol, could even use a drill bit and drill into a jar's lid or something and make a custom bong. I am just thinking about the minimum amount of herb you can use in an SSV and how many hits you can get.

I saw a thread recently in here regarding the Arizer Solo where the guy put it in a coffee cup (e.g. one of those starbuck type coffee cups hahaha) and that makes it the most stealth vape I have seen. (Except for the vapor coming out of your mouth hahaha)

Weedemon , are you implying that the Solo is giving better hits than the SSV ? Cause in my experience it's not the case at all. Drawing with a SSV gives way more cloudy and nice hits than with he Solo, imho.
And I would dare say that the ThermoVape gives bigger hits than the Solo. But has way less batt.

That said, I concure , th SSV is a fantastic vape, it looks simple but they somehow nailed it so badly nice that more than 7 years after its release it is still one of the king of the whip vapes. I have the LSV but it's only a matter of time before the SSV ends up on my table.

If you put the same amount of herb in the SSV and the Solo would there be more Cloud and milkier hits with the SSV.

Considering how old the SSV is and the amount of constant good reviews about it, it makes sense to get a vape like the ssv, even the warranty is double that of the cloud for £100 less. It would be terrible if many users have issues with their devices after their first year with the Cloud, then were screwed because they had to buy another one because the warramty ran out, you never know!

Would be nice if an OP could get rid of DBV and put Cloud in the threads title :)

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Just my quick :2c: on the cloud warranty issue, if the cloud dies outside its warranty period, barring some catastrophic failure, I am pretty sure you wouldn't need to buy a whole new cloud, just pay for the repairs/ postage.
Frederick McGuire,


here for the chicks
Wait, I thought it had to be a vape that you can get through Vaposhop, but now I see you're looking at the cloud so I assume that's no longer a restriction?

If so have a look at the HI (waiting list as well) or Underdog (available in Europe through lacentralevapeur or via the Underdog himself). If you're still not on the list for the Cloud it could take quite a while before you can have one, especially if you want a 220V unit. No need to have to resort to smoking for all those months imo, just get yourself a good vape now. You can ask anyone on here, you'll gather several vapes eventually once you get in to this, might as well start now, haha! The recommendation comes from an ex-SSV user and Solo owner btw, those new type logs may even produce such phat clouds you'll soon forger about the Cloud completely ;)


I believe you can use hash in ytour cloud too yes! but I think it has to go on a "bed" of sorts first.
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