Solo, SSV, Extreme Q, DBV, Please help, stuck in head!!!


Dear Fuck Combustion,

I have been reading the forums for a while, I love the website, feels like family even though I just registered now but I have had enough and can't bear the agony anymore! :) I'll start off by saying it's an honor to have an account here! :)

I was recently convinced by my friend to get an Iolite WISPR which was the first vaporizer I tried and had nice taste. Eventually the one I ordered broke in less then 30 days. The gas would constantly release, even when switched off, it would burn pipe tobacco even though their website says pipe tobacco could be used and the butane release could sometimes be tasted when inhaling. Because the silicone straw is short, your throat gets very dry from the hot air/vapor you receive from WISPR, It wasn't the greatest experience, didn't even work with hash properly. The hotness made it feel harsher then smoking cigarettes for me, really wierd.

I tried my friends Vapir No2 and I was so shocked, the efficiency is really good, you put hardly anything there and it just keeps on getting hit for ages and because of the longer straw the hits were nice and cool so no burned throat over time. I couldn't believe how much more efficient the No2 was over the WISPR. On top of being cheaper, it even had temperature control up to 205 celsius. Every portable should have temp control. :)

Now I am having a very hard time deciding what vaporizer to get as I have now sent the WISPR back. Depending on what they say it depends if I can get a full refund or if they can't do the refund they will probably exchange for another Vaporizer on their website as I don't want another WISPR. If I only get an exchange this limits me because they dont have other Vaporizers on there such as the Underdog or those log vaporizers the forum is blessing. :)

The website where I have to choose a Vaporizer from is

I think £200 is ok to spend for a vaporizer.

I am not worried about the delivery system even though it would be nice to have bags as well as I haven't had experience with them. Rather have a vaporizer that does a brillaint job instead of an average one.

I'm really addicted to smoking when it comes to tobacco and herb. The nicotine sucks me dry and sometimes I end up constantly rolling joints one after the other as I don't get stoned anymore. Still young and want to save my chest but need something I can enjoy blasting. 10 cigarettes + extra tobacco & herb ain't good. :( Crazy, 11 years + now of smoking and only 24 years old! :(

The problem in my country is that herb is so expensive fluctuating around £280 per oZ so it works out that every 0.1 is £1.. so if your putting 0.3 in every joint to get stoned and not getting stoned enough because you can't feel it you could easily end up smoking a half oZ in no time.... It's just becoming not worth it.... :( I really need a vaporizer so I could limit my tobacco intake. I was thinking of using a vape at home and getting a e-cig for outside as it's better then tar. :(

I used to think portability in the beginning but now I am not bothered and thinking that a desktop vape could give the best quality vapor as possible but I'm no expert.

The vapes I am interested in are the usual which you see on this forum in every thread haha:

Silver Surfer
Extreme Q
Arizer Solo

DBV (Maybe or stick to Silver ????)

I like the idea of the ice chamber, would be nice to make a nice set up. I never had the luxury of all this stuff as a child and would really enjoy vaporbonging too. Any advice on what to get would be great.

I like the idea of being able to adjust the temperature control. It would be nice to raise it higher then other vaporizers do as I would like to vape hash as it is a lot cheaper to buy here than herb. It would also be nice to try vape other herb such as salvia and others similar to DMT

At the moment I am leaning towards the Silver Surfer but they all look so nice. It's a shame I can't test all of them. I just hope they are more efficient than a Vapir No2 because it would be terrible to buy one of them and be unsatisfied! I'm sure they hit better than an no2 though. :)

It's just alot of these Vaporizers are a few years old and I know just because something is new doesn't mean it's better but it's always nice to have something new, that's why I ask is the Arizer Solo capable of being your daily vape which makes you leave your silver surfer/extreme q's back in the cupboard gathering dust? :)

Been spending so much time reading about vapes I just want to give up, read so much over the last month and a half but it just feels like overload. Thank you for your time and I am sorry about the essay lol, can't wait, really dying for some quality vape man grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ^ ^

If all else fails quit the lot lol... :)


Vapes Hard
Dear Fuck Combustion,

I have been reading the forums for a while ... Been spending so much time reading about vapes ... read so much over the last month and a half but it just feels like overload.
[Shortened quote]
Welcome to FC!

Sounds like you're off to a good start, keep reading the model specific threads! No one can make the decision for you. That being said, if you like ice or water filtration for your vapor, 7th Floor (They make the SSV and DBV) makes some really cool accessories for their vapes. Or, a Solo is easy to hook up to glass like a hundred different ways. What I'm saying is, the possibilities are endless and there's a lot of info to be found by searching. But if you ever would want to vape on the go, the Solo is the only one on your list that could do that with ease.
I personally really like the Extreme Q as a desktop unit: you can vapor just as dense as a DBV with the elbow pack method and have the added niceties of bag blowing, remote control, electronically controlled heating element, timer, etc.. After having owned a LSV and DBV, and having used the SSV, I think I would prefer the Q to them all except the LSV+Waterpipe adapter for bong usage.

The Solo is great as a portable, although a little chunky for a live-in-your-pocket vape, like the Omicron or MFLB are for me. It's doable, just chunky.


welcome to the forum! nice you took the plunge!

Seems your leaning to the SSV. it's one hell of a vaporizer and You will LOVE it if it's the one you go with.

i'd also like to point out the ssv is a great choice for loading up hashes and kief into :) very tasty treats that keep on hitting for a long long time! :)

I'd say get the SSV now since you don't seem to be worried about portability. the ssv is a strong durable vape that has great design, adjustable temperature, gives big hits, is very tasty. and really, just a lot of fun to use!

I miss mine and wish the cops hadn't taken it! I lost 3 vapes to the cops that night. they arrested me because i told them the ssv was an aromatherapy device, and to him i was laying. (i just didn't want to see it go that badly! I already told him that the other 2 were vapes...) if that's not a testament to the power of the ssv... i dunno what else to say :p

now having said all that.

ever heard of thermovape? they make a portable that has 3 different connectors. one for herbs to vape, one for hashes/hash oils, and one for ecig juices.

the thermovape could be your one stop to get off smoking entirely! e cigarettes are very popular i hear might be something you could benefit from! you can even use e cigs indoors i believe. :)


Well-Known Member
I am a ex smoker (tobacco and all) an dont think i could have kicked the habbit without the SSV, the hard hitting rips and the thick vapor really went along way to help me switch.

good luck buddy


Active Member
I am a ex smoker (tobacco and all) an dont think i could have kicked the habbit without the SSV, the hard hitting rips and the thick vapor really went along way to help me switch.

good luck buddy
I gave up smoking a year ago and started vapourising about a month after. First got an Iolite which i found ok after not medicating for a few weeks but quickly became redundant after getting an SSV. I chose the Silver Surfer over the DBV because of the changeability of it as sometimes I want fat tasty rips with the standard setup or huge cooled (but bit of taste removed) smoother bong hits. And I do mean huge!
The SSV does take a bit of getting used to get the huge rips im talking about but also will get you very medicated straight out of bag. Factors are how much you put in (half to 3/4 full for me) temp setting on ssv how fast you draw on it and room temp is a big factor too.
Once you found your sweet spot though (which doesnt take long) you will not be dissapointed with getting an SSV and I would not have been able to give up smoking without my SSV and my Supreme.
My advice would be get a standard ssv with ground glass fittings as extra a cheap bong and have the time of your life deciding which setup you preffer.
Good luck :rockon:


Vapor concierge
The Extreme was my first vape and I loved it. I never used it again after I got my SSV. The only vape I got after that able to get me to shut down the SSV was the Cloud. So my recommendation would be for the SSV. before the Cloud, I am sure the SSV would be the only vape Snoop would have ever endorsed!
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Vapor noob, so I don't have much experience..... yet, :).

After a few weeks of researching I settled on the Extreme Q. The ability to fill a balloon as well as use the whip is what tipped it for me.

As with everything I buy, after a few days on FC and reading about the SSV and DBV I started to have buyers remorse. Then I started to overcome the learning curve of the Extreme Q and its starting to grow on me.

One of the greatest things for me is the stealth-ability of the Extreme Q, as you just pop on the potpourri dish and bam, its just a air freshener. And if I ever stop using it for herb, my wife would love to use this as a real air freshener. I've read a cotton ball and a couple drops of essential oils and you'll never have to buy candles again.

I think you can't go wrong with any one you choose. I haven't read any bad reviews from the list you have.



It would also be nice to try vape other herb such as salvia...

The last time i searched about it it seemed Salvia Divinorum requires a temperature of 277 °C but might start to provide a psycho-active effect as low as 244 °C - which is still quite high for a vaporizer...

Considering your budget of £200 (about €240) i'd think you need to take a closer look at those (below and after):

VapoCane (€49,50)
VapBong (€38)​

The reason is simply because of temperature and the alledged airpath/vapourpath cleanliness. By the way, the VapBong and the LoxLux could make a really amusing combination...

I notice you didn't mention the Herborizer Tube (€249) nor the HerbalAire (€195), i wonder why because you seem prepared to acquire a Silver Surfer €229, after all. I know the HA just won't do Salvia Divinorum but it does cannabis nicely, in any case i'd suggest you verify the temperature range of the other two.

Forget the DBV, it's even less hot than the SSV.



.....the ssv does have a lot going for many ways it is the perfect 1st vape...there are many ways to use/experiment for the noob and pieces to add for a veteran...the lsv has many benefits too...


Banned for life
It's just alot of these Vaporizers are a few years old and I know just because something is new doesn't mean it's better but it's always nice to have something new, that's why I ask is the Arizer Solo capable of being your daily vape which makes you leave your silver surfer/extreme q's back in the cupboard gathering dust?

Yep! This ^^^^^^^^^^^ big time. The EQ can high higher in temp, has forced air, etc. but the solo is more efficient and i don't like bags nor tubes. The EQ gives way better airflow though. The Solo is presently my daily driver and decided to sell my EQ until the Cloud is released, then the Solo will just be my portable or quick ripper since it heats up in a minute vs the 5-10 for the cloud when in a real hurry.

Maybe wait for the Cloud?


I have been looking at all your posts over the week but never had a chance to reply and would like to thank you all for your quick replies. It just feels harder now to choose hahahaha!

It's just a shame I can't test all these vaporizers as that would be the only way I could know what I would prefer.

[Shortened quote]

Welcome to FC!

Sounds like you're off to a good start, keep reading the model specific threads! No one can make the decision for you. That being said, if you like ice or water filtration for your vapor, 7th Floor (They make the SSV and DBV) makes some really cool accessories for their vapes. Or, a Solo is easy to hook up to glass like a hundred different ways. What I'm saying is, the possibilities are endless and there's a lot of info to be found by searching. But if you ever would want to vape on the go, the Solo is the only one on your list that could do that with ease.

Considering the fact I would have to spend more money on accessories with the Silver Surfer it makes me think the cloud would be more worth it as it would cost around $420/£280. I don't know about the performance of the Cloud over time as it's quite new. I don't understand why the Warranty for the Cloud is only 1 year and Vaporizers such as the Silver Surfer are 2 years as it is quite a bit of money on the Cloud.

It just seems easier with the Cloud then the Silver Surfer as if I wanted to use a bong on the Silver Surfer I'd have to have the bong on a table using one hand and the other hand to hold the wand on the surfer unless I spent more money on a hands free so that would be extra money on top of a bong so the Vapor Tamer seems like a better option regarding ease of use and price even though I feel that the Saturn Vapor Tamer is quite expensive.

I was checking the prices and I can get the

Silver Surfer for £170 (If I wanted a Saturn Vapor Tamer it would be an extra £60 = £230)

Arizer Solo for £152 (God knows how much I would have to spend to make water filtration work with the Solo)

I personally really like the Extreme Q as a desktop unit: you can vapor just as dense as a DBV with the elbow pack method and have the added niceties of bag blowing, remote control, electronically controlled heating element, timer, etc.. After having owned a LSV and DBV, and having used the SSV, I think I would prefer the Q to them all except the LSV+Waterpipe adapter for bong usage.

The Solo is great as a portable, although a little chunky for a live-in-your-pocket vape, like the Omicron or MFLB are for me. It's doable, just chunky.

Have you used the Solo? :) It would be nice to compare the hits, I am wondering about efficiency as well as it would be terrible to have to put 0.5 every time to get hits out of a Vape :( I wonder how much you guys are putting in every time. I'm not worried about the chunkyness about the Solo, I like the fact that the Solo is small, makes it easier to put somewhere compared to desktop vapes but I'm not really bothered about going outside with the vape as I prefer to smoke at home and if I did go to a mates house I would just bring the desktop/portable with me.

welcome to the forum! nice you took the plunge!

Seems your leaning to the SSV. it's one hell of a vaporizer and You will LOVE it if it's the one you go with.

i'd also like to point out the ssv is a great choice for loading up hashes and kief into :) very tasty treats that keep on hitting for a long long time! :)

I'd say get the SSV now since you don't seem to be worried about portability. the ssv is a strong durable vape that has great design, adjustable temperature, gives big hits, is very tasty. and really, just a lot of fun to use!

I miss mine and wish the cops hadn't taken it! I lost 3 vapes to the cops that night. they arrested me because i told them the ssv was an aromatherapy device, and to him i was laying. (i just didn't want to see it go that badly! I already told him that the other 2 were vapes...) if that's not a testament to the power of the ssv... i dunno what else to say :p

now having said all that.

ever heard of thermovape? they make a portable that has 3 different connectors. one for herbs to vape, one for hashes/hash oils, and one for ecig juices.

the thermovape could be your one stop to get off smoking entirely! e cigarettes are very popular i hear might be something you could benefit from! you can even use e cigs indoors i believe. :)

I just think this vape must be good for hash and all, I am not sure about the arizer solo. When you pack hash into the Silver Surfer do you pack hash on it's own or do you have to use the sandwhich method of abv or herb on bottom and top? If you are using it on it's own how much are using in there? We have caramel or morrocon grade here, like squidgey stuff or hard stuff you need to burn with a lighter.

I was looking at the thermovape, it looks an interesting portable though I wonder how hot the vapor will be on the throat. :) I am thinking I'll just forget about e-cigs and try my best to pack up smoking as there's no point repalcing something with something else, just quit for the best but if I struggle and find I can't, I would be willing to try an e-cig or something like this though it could be better to have a solo for portability and not consumpt nicotine. :)

I am really sorry that you have had such a bad experience losing your vaporizers. I don't think it's fair, what we do to our bodies is our own choice and we shouldn't be punished because we are choosing a healthier option. So if someone has taken drugs and smoked since before their teen years, should it be illegal for them to use? :) It's funny how people think drugs are bad but it's just the people who abuse them who get bad effects. :) I think Cannabis should be legal as every single person I know who uses Cannabis doesn't hurt or do anything to anyone, the only people I see causing trouble on the street are people who are drunk.

I am a ex smoker (tobacco and all) an dont think i could have kicked the habbit without the SSV, the hard hitting rips and the thick vapor really went along way to help me switch.

good luck buddy

It would be really nice to know how much you are putting in and the type of grade like:

Hash 0.1

Weed 0.4

Skunk 0.2 etc....

I am really glad you managed to kick this disgusting tobacco habit :(


I gave up smoking a year ago and started vapourising about a month after. First got an Iolite which i found ok after not medicating for a few weeks but quickly became redundant after getting an SSV. I chose the Silver Surfer over the DBV because of the changeability of it as sometimes I want fat tasty rips with the standard setup or huge cooled (but bit of taste removed) smoother bong hits. And I do mean huge!

The SSV does take a bit of getting used to get the huge rips im talking about but also will get you very medicated straight out of bag. Factors are how much you put in (half to 3/4 full for me) temp setting on ssv how fast you draw on it and room temp is a big factor too.

Once you found your sweet spot though (which doesnt take long) you will not be dissapointed with getting an SSV and I would not have been able to give up smoking without my SSV and my Supreme.

My advice would be get a standard ssv with ground glass fittings as extra a cheap bong and have the time of your life deciding which setup you preffer.

Good luck :rockon:

I have read alot of people prefer the standard wand set up, do you recommend the ground glass set up as it's hands free? Is it easy to take out and stir and all that, damn, so confused, I don't want to research about Vaporizers ever again. Could of got a qualification by now... :( Do you still get good hits if you put little in. As I say, every 0.1 is £1 in this country.

So ground glass, ssv and a bong, would I need to buy attatchments to make the ssv attatch to a bong, I guess I would have to take the wand off and get some kind of attatchment. I think I would have no problem adjusting my draw speed, had quite a good experience getting the right draw on my WISPR when it was working properly.

The Extreme was my first vape and I loved it. I never used it again after I got my SSV. The only vape I got after that able to get me to shut down the SSV was the Cloud. So my recommendation would be for the SSV. before the Cloud, I am sure the SSV would be the only vape Snoop would have ever endorsed!

What makes you put the SSV before the Cloud? The fact that you don't have to buy the extra accessories to have a water bong vaporizer? Is it possible to use a whip with the Cloud if you wanted to try the whip side of vaping? :) I really like what I saw of the cloud but wondering about the efficiency regarding how much you have to put in for how many hits? It seems like the Cloud is a big hitter. Would be nice to get alot of hits. Really like your comment about Snoop ^ ^ Would be joke to see him endorsing some vapes! :)


Vapor noob, so I don't have much experience..... yet, :) .

After a few weeks of researching I settled on the Extreme Q. The ability to fill a balloon as well as use the whip is what tipped it for me.

As with everything I buy, after a few days on FC and reading about the SSV and DBV I started to have buyers remorse. Then I started to overcome the learning curve of the Extreme Q and its starting to grow on me.

One of the greatest things for me is the stealth-ability of the Extreme Q, as you just pop on the potpourri dish and bam, its just a air freshener. And if I ever stop using it for herb, my wife would love to use this as a real air freshener. I've read a cotton ball and a couple drops of essential oils and you'll never have to buy candles again.

I think you can't go wrong with any one you choose. I haven't read any bad reviews from the list you have.

I really like the fact that the Arizer Extreme Q comes with a potpourri dish aswell. It just feels like the Silver Surfer's main objective is about making money as you don't get a potpourri dish and have to pay extra. I would really like to have a potpourri dish with it as it's nice to be able to burn oils without bloody candles. How have you found cleaning of the Extreme Q?


The last time i searched about it it seemed Salvia Divinorum requires a temperature of 277 °C but might start to provide a psycho-active effect as low as 244 °C - which is still quite high for a vaporizer...

Considering your budget of £200 (about €240) i'd think you need to take a closer look at those (below and after):

VapoCane (€49,50)

VapBong (€38)

The reason is simply because of temperature and the alledged airpath/vapourpath cleanliness. By the way, the VapBong and the LoxLux could make a really amusing combination...

I notice you didn't mention the Herborizer Tube (€249) nor the HerbalAire (€195), i wonder why because you seem prepared to acquire a Silver Surfer €229, after all. I know the HA just won't do Salvia Divinorum but it does cannabis nicely, in any case i'd suggest you verify the temperature range of the other two.

Forget the DBV, it's even less hot than the SSV.


Started thinking if I ever do try Salvia I don't mind combusting as it's not something your going to do every day, hahahaha! :)

I saw that LoxLux and VapBong in a video, it looked really interesting, something nice for the house hahaha. I just dont like the idea of using a torch outside without the LoxLux but yeah, definitely a good idea to make a lamp vaporizer. :)

When you say Forget the DBV, it's even less hot than the SSV, do you mean the SSV doesn't get so hot? I thought it went up to something like 900°F which is around 482°C which means you could easily combust! :( I don't know if the information I have read is correct.

I checked the Herborizer Tube and Herborizer Tube XL but think i would prefer the XL as it has variable temperature between 90 to 230° C. and the standard Herborizer Tube only goes to 190°C. As I will be vaping hash as often as skunk or weed because it's cheaper, it's a must for variable temperature control as when I was using my Iolite WISPR which vaporizers at 190°C it wasn't vaping hash properly.

The Herborizer Tube XL will cost about £270 so it kind of works out £10 cheaper than the cloud, less pieces then I would need with an SSV combined with a bong. Kind of works out alright but I must ask, if you use water filtration when vaping, does it lessen the effect/vape you receive or is there no loss? :)

.....the ssv does have a lot going for many ways it is the perfect 1st vape...there are many ways to use/experiment for the noob and pieces to add for a veteran...the lsv has many benefits too...

Thank you Moruk! ^ ^ Nice to see a Turkish Vapourist out there! The LSV does look interesting aswell, so much choice out there. God knows, I'll probably end up getting a Surfer.

Yep! This ^^^^^^^^^^^ big time. The EQ can high higher in temp, has forced air, etc. but the solo is more efficient and i don't like bags nor tubes. The EQ gives way better airflow though. The Solo is presently my daily driver and decided to sell my EQ until the Cloud is released, then the Solo will just be my portable or quick ripper since it heats up in a minute vs the 5-10 for the cloud when in a real hurry.

Maybe wait for the Cloud?

The main thing regarding the Arizer Solo for me is the efficiency, how good it is at vaping hash and the heat it produces on your throat as when I was using the WISPR it was very hot and I found cigarettes to be even smoother on the throat, lol. The only problem about vaping hash in the solo from what I have read is that you have to use ABV or Herb to make a sandwhich which makes me feel like the SSV is a good option. The Solo could be the one and just save up for the Cloud another day. :) If I was going to get the solo, the shop I would order it from has the m107 SS model. Is that the best version to get now? :)


Vapor concierge
budmun...I think you misunderstood me. 'before the cloud, the ssv' simply means the ssv was around and the top dog for me before the cloud came out.

And the efficiency testing I have done suggested the cloud might be on par with log vapes for efficiency, if used correctly.


Makes me want a cloud haha :) I understood what you meant before the cloud :)

Could you compare the amounts you are putting into the SSV and Cloud and the amount of hits you are receiving, I guess it does depend on draw speed too which is hard to judge.


if you can wait then i would get the cloud too man! :)

if I were you though I dont think i'd buy the ssv and the cloud. once you have the cloud you will have you at home setup taken care of I think. :D

so at that point i think you should consider a portable vape instead. I think every vapist should have at least 2 vapes, a portable and a home unit! :)


So if one preordered from the cloud how long are people usually waiting? It could be better to have a solo and wait for the cloud but still, the solo is £150 so it could be better to wait and save the £150 and spend it on the cloud instead


Vapor concierge

for larger loads, they work similarly. But the Cloud does a great job of using small loads when you want, whereas the ssv has a sort of minimum amount it wants to have before producing good clouds.


So if one preordered from the cloud how long are people usually waiting? It could be better to have a solo and wait for the cloud but still, the solo is £150 so it could be better to wait and save the £150 and spend it on the cloud instead

Is the Cloud even released yet? I keep reading pre-orders only.

I just started looking at the Solo, if I had the $$ right now I would love to have a desktop unit (more volume) along with a Solo for portable reasons. I would love to get vaked on a long car drive and not have to worry about the smell (ala combustion).


You do the pre-order on the cloud and when your turn is up you will receive an e-mail to pay and it will be shipped to you.

They started shipping their first pre-orders about a month ago, not sure exactly.


Out to lunch
Is the Cloud even released yet? I keep reading pre-orders only.
The site may say preorder, but they've been shipping since Feb. The ship rate will be getting quicker too (larger quantities going out each week), so if you want one it's best to reserve it now. At this point you still don't have to pay up until you get an email saying that your number has come up.

Budmun said:
So if one preordered from the cloud how long are people usually waiting? It could be better to have a solo and wait for the cloud but still, the solo is £150 so it could be better to wait and save the £150 and spend it on the cloud instead​

I can't say on the wait time, just that they had to start slow for a couple of reasons, and that larger quantities will be going out pretty soon. The Solo isn't similar to the Cloud, since it has restricted air flow in comparison, and is a portable design. Personally I wouldn't be thinking either or, but AND, assuming you have use for a portable. If money is tight you can always wait on one or the other, and since you'd be better off with the 220V version of the Cloud, instead of having to use a voltage converter, you may want to wait until they start producing the Euro version.​


A portable is all good for outside but I have no need to smoke outside when I'm at work or with family, I would like an Arizer Solo for sure but I just feel that spending £150 for an Arizer then another £280 on the cloud is a bit silly as thats £430 not including shipping... Don't want to spend all that money and not be satisfied with vaporizing and end up combusting again. :(

I dont know how long, but for an example if I had to wait 6 months for a pre-order that would really suck and I just don't like the fact that the warranty on the Cloud is only 1 year, if it breaks after a year and I had to spend another $450 + shipping I'd be screwed ^ ^

Of course the taste of the cloud must be amazing and I don't think you could compare it to the Arizer solo, maybe their efficiency could be similar. I feel efficiency is a main strong point when it comes to a vaporizer as gear used to finish quite fast in the Iolite WISPR and I just ended up combusting cause I got more high that way. :(

If I got the cloud which glass would you guys recommend, ShowerDome or HydraTree ^ ^ Guess I'll have to do more reading at work! :) Would be nice if they sorted us out a pouch so the cloud doesn't get damaged. :)

But I guess you guys are right, it would be great to have a portable and a desktop vape as if your outside having a picnic what could be better then having your portable vape with you :)

Wish I had a vape right now, grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!


I feel efficiency is a main strong point when it comes to a vaporizer as gear used to finish quite fast in the Iolite WISPR and I just ended up combusting cause I got more high that way. :(

If efficiency is #1, just get the SSV now and start vaping, I see no point on waiting 6+ months or more on the cloud when you could be saving your lungs right now, :).

I've found that I get a more of a clean cerebral high using vaporizers, so if your chasing the combustion dragon you might never appreciate being "vaked". I guess you could vape your bud to get the most out of it, then burn the leftover ABV to get the couchlock feeling.


its a tough call. the cloud is what you want. but we gotta wait. and what will work well with it for the future...

You could buy the ssv right now. It`s a fantastic vape and I bet you will love it! you can also put that hose it has though a bong too so you can still get less dry hits. If you get this now though I bet you might not use it much once you buy a cloud too.

I think the solo will give you the bigger hits(compared to other portable vapes), but it`s made to be a portable, and it`s not very stealthy. that`s really the only reason I don`t own one yet lol. I need stealth when I`m vaping in public.

good luck on your decision!

*edited for clarity


Well-Known Member
Weedemon , are you implying that the Solo is giving better hits than the SSV ? Cause in my experience it's not the case at all. Drawing with a SSV gives way more cloudy and nice hits than with he Solo, imho.
And I would dare say that the ThermoVape gives bigger hits than the Solo. But has way less batt.

That said, I concure , th SSV is a fantastic vape, it looks simple but they somehow nailed it so badly nice that more than 7 years after its release it is still one of the king of the whip vapes. I have the LSV but it's only a matter of time before the SSV ends up on my table.
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