One of the main reasons is when myself, my family or property is under threat I have my god and country given right to defend myself with deadly force. The day someone tries to rob my house or terrorize my family will be the day they will be filled with hollow point fragments on my property (and husky bites lol) I also carry my handgun in public to defend myself or anyone that needs it. My friends are police officers and firemen who all belive the same thing. The response time of 911 to get the police (who have guns) is 8 min. The response time of one average honest citizen to react in a life or death situation is around 5 seconds. Because the legal and mental health systems are not working propertly it should be more difficult for someone to purchase firearms, and after be required to pass a mental state exam. The details will be decided soon I'm sure.. The sad thing is that the horric acts that happened with assualt rifles could just have happened with hand guns. Never the less only Seal teams should carry around 30 round extended clips for ar-15's even thought my good friend owns the same setup, another a bugarian ak-47. Good thing they are also service men.
survivors sue. Also keep my guns are loaded, no worrying about loading. Pillow gun, closet gun, drawer gun, bed shotgun.. all loaded.
I wouldn't leave them half dead on my property. I would call 911 and try to keep this person alive for as long as possible.
The ONLY reason that I would use lethal force is if my life or the life of my loved ones were in danger and I had no other means to stop the threat. Once the threat is over, I would go into life saving mode, but hey, that's just me.
Wow. Hey, I'm a gun owner as well, but what you describe above definitely falls into the area of paranoia, eh?
I'm curious. Do you live alone? Do you have kids in the house?
I live with my beautiful fiancéand our puppy dogs
Paranoia is a panic room, I've got nothing to be scared of. I don't live dangerously and live in a great part of the city. I've got a few guns, and no automatics or assault rifles. When I have kids, of course those guns will be locked. I even have the bio quick hand scanner lock for my .380 auto. We love going to the lake and shooting target and clays, hunting, going to the range. Guns are second nature to most here. My best friend in business law has over 40 collector rifles, he just like collecting. Nothing paranoid there.
What I am against is the legal purchasing of extending round clips, assault rifles, fully automatic weapons and body armor. Also, I think that 40% of gun purchases without permits (gun show purchases) is insane when one thinks about felons, those who are mentally ill, and terrorists can simply go into a gun show and purchase guns, ammo, and body armor, and that those that are 2nd amendment protectors actually feel that requiring permits for ALL guns sold threatens that amendment.
I'm with you there. I went to the gun show yesterday the people I encountered and interacted with were insane. People are allowed to walk around with ammo and assault rifles back to their car from the BJCC center. In the city, next to a hospital and such. Sure there were cops everywhere but the civilians were packing the most heat. I can say I didn't trust anyone there. Prices were so ridiculous for spare parts for assault rifles. My friend payed 60 dollars for a basic clip he would have bought for 15 dollars at any Walmart before.