Well-Known Member
I noticed that when I put my parchment and rosin inside the freezer to chill that this method will add moisture to your rosin. This method made my rosin snap, crackle, and pop.I cant agree more with whoever said to be careful not to go too hard when collecting rosin. I've had little shards stuck to my face and arms and fridge and they are impossible to save if they warm up enough. All you need is one good piece on your dab tool and it'll pick up the rest. I usually squeeze and freeze my parchment for like 5 minutes and the little drip of rosin is what I grab first. It has usually frozen into a nice shard. Once I have that I go around and start tapping at the ring and it is quite impressive how easily it comes off. Believe me y'all. I've tried scraping with xacto knives and dab tools and it never works. It usually leave behind enough rosin to make me feel like I'm wasting some.
I tried what @Nattybushdoctor does by laying the parchment and rosin on top of a lunchbox cooling pack. This works great and does not add moisture to your rosin. Then I found a 6x6 inch granite slab that I leave in the freezer. Same method as the lunchbox cooling block only on top of a perfectly flat chilled rock instead.