I believe hair straighteners will give better quality but lower yield, because you can press at lower temps and get results. A rig that requires the extract to run like a liquid will always yield lower quality but heavier product. In my experience once extract has been heated to that point a lot of the particular flavour of the strain is gone and you're left with the generic hash-tasting product.
At least I don’t send people to reddit. Done with you. Learn some manners.As usual on this site the usual suspects turn up to trash those who give honest, considered justified criticism. Always ready to defend and talk up manufacturers.
so...I’m a “usual suspect”? Based on what? My opinion, born from experience, is dishonest? I’ve never criticized *anything*?
No actual demonstrations of success as requested though. Why not?
I’ve already posted what I can, in this thread...you don’t want to pay attention, that’s on YOU.
@ClearBlueLou ,@FlyingLow you talk up the device and criticise me for simply stating my considerable experience with it. Post your videos since your so keen to show the manufacturer support. Let’s say two successful presses. I expect you will not.
What videos have YOU posted to support your “considerable” experience? Any at all?
I don’t criticize your opinion, I criticize your behaviour.
As I said, I have posted what I can - all you’ve posted are slams - not just of a product you’re not happy with, but you slam board members because they think your posts don’t amount to much...or simply don’t agree.
Don’t buy this device it is no good. Go check r/rosin and or other sites. It is recommended by nobody.
I have created a rig with a handle for the slug33 and there is also t-couple pressed against the front inner ring when heating. It take some trial and error since the temp measured is not inside,but it is stable enough for repeatable resultsHi everyone,
I have been using my Slug.33 for a short time now with some fairly disappointing results. I am trying to dial in with as little trial and error (and flower loss) as possible. Is anyone able to provide me with measurable and repeatable data on their successes?
I'd like to know what moisture content your flowers are at when you use them? I store mine in an hermetically sealed container at 62% humidity via an Integra Boost humidipak, is this right or should I be looking at more or less?
EDIT: Also what sort of flower do you use? Is it fresh off the plant? Has it been cured, if so for how long? I have access to a grower and can get flower at any stage of the cycle so I want to know what has worked best in others experience.
What temperature do you heat the forge to when getting a good press? Butane torch flames may differ in temperature and energy output and because of that I am trying to work out what temperature the forge needs to get to for a measurable and repeatable process.
I have reached out to Natty via email, but I'd be interested in what data I can get from those that have had success with the Slug.
That sounds very useful. What temp are you looking for? 200F? Is there any chance you can post a pic of the rig? I have a bunch of thermocouples lying around the house that I could use and a mate who has a fairly substantial metal working home workshop. I would like to replicate it if possible.I have created a rig with a handle for the slug33 and there is also t-couple pressed against the front inner ring when heating. It take some trial and error since the temp measured is not inside,but it is stable enough for repeatable results. I am not timing any more but rather let the temp read guide me. I also use a SS foil plate instead of paper,so i am getting silicone free rosin.
I have created a rig with a handle for the slug33 and there is also t-couple pressed against the front inner ring when heating. It take some trial and error since the temp measured is not inside,but it is stable enough for repeatable results. I am not timing any more but rather let the temp read guide me. I also use a SS foil plate instead of paper,so i am getting silicone free rosin.