make sure you are compressing all the way, until you bottom out. When you see the forge back off a little towards the end, continue slowly, and finish tight. This is when the magic happens a lot of the times.
Brazilian woman??? There are slugs videos I don’t know about??? Who is it???I expected a learning period. In general rosin seem a bit of an art rather than science right now.
I heated for 1.45. I saw the rosin bubbling . Give it another 15 when I saw the yield wasn’t good. My pick feels dry but still smells good, finger slightly oily having broken it up. I watched the vids from natty bout thirty times even before ordering, have watched about the same since getting it. Also watched the Brazilian woman who got decent results.
What are you heating for 1:45, the slug33 or the deuce? I am just curious because we are quite a bit different...respect my friend. Which could be perfectly fine, I don't know?
I have been getting great results when I heat my 1 gram slug33 1:15 the flame size is hard to explain depending on your torch. I would say that most kitchen/Blazer torches the flame adjust should be at least half intensity. When I heat, I put the blue tip of the flame on the back of the slug. After heating for 1:15, slowly crank down and squeeze out the gold at the end. For the deuce I heat the same way, the same flame intensity as the small slug, only heating for exactly 2:00 everytime for the deuce. I have huge mindblowing yields with the deuce. I truly is amazing.
Since I had a new toy I played with it until I could get predictable results everytime. This helps because when something is off I am quick at figuring my problem out and things are is easy to identify and fix.
Still a lot to learn, however, I will not need a drop more of rosin for at least 2 weeks. Yeah buddy!
Mate! I’m hoping to be with you soon. I got the flame looking like nattys. I got the deuce. Next press I’ll go with your timings. I’m using mids right now while I practice, so my yields won’t be great.
Squeeze wise I might have Been too hard and premature (fnar,fnar). I’m gonna try enjoy the process of learning. I don’t usually notice design but I really like this thing.
Brazilian woman??? There are slugs videos I don’t know about??? Who is it???
Witchy hour on youtubeI searched and the only non natty vid was on YouTube of a woman I think was Brazilian using it with good results. It was confirmation for me. Don’t know if we can post links.
Ta rah
Just popped into this thread the other day after reading @steama mention it. I had always assumed any decent sort of rosin press would be $500 and up.
But it looks like I could get going for right around $125 since I already own a torch. There is a WEN tilting vise on Home Depot and Amazon for $54 that looks like it would be perfect.
Just get the Slug33 and this tilting vise:
Love the idea of pressing my own rosin. And the 1 g size would be perfect for myself and maybe one other.
Watched quite a few videos and I love the simplicity of it. Looks like consistent results won't be that difficult once you get things dialed in. Great product, @Nattybushdoctor , have a feeling one is in my future.
Since I’m here, I’ve seen several who say they smoke/vape the puck, I’m curious: do you smoke it out of a sense of completeness, or is it worth having in the rotation? I’m a waste-not kinda guy, but if it comes out bunk, that’s worth knowing
That sweet bag of your turns out hard to it!Everything you need, the slug33, the deuce, 4.25" tilting vise, torch, butane, parchment. Everything fits very nicely into one of these bags. A bit less than about 10 square feet of space for a 20 ton rig. How nice is that?
Bostitch BTST516155 16" Open Mouth Tool Bag
I’m impressed that the paper works. Well done!I just run a paper towel through while the whole thing is so hot you can barely hold it. Will come right off.
I haven’t smoked a puck yet. Was waiting on my dynavap, and since I got it have been enjoying it with fresh flower. I’ll grind one up and give it a shot. Have several from early on that are for sure full of good stuff still.
Yeah, I remember...sprayed with co’cola and pressed tight. That was some stank shit and not in a good way!Ive been saving the pucks to vape, there’s a bit of actives left over. After grinding them up it resembles Mexican Swhag (brick weed) in texture and potency, IMO. Good for a couple (2) okayish hits in the FlowerPot, lacks most of the original flavor. I think it’s up to the individual to decide to save it or not, unlike most I throw my AVB out into the compost. I’d think pucks would make better edibles than AVB as well, however I’ve yet to try it.